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Posted on 27 Nov 2012 @ 10:16am by Lieutenant JG Teresa Wendsar

535 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Current


Once they have greeted the twins, Aeryn went towards the little girl, who felt confused and a little scared. "Hello Val, remember me, I am Ayren," she said gently, bending down to her height.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw the ops officer starting to call Teresa.

"No wait, I will take Val to her," she said. She had Da'nals daughter still holding her hand, so she was going to go with. She has grown considerably and was going to keep an eye on Aeryn apparently. Not that Aeryn minded....

Val looked up at Ayren. "I do remember you. You going to take me to mommy? Can we go now?" Val couldn't wait to see her mom. She missed her a lot. She did not want to leave her mommy again. She didn't like being on the space station with most of the other kids.

"Yes," Ayren said warmly and picked her up, placing her on her hip and made her way to Teresa. It was only a short walk to the turbolift and then not far to sickbay's door.

Ariel had now let go of Aeryn's hand, feeling a little embarrassed about her display of affection. She was a growing Klingon after all. She marched with, hands now behind her back, walking as tall as she possibly could.

"Look we are here," Ayren said as they reached sickbay. "Do you want to go in first, or do you want me to go in with you?" She could sense a little apprehension together with the excitement.

Val looked at Ayren, and smiled a little. "Would ya? I'm a little scared. I know they said mommy was ok, but still... I seen a lot of people who weren't. Plus, I want mommy to meet you."

"As you wish," Ayren said warmly, taking her hand as they stepped through the door. She quickly located Teresa and ushered Val in that direction. Teresa was standing at a biobed, her back towards the pair. "Look there she is..." she said. When they were close enough, she stopped. "Doctor Wendsar, I have someone here to see you," she said to Teresa, caught up with teh excitement the little girl experienced and gave her hand a squeeze.

Teresa turned at Aeryn's voice to see her daughter standing next to her. She kneeled down and opened her arms wide.

Val squealed with delight, "Mommy!" She cried as she ran to her mother. "You are okay?"

Teresa picked Val up and gave her a hug. Looking over Val's shoulder. "Thank you Ayren for keeping an eye on Val and keeping her safe. I certainly appreciate it." Looking down at Val, "What do you say to Ayren?"

Val turned her head. "Tank you, Aer."

OOC: I would assume that a six year old would have trouble pronouncing your name, so she might have shortened it. If you don't like it or have another choice go with it.
OOC: NP.. cute

"It was my pleasure," Ayren said, bending down stroking her hair and then stood up straight again. "I will leave you two to it... " she added with a smile, her black eyes sparkling with delight in seeing the reunion.



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