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Finding some place to start from

Posted on 08 Nov 2012 @ 5:56pm by Captain Rebecca Post

935 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: Counselor's office
Timeline: Current

Rebecca was not particularly fond of counselors, she had had more than her fair share of them in her time and whilst she did not hate them she preferred to only see them when she really needed to, even if that usually meant she was relapsing in some way or suffering from a crippling bout of depression, which she regularly blocked out. Never the less it was a requirement of service and she decided to get it out of the way as quickly as possible. So as soon as she got back from the planet Rebecca looked through the computer and found a time when the senior ships counselor, was available and began to make her way down to the correct deck. Walking along the deck she made full use of her small size and lithe form to get through the busy crowds until she reached the appropriate room and activated the chime.

~Number two...~ Ayren thought and it would have been grumbling ifit had been vocalized. She should look for someone to handle appointments so she would have an idea when who was coming.. not that had ever bothered her before, but now it did. She turned around and adjusted the bat'leth that was hanging behind her slightly. She had just had it put up and thought it was an appropriate display of her inner conflict.

She turned and ordered the door open. "Hello," she said, a little more her warm self. She loved people and dispite her issues, she knew how to be a professional. "How can I help?"

"Captain Rebecca Post, MCO," Rebecca introduced herself. "I am required to touch base with the senior counselor aboard ship."

"Well that is fresh," Ayren remarked. "I am Ayren Kelan, please have a seat," she said indicating the two lounge chairs a at the other end of the spacious room. "Would you like a refreshment from the replicator?" she asked as she walked to it. She got a sense of the marine's presence and made a mental note.

"I'm alright, thank you," Rebecca replied as she settled into a seat.

Aeryn was used to apprehension, aversion, even distaste form the people entering her rooms.. But today, she was not so good at hiding it. "Look, I just got this assignment, and believe me, I don't really want it... " she said knowing she was making a big mess of this. Maybe she would get fired... But her good sense got the better of her. "Please report me.." she laughed. "Maybe I will get fired...?" she grinned.

"Well, if you want to talk about it," Rebecca replied, a slight smile curving her lips.

"No... but thank you..." Ayren said, waving her hand. "You just caught me in a bad moment..." she said, smiling now and reaching for her padd so call up rebecca's file. It took only a few moments until Ayren looked up. "It seems you have had your share of counselors?" Ayren commented.

"Yea, you could say that," Rebecca commented, off-handily, with a sigh. "When you go through something like I did, it comes with the territory."

"Indeed.. " Ayren answered. "How much has it actually helped you?"

"Honestly, not particularly much," Rebecca replied. "I've had a lot more help from my friends and my family, in particular my big brother, who is also a Marine."

"I thought so," Ayren said. "Friends and family could play a crucial role in helping us, and I am pleased that you have that kind of support," she said. "Sometimes we don't need fixing, simply guidance and support to develop our own coping mechanisms. It is when those mechanisms fail and it influences negatively how you handle relationships with others, your work and how you conduct your private time, that is when we should intervene..." Ayren said warmly.

Rebecca nodded.

"I don't deny that it does have some long lasting effects," Rebecca commented. "I was down on the planet a few hours ago, went down to clear my head and ended up sitting on a river bank thinking of Kalimor."

"How does that effect you?" Ayren asked, knowing it sounded like a typical question in a therapy session, but it was not meant that way. She hoped Rebecca understood it that way.

"I don't like it, I can keep it locked away most of the time, its when i start thinking about the damn thing that it starts to get to me," Rebecca sighed. "Kalimor is something that I'm trying to forget, even though I know it has affected me and shaped my entire personality and life in so many ways."

"So, I am right to say that you can't control thinking about it, it comes even when you don't specifically want to think about it?"

"No, when I am busy, doing my job I don't think about it," Rebecca replied. "It is only when I am alone, in a place that reminds me of the time that has come before."

"That is a good sign, believe it or not," Ayren said. "If the memories are invasive, or intrusive," she explained, "it is more difficult to treat and need medication. But, if you want, we can work together to reduce the level it effects you.." Ayren offered.

"It is worth a try," Rebecca nodded.

"Okay," Ayren smiled. "Now, I will let you escape from this office and next time we can meet anywhere you like, holodeck, mess hall, harponics bay, we don't have to meet here.." she said.

"I appreciate that, thank you," Rebecca nodded.


Captain Rebecca Post
Marine Detachment Commanding Officer
U.S.S. Achilles

Ayren Kelan


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