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A briefing for our hosts

Posted on 09 Nov 2012 @ 9:08pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Captain Rebecca Post

2,037 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: Starbase 80 - Senior Officers' Conference Room - Deck 14
Timeline: MD 3 - 1830


A select group of officers stood in the conference room preparing to start a meeting. Commodore Da'nal, Commander Young, Commander Brannagh, Lieutenant Trevan, and Lieutenant Hart represented the command and intelligence aspects of both the Achilles and Starbase 80. Having just come from a serious conflict nearby, Art asked the Commodore to give a small briefing on situation and to reflect on any threats the situation could pose to the starbase. Art gestured to the empty seats and waited for the Commodore to be seated before Art took a seat himself.

Da`nal took his seat. He was still unaccustomed to the attention his new rank was affording him but given time he would get used to it. Commander Young had asked to be brought up to speed on the current state of affairs with the Kzinti. Given their location and that SB 80 would have been the next in line had the Kzinti taken Yadalla and the neighboring systems; he agreed to the briefing for him and his officers.

Ciara sat next to Da'nal, noticing the attention he got and knowing him a little by now, that rank didn't go to his head. Ironically, he was defending his position just recently.

"I don't know what you already know but this is what we've been dealing with over the last two years." Tapping his PADD the wall monitor activated displaying the remains of the Stardock class - Star Base 24, its docking section cut in half and the lower sections cut away. Around the remains of the station was the debris of smaller craft that had been obliterated by the Kzinti ships there during the opening assault.
"The destruction of the station was done by a weapon ship...a super weapon."

The following images show the territory that had been lost during the 'Blitzkrieg' attack. ( "As you can see the Kzinti took full advantage of the Federation's redirecting of its resources to aid the Romulans. The Kaleb sector, Draken 4 was devastated, Devious Colony wiped out, Star base 118, Mercer Colony...all lost. Not to forget the civilian craft caught in the battle zone. Initially only Humans were targeted. There were reports of civilian craft being boarded, the humans crew or passengers were killed and then the ship was allowed to leave. However this sole targeting of humans didn't last long as the sitting Patriarch was replaced by leadership with a wider view."

Evie sat listening to the grim review of the Kzinti attack. She'd seen a few reports, but nothing substantial. Behind her frozen mask, she was enraged at the devastation.

Josh knew that the events of his last mission were a clear intersection of this overreaching Kzinti action, so it came as no surprise that the felinoid race had taken advantage of every opportunity presented to them. Still, it was difficult to grasp the amount of carnage inflicted by a war-like race with the barest of a foothold in Federation space.

Commander Young was overcome with interest. The briefing was getting into the gritty details just as he had hoped. Art imagined this information would be particularly useful to Evie and Josh but knew it would likely strike home with Josh.

"The USS Achilles, the Imperator, and the Apocalypse were all at Mercer Colony and caught behind the lines, when a Kzinti task force approached the planet. Even with the advanced level and combined might of the three starships, we managed to only eliminate one enemy vessel before a general recall came in and ordered us to fall back."

The image then shifted to the remains of the USS Archer - it's bridge gone and upper decks exposed to space from an internal detonation. Internal views of the Archer showed the bloody slaughter of the entire crew. "The Archer was originally ordered to take a Caitian representative to act as a neutral party to try and open diplomatic channels despite the Kzinti opening statement that there would be no negotiation. The ship was crippled its crew eliminated then towed to the edge of Federation space.

"Due to other events, when the ship was recovered, a Kzinti Admiral as well as the Heir to the Kzinti ruling clan was captured."

Evie's jaw very nearly hit the table. "Wait, sir, we've got the Kzinti Heir? Do the Kzinti know?" she asked, forgetting protocol slightly as she butted in.

This was the first she'd heard of the matter and hated being kept in the dark. Not that it had anything to do with her, but Evie always wanted to know everything. Such an important asset could completely alter the balance of power with the Kzinti depending on how much they wanted their Heir back.

Art didn't even notice the breach in protocol by his Intelligence Officer. The images of the Archer and her crew disturbed Art greatly. Starfleet was definitely like a brotherhood to Art. To see Starfleet's reputation tarnished, or in this case, officers slaughtered a sort of rage rose within him. "Bastards!" Art muttered under his breath.

Da`nal raised his hand to quiet the multiple statements and questions. "I'm not going to go into all of the details but basically there was a coup and attempted assassination of the Heir. The Admiral had found the Heir alive and requested aid from the Federation forces that found the Archer. And the Heir has now been released...I will explain later.

"The murder of the Archer's crew wasn't close to the worst of their actions. Under their new leadership the Kzinti began experimenting on humanoid females."

At this news Evie's thoughts darkened somewhat beyond what a Starfleet Officer should be thinking; specifically how nice a Kzinti skin rug would look in her quarters, or the Conference room, or just about anywhere as long as the owner wasn't inside it. However, she kept her mouth shut, not trusting herself to say something she might regret later.

Ciara looked down at her hands as Da'nal related what happened. She was on the Starbase when it was attacked, she lost her husband and children, and she met some of the people that were captured... this was so close to home... too close. She clenched her jaws as if to stop her feelings from surfacing. When she looked up, her eyes were a little brighter blue than usual.

Josh had been aware of the damage done in the Kzinti attacks, his role as a former XO gave him access to that information, but he'd not read any report of experimentation. It changed the Kzinti, in his mind, from an aggressive race to a group of monsters. What they had accomplished on the USS Serenity was nothing in comparison to immoral experimenting on other species, especially since it was completely against their will.

Art looked at the other officers seated around the table taking note of their expressions. Commander Brannagh seemed to be particularly bothered by all of this. Art figured she had a more personal stake than the others but had no idea just how personal a stake it was.

Da`nal could sense the tension in the room as the assembled officers reacted to the information given so far. "Any questions, before I continue?"

"Commodore," Josh spoke first and perhaps a bit too loud in the silence that had fallen. Addressing the loudness of his voice, he quieted both his tone and internalized his feelings of disgust for the Kzinti and nervousness about the Commodore's presence. Using his 'inside voice' as his Aunt Amanda used to call it, he continued with his question. "Since we've not been informed of all of the details of the Kzinti war, what do we know of their current fleet movements, especially as they relate to Federations space and Obsidian Fleet's patrol territory?"

Da`nal looked to the man. "For at least the time being the conflict is over. And it wasn't the might of the Federation that turned the tide. In every engagement our ships were faced by an enemy with stronger weapons, stronger shields, and a race of warriors fueled by 200 years of hatred."

Art was glad his officers weren't being coy about asking questions. It saved him from having to break the ice every time he felt information could be further explained. "What is the cause of the Kzinti's hatred toward the Federation and Humans in particular, sir?" Art asked, subduing his own anger. Art had been vaguely aware of the situation while it was going on but actually seeing the death and destruction inflicted on Starfleet had struck a nerve.

Da`nal grinned at the Commander's question as turned towards him. "Earth beat them. During that 200 years they watched and learned. They scavenged technology from Federation battles over that time and incorporated it into their own."

Looking back over the assembled officers Da`nal continues. "In many ways they are similar to Klingons in their thinking. However they under estimated human tenacity and failed to consider human woman as a threat as their own females are sub-sentient. Thus the experimentation to 'understand' humanoid sentient."

Deactivating the monitor Da`nal took a breath as he began to layout the rest of the events. "Over the course of the conflict the front was pushed out into neighboring sectors and there was a covert recon mission going on behinds the lines. The main mission, just declassified, inserted Marines on planets to act as an insurgent force to keep the Kzinti from gaining total control over these planets. In addition we confirmed that there was sabotage on SB 24, perpetrated by Caitian sympathizers. And that there was also evidence of Tal Shiar support, how extensive is still being investigated.

"To summarize, as I mentioned earlier; for the time being the war is over. During the Battle for Yadalla, involving approximately 500+ vessels, the word of the Heir's survival came to light the Kzinti forces."

He paused slightly to let them absorb the information. "The effect of that is still visible now. The Kzinti forces are fractured into two groups. Those that support the rightful ruling clan and those that support those that seized power. A state of civil war now exists. And as you all know the Federation does not involve itself in the internal affairs of other powers.

"Basically now the front has collapsed, and while there are scattered pocket of Kzinti out there; the main fighting is centered in their home system and outer colonies. Current plans are to rebuild and watch. We have a captured vessel, computer cores and other samples of their technology so given time we will be able to negate their advantage.

"Any future policy will depend on which faction gained control. However regardless of the victor both sides will be devastated as will their home world. Should the Heir win there is a slim possibility that Federation aid could be accepted."

Art found it all very interesting and partly disconcerting. The only thing that set him at ease was hearing that they had entered a state of civil war. While that was unfortunate it would keep the Kzinti attention internal for the time being. "Perhaps this question is best suited to the, Captain. How would you describe their tactical and combat prowess?" Art asked, directing his attention to Rebecca.

Da`nal interjected on the Captain's behalf. "Captain Post joined us after our return from the conflict. I'm sure she can make one of her Marines that saw combat available...or you could contact the IKS VaQbach; it's XO commanded the raid that captured the Kzinti ship we brought back with us."

Looking to Commander Young, "I wouldn't suggest anything other than an elevated vigilance at this point. With the starships out helping with recovery and relief, not to mention the reconstruction of SB 24 there will be plenty of warning should things turn. My officers and I will be available if there are any other questions."

"Thank you sir." Commander Young looked to his officers. "Dismissed."


Starbase 80:
Commander Arthur Young - CO
Lieutenant Evelyn Trevan - CIO
Lieutenant JG Joshua Hart - CStratOps

USS Achillies:
Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal - CO
Commander Ciara Brannagh - XO
Captain Rebecca Post - MCO


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