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Vacation with the kiddo and Jason

Posted on 06 Nov 2012 @ 2:07am by Lieutenant JG Teresa Wendsar & Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,075 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: SB 80 - Guest Quarters
Timeline: MD - 3

Teresa and Victoria entered their quarters. Victoria was on cloud nine at the moment. Her and her mother were going camping, and Jason had agreed to go with them.

"Victoria, settle down. I need you to go to your room and get your sleeping bag. I'll be in there in a minute to assist you in packing the things you'll need for a camping trip."

Teresa walked to the replicator. "Computer, I need 4 hamburgers uncooked, 4 hamburger buns, 4 slices of cheese, all wrapped individually. One dozen eggs still in the shell, one pound of bacon, a loaf of bread, 5 pounds of ground coffee, a thermos of milk, a bag of marshmallows, graham crackers, Four Hershey's chocolate candy bars, a package of uncooked hot dogs, and a package of hot dog buns. Corn, a pound of hamburger meat, mashed potatoes, biscuits, and aluminum foil."

Jason was taking a risk by heading to the surface. He was in some hot water but Velez had told him to relax and he was going to do his best to deal with it. That in mind he headed to Teresa's quarters on the station to help her get everything ready. His pack had everything he needed and he activated the chime while he stood in the corridor.

Teresa walked to the door with a smile on her face. She knew that part of Vicki's excitement had worn off on her. She was excited to see Jason again. The door opened at her approach. "Come on in, Jason. I'm just packing the food to take with us to the surface. We will cook it when we get down there. Is there anything special you would like. I'm certain you would like anything but k-rations."

Vicki came running out of her room when she heard the chime. "Jase!!!"

Teresa turned to her daughter. "Vicki, what have I told you about running in our quarters? Settle down, or you will find yourself in timeout." Teresa was trying to be lenient, but she had to make certain her daughter adhered to the rules, even though Vicki was excited to be home.

Vicki calmed down slightly, but there was a mischievous glint in her eye. "Yes, mommy."

Teresa turned back to Jason. "Sorry about that, Jason, but I must make certain that she abides by the rules, even if she hasn't been home for awhile."

Jason reached down and mussed Vicki's hair a bit. "No big will be kids. She's just anxious I'm sure.

As Teresa returned to the preparations he knelt down, he motioned Vicki over whispering in her ear "Don't worry we'll get her later." Putting his finger over his lips he then opened the cooler he had brought...full of water balloons.

Teresa looked at the two of them conspiring, and shook her head. "By the way, Jase, you never did answer my question about your favorite camping meal. Anything special you want? I won't ask Vicki, I know what she wants." Teresa reached down and opened the cupboards that held the picnic basket and cooler for the meat and milk.

"Well I'll eat most anything." He laughed a bit..."You should have seen some of the things we had to eat in survival training. But when it comes to a camping trip, as long as we can make some smores...I'm good to go."

"Darn, I knew I forgot something." Standing back up. She removed the items she had already ordered, then, "Computer, one pound of mint tea bags, one quart of liquid creamer, one box of Splenda, and a box of hot chocolate with marshmallows." "Do you take cream and sugar with your coffee?

"Both please." Vicki had shot him a big grin as the smore supplies materialized in the replicator and he looked down at her with a wink.

Teresa, turning to Vicki, asked; "Vicki, do you have your sleeping bag, ready?"

Vicki shook her head. "No, mommy. I can't reach it."

Teresa let out a sigh. "Ok, Vicki, let's go get it. Maybe Jase will assist you with packing, so I can get the rest of our camping gear together, along with my pack. Jase, how long will we be gone. And just so you know, we rough it. No camp beds."

Jason took her announcement in stride. Even though he had been on rock and cots for nearly the last two years, but if she wanted to rough it he didn't have a problem. Besides, shore leave had just started so there was going to be plenty of time for King size beds and lounging in a good hot tub. Taking the munchkin by the hand. "Come on let's go get your stuff together. When we get to the planet, I'll show you a neat trick."

Once in her room, Teresa headed to the replicator. "Computer, three cans of shaving cream, and three water guns." Thinking to herself, ~I intend to make this fun for Vicki, and I intend to show Jason that I know how to let my hair down,~ chuckled to herself, as she packed the items in her bag. She threw in her climbing and hiking gear, along with clothes and a bathing suit. She grabbed her sleeping bag from the closet, and tossed the bag towards her pile.

With that Teresa stepped back and placed her hands on her hips. "Now, have I forgot anything?" Snapping her fingers, she went back to the closet and grabbed the tent and other camping equipment.

Once she finished packing, Teresa grabbed all the gear and headed to the living area. "You two slow pokes ready yet?" She asked with a grin.

Jason came out of the back, with Vicki in tow and placing her bag and sleeping bag on the pile. Looking at the small mountain of cases, bags, coolers, and other supplies, he grinned and shook his head. "Good thing I reserved a shuttle."

Teresa laughed. "We may rough it, but we can't technically live off the land. Unless you want to put some of them survival skills to the test, and build us a shelter? We'll hunt for wood and water when we get there."

Despite her appearance Teresa was looking more and more like a proper outdoors type a woman. Jason grinned to himself.

Teresa grabbed up a couple of bags. "Let's head 'em up, and move 'em out." Teresa said with a slight chuckle at the look on Jason's face.



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