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Posted on 05 Jun 2009 @ 9:12pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,175 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Bridge
Timeline: Current (Day 3) - 1300

John made his way from the turbolift, to the Captain's ready room. He was not amused. He had his transfer orders in his hand, ready to dispute his new assignment. Just yesterday he was on the Starbase repair team. He had come aboard the Freedom, to oversea the repairs, as the team's coordinator.

Apparently, Starfleet had other ideas for his arrival on board.

The running joke seemed to be, that he was to be the ship's new Chief Engineer. He wondered just who in the fleet had thought this one up.

This wasn't fair, how could they do this to him. Were they unhappy with his work on the base? Nobody had said anything to him. He was even thanked for his last project, by the bases Commander. This didn't make any sense.

He shook his head, and rang the chime. Perhaps the man behind the door would have the answers he sought.

Da`nal shook his head...he was never going to get out of here. No sooner did he finish with one visitor then another arrived. Swallowing the food in his mouth he wiped his hand clean as he spoke. "Enter."

Standing from his seat. "Ahhh Mr. McPherson, come in." indicating the Tray of Scrag and Terran Garlic Bread, the bowls of Qagh and gul DIr. "Would you care to join me for a late lunch?"

John looked at the plates. He had only tasted a few bites of Klingon delicacies once before, right before he graduated the Academy. It was good, but didn't agree with his stomach. "Perhaps, some other time, sir. I actually came, to inquire about my transfer here." He said, as he stood by the desk, still puzzled as to the unknown reason.

Returning to his seat and motioning to the seat opposite him. "What would you like to know? Surely you don't find a routine transfer out of the ordinary, after all they occur everyday."

"Surely, you canna mean that THIS one is routine, sir. It's anythin' but. I already had my own team, my own assignment. I was ripped away. I was told by HQ I would nae have to leave if I did nae want to, now I'm here." He said, becoming frustrated, he enjoyed his job at the station very much. He had no interest in going back into space this soon, just what was going on around here?

"Assignments change, men and women are transfered as needed by the Fleet, not based on our personal desires. If you must know I was impressed with what I saw yesterday and as I had no Chief Engineer I requested your transfer. Given our need, the fact we recieved orders yesterday your transfer was appropve without question. Is that a problem Lieutenant?"

"The copy o' orders I received, said none of tha' Captain. All they told me was te report to the Freedom. They hadn't even had the convening authority on them. Though it isn't a problem, I do have a request." He said, looking to the man behind the desk with a bit of hope.

"I was hopin, I could bring some o' my team on board to. They're a good bunch o' people, sir. I don't want to leave them behind. We've grown a bit close over the years. Be a shame to lose a good team like tha'."

"I'll see what I can do. Give me there names, but if they're as good as you say I don't Commander Davies is doing to want to par with all of them. "

"No sir, just a few people; Warrant Officers Hemmingway, and Johnson. As well as, Chief O'Reily." He said, in a hopeful tone.

"I can't promise anything, but put the request together and I'll try to push it through before we have to depart."

"Thank yah, sir. I'm sure, with a good word from ye, they'll be here before the warp engines are repaired," he replied with a smile. "Which will nae be for a few hours yet. Though my crew assures me, we can repair them, without having to replace them." He said, grateful for that small victory. If they had had to wait, it would take at least another week, just to get them installed. Then, another week for the warp trials.

It didn't seem like the ship, nor the crew had that kind of time.

Da`nal stood and extended his hand. "Good because we will have to push those engines for a while in order to get to Romulus in time. It'll be good to know they'll be in good hands. Welcome aboard."

John looked at the man, as though he had just grown a third eye. "You cannae be serious, sir. I have nae even fixed them yet! I still need at least three more hours. Then there are tests we have te run, and the intermix has to be in place. You cannae just jump into warp, at a moments notice! How soon do we have, before this insanity is te take place?" He asked, rather upset. He had never heard of such a thing. No wonder the ship ended up here, in the first place.

"Well its a good thing you have eight....almost eight hours to get then into proper working order. According to your 3 hour estimate you should have plenty of time. Now, there is an officer that has requested transfer from the Valkyrie. It should be arriving at 1800. Ensign Webb was here concerning the transfer before I even finished reading it. At any rate she was the Chief there so if you want her as your assistant I'll approve the transfer, I told Webb it was up to you. They have a relationship so I know he want to talk to you about it. He should be with the Ambassador.

John thought it over for a few moments. "At this point, I'll need all the help I can get." He said, as he was trying to figure out if he had enough time to run a simulation on the warp engines, before his time was up. He might need the extra five, just for that. "I welcome any help he can give," he said, with a smile he hoped was convincing enough for both of them. He didn't know her skills, but if she knew half of the amount of confidence the Captain seems to have in her. She just might make the cut.

"Good. Well I won't keep you."

"Aye, sir," he said with a nod, as he turned and headed for the door.

As he neared the door. "Mr. McPherson."

John turned around, wondering what might be on the Captain's mind now.

A wry grin fromed as he spoke. "Get my ship ready and the drinks are on me....from my personal stock."

John smiled a grin any Irishmen would have, as he heard that last statement. "Aye sir. That will be done." He said, as he turned, and headed back for engineering.


Commander Da`nal

Lieutenant John McPherson
Chief Engineer


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