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Trouble on two fronts

Posted on 05 Jun 2009 @ 4:42pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

846 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: The Klingon Home World - High Council Chambers
Timeline: Current

"General D'Groth, your report."

This wasn't a normal session of the High Council as the General stepped forward to address the Chancellor and his inner circle of council members.

"Chancellor, I must agree with the Federation's position," glancing back at the Federation Ambassador. "It is unlikely the incident on Deep Space 5 was a mere matter of a power struggle within a Romulan House. It was more likely planned effort to take control of a remote Federation facility. The attack was proceeded by infiltration and sabotage by Romulan agents. Exactly how the station's security was by passed is not known at this time but it was never the less successful done.

"Now while the attacked failed, in part due to the efforts of a son of the Empire, this could signify an increase in Romulan activity along the Federation border. While relations between the Federation and the Romulan Empire improved following the Shinzon / Enterprise incident we all here know how quickly Romulans can turn."

The Chancellor and the members of the Council that were present all nodded or commented amongst themselves at the reference to Klingon-Romulan history. With a raising of his hand the other Council member fell quiet. "Your recommendation General?"

"As a show of support to our Federation allies, dispatch a diplomatic delegation as well as a garrison of warriors to Deep Space 5. The troops can help the station's security, intel, and Marine sections in rooting out the infiltrator and securing the station. While Deep Space 5 is far from Klingon space is would be a significant show of unity and would drive the Romulans back within their borders. They would have to be fools indeed to attack again and risk a war on two fronts."

The Chancellor had to agree. Plus the diplomatic capitol of having the Federation owe the Empire for a change was priceless. Such an overture would quiet those in the Empire that have felt the Federation was too involved in Klingon internal affairs...from Praxis to the Federations involvement in his predecessor installation as Chancellor, even their part in the brief Klingon civil war. The Federation's hand in the Empire was felt to this day. "Agreed. Do you have someone in mind for the Ambassadorship?"

D'Groth nodded. "Yes Chancellor, Toran of the House of Moqrhat. "Toran has served the Empire Honorably for over a century, and has led his House in full support of you and the Emperor for many years. Now while he has not always agreed and has spoken against various issues, once the Council has made its ruling, he has followed those rulings."

The Chancellor looked to the member. "Any objections? As there were none he looked to a junior aide standing off to the side. "Contact Toran and begin making the need arrangments." The aide bowed slightly and head off with the General to get everything ready.

"Next order of business."

The Council's senior aid read the next item off the agenda. "A request by Ral'nath of the House of Varal for extradition from Federation custody of the Romulan, Nniol of the House of t'Illialhlae on the charge of murder of Garath of the House of Varal as well as the murders the crew and the distruction of the Klingon vessel Qu'vat. Nniol is currently a prisoner following the Attack on Deep Space 5."

It was well know in the Empire of the history between the Klingon and Romulan families, but before the members of the Council could deliberate on the issue the Federation Ambassador stepped forward. "Chancellor, members of the High Council of the Empire. The Federation cannot release this prisoner. He has been chaged with terrorism against the Federation, and in return for the Romulan government cooperation in the investigation to expose those who in their government he is being returnd to face charges there..."

"You are returning him? He..."

"Chancellor. The Federation considers him a small player carrying out the directives of more important individuals, if he can lead us to them so be it. A Federation starship has already been given order and is due to depart DS5 tomorrow for Romulus."

"What ship? Under who's command?"

The USS Freedom under the command of Da`nal of the House of Varal."

The Chancellor bolted from his chair. "Does the Federation have so little honor that order a man to hand over the very person responcible for his brother death. To make him choose between his duty and his Family Honor."

"With all due respect Chancellor Commander Da`nal is a Starfleet officer and is expected to do his duty like everyother officer. His Honor is found in doing his duty..."

Pointing at the Ambassador. "Don't YOU lecture me about HONOR! The Klingon Empire protests his release and demands his extradition for crime committed against the Empire!"

"I will pass your protests on to the Federation Council." The Federation Ambassador bowed respectfully and turned to leave.

Once he was gone the Chancellor turned to his aid. "Get me General D'Groth back here...this isn't finished yet."


All charcters NPC'd by Da'nal


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