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A solo post by Lieutenant Saraya Cranz

Posted on 05 Jun 2009 @ 10:10pm by

700 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Star Base 27
Timeline: 0914, current day

Bitter Sweet Goodbyes

Saraya made her way through the crowded breezeway towards her destination, duffel bag slung over her right shoulder while wearing a slight grin on her tanned face. She was sorry about the circumstances with the USS Hathor that had led up to her reassignment, but things happen for a reason she told herself. The ship had a great crew, an able command force as well, but much like many other personnel compliments and vessels, they were not the first great crew to be split up, and they by any means would not be the last. "What a pity," she thought to herself. The Hathor crew made good things happen in a short period of the blink of an eye as fer as the life and longevity of a star ship and given the chance, they could have made history...but it was not to be.

Star Fleet was in need of capable officers to command star ships, and with the sudden and unexpected retirement of her Captain as well as other complications, there was no telling what lie ahead for the ship that had been hurried into service, served quickly and defiantly, and then wound up on the verge of decommission and amongst giant moth balls. If anything good had came out of the depressing outcome of the ship and her experience on it, it was her advance in rank for a job superbly done. She was now recognized and in demand, and she knew it. Saraya had always been a confident performer, but now her confidence was matched in wit by her pride as well.

Saraya dodge a few smiling officers, turned the corner and darted into Hanger Bay Six. The scene was crowded as well. She looked around and walked by several craft before finding the vessel she was searching for, a Wallace Class light escort runabout.

"Ohio...74765...this is it..." she said to herself while noticing an officer in a red tunic completing final inspections to the boat. She grinned as she recognized this human male. He didn't bother to look up as he key in commands on his PADD.

"I guess our little moq'bara match will have to wait...Lt. Garrett!"

"Saraya...what a surprise! I reckon it will at that. It's good to see you." Richard smiled.

"Since when did you change from an yellow uniform to a Burgundy one?" Saraya asked.

Richard smiled back at her, "I guess since you went from a blue one to a yellow one!" he charged back. "Star fleet's not happy unless they move you every two years or so..." he joked. "Whether it's the color chart or a map chart...I've been transferred to the USS Poseidon as Chief of Strategic Operations...and you?"

"Chief of Operations...USS Freedom...the name has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?" she eyed Garrett for his response. He ignored her with a friendly challenge, "Ah...Operations now...and a chief no less..." Richard said with a wryly grin.

"So, you don't think I can do it...Sir?" she dared back at him.

Richard smiled, "Of course I do...always knew you could...Too bad about the Hathor, huh?"

"Ancient history, Lieutenant..." she answered with a smirk as she swung the bag from her shoulder and down onto the first step leading into the runabout. "One has to move on...might as well get on with it now." she commented..."never have been too fond of good byes...this is a bitter sweet one." Saraya said emotionless. "that's just the way it goes..." She added while tossing her bag on board. "Am I good to go...Sir?"

Richard just looked at her and smiled affectionately, "Yea...yer good ta go...Take care of yourself, Ms.'s been a pleasure serving with you."

"Yup, I know...see ya around...Leuitenent!" she smirked with a wink.

Richard backed away as she fired the thrusters and turned the ship about toward departure.

"Bitter sweet goodbyes..." Richard said with a shake of his head, watching her dispatch the ship out into space and towards the direction of Deep Space 5.


Lt Saraya Cranz
Chief of Operations
USS Freedom


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