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Not the warmest Welcome

Posted on 29 Nov 2012 @ 9:55pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

767 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: Repair docks - SB 80
Timeline: MD 4 - 0920


Da`nal and Ciara had toured the Achilles to look over the progress of the repairs. Things were proceeding but not as fast as he wanted. The Saucer and upper drive section nearly had their new layer of abladive armor installed and renovations and system repairs were well underway. The lower drive section was another story all together...putting the Commodore in a fool mood.

"...Tell him his plan to re-enforce the ALL the pylons is approved. As long as the work can be done with out extending our repair time."

"I will," Ciara said and made a note on her padd, one of quite a list already. "We also have a new Intelligence Officer, I haven't met with her yet," she informed him.

As they reenter the stations docking bays there was an officer in Intel grey, standing in sharp contract to all the engineering yellow, waiting for them.

"Well, there she is..." Ciara said as she indicated towards the woman in grey. "Now our ship is intelligent...." she joked, but more to herself as she doubted if the Captain had a sense of humor

Upon seeing the two senior officers, Cammy stood at attention. Formality wasn't normally her style, but an ensign that ignored etiquette in the presence of a Commodore was either stupid, related, or bedridden. She sincerely hoped they's see her as just another ensign: an unremarkable faceless name in a sea of nameless faces. Her contrasting uniform wasn't helping with that however, and she had a feeling they'd notice her. ~Buy the ticket, take the ride.~ she thought to herself. She wouldn't deny her interest to see who her superiors were. She carefully watched them, taking mental notes of their actions and overall demeanor hoping to get an idea of what to expect from them.

Seeing the, out of place, ensign snap to and hearing Ciara's 'joke' he huffed slighlty. Had he been in a better mood he might have laugh...or even added to the comment but his ship was still far from complete.

The pair approached and he looked down. "Ensign Valentine I assume?"

"Yessir." She replied. "From the Eclipse, sir."

Nodding, "I see. Well Intel is seriously understaffed so you will have your work cut ou for you. When we get underway that is. What is your training background?"

Cammy didn't want to oversell herself and only gave a general overview. "I'm trained in bomb disposal, computer systems, and general infiltration techniques, sir." She didn't see the point in discussing marksmanship or fighting skill. The fact she was in Starfleet implied her satisfactory performance in those areas. Cammy also decided not to mention her use of neuropressure in HTH situations. "And the Intelligence curriculum at the Academy, of course sir."

Da`nal listened as he thought to himself. ~Infiltration Specialist, hmmm. That's who they send me and just after displacing Ayren...No no there's no evidence of anything.~

As she completed her brief history he glanced to Ciara not having mentioned any of his suspicions to her as yet. "Well Ensign I would say welcome aboard but as you can see the ship is undergoing major repair and remodel. Quarters have been arranged for the crew on the station so get squared away."

"My personal belongings have already arrived at my quarters, sir. Does the Commodore have any further instructions, sir?"

"Well as you already have that taken care of you are one shore leave. There will be a celebration this evening for the ships Marines. Attendance is not mandatory but suggested. Full dress."

"Yes Commodore." She formally replied. The celebration would give her a chance to observe the crew and possibly meet some of the people she'd be working with regularly. At the very least, she could attend as a way of paying respects to the men and women who helped her find her way in Starfleet. "The Ensign would be honored to attend, sir."

"Good." Turn to Ciara, "Commander, light a fire under the good doctor as we discussed." With that he walked on leaving the Ensign to her own affairs and the Commander to her duties. He had a hunch to play.

Cammy couldn't help but wonder what that last statement was about. The only doctor she recalled seeing on the senior staff listing was the Chief Engineer. Was he falling behind schedule on repairs? She made a mental note to look in to the ship's status, just out of curiosity. Perhaps a chat with the Chief Engineer would scratch her itch.


COM Da`nal

Cmdr Brannagh

Ensign Cammy Valentine
Infiltration Specialist


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