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Homecoming - Part 2

Posted on 29 Oct 2012 @ 5:44pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Captain Rebecca Post & Lieutenant JG Teresa Wendsar & 1st Lieutenant Corisk Malluk & Sergeant Dawn Brianna

725 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: SB 80 - Docking Bay 12
Timeline: MD 2 - 1100

[Upper Level]

Da`nal looked down at the scenes for greeting and reunion that were unfolding before them and recalled when Aryen had come looking for him during his first mission.

Captain's Da`nal and Post made their way down to the lower level as the hugs, and other greetings had subsided. No sooner had they hit the lower deck than a familiar face appeared from the crowd and he waved him over. "Captain Post this is Lt. Malluk. Lt. Malluk...Captain Post your new detachment CO."

Although she didn't show it outwardly, Rebecca approached this particular initial interaction carefully. Generally when an officer took command over a junior one, especially when that officer stayed on under the newer officer, it could lead to certain problems and she wanted to do everything in her power to avoid that. Especially given that the junior officer in question was a Klingon, the last thing she needed during this, her first command was a pissed-off Klingon out to get her.

"1st Lt. Corisk Malluk, Acting CO and current XO of the Achilles Marines Detachment. Captain Post, I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Unit and transfer all codes and authorizations by Order of Starfleet Marine Order of Command." Standing at attention with a crisp militaristic salute.

Rebecca nodded and braced to attention herself, returning the salute in the same crisp and professional manner.

"I do hereby acknowledge transfer of command of USS Achilles' Marine Detachment to myself, excellent work Lieutenant, not every officer would have been able to so effectively assume command after the death of Captain Longwinter in the middle of a fight," Rebecca replied. "I'll be looking to get together with you later to discuss various matters, but I wouldn't want to disrupt your first day back, so tomorrow afternoon say?"

"Sir. My first day back is purely here to transfer command and be debriefed by you. Nothing else." Saying gruffly but firmly. "Tomorrow afternoon it is. After PT if that’s acceptable?" Malluk relaxes slightly but remains formal.

"Sounds perfectly acceptable, Lieutenant," Rebecca nodded.

[Near the entrance to the Lounge]

It had taken a few second but Jason found hid team mates and called out to them after sending out a sharp whistle. "Brianna! Harper! Hold up!"

Dawn halted, turning around to see who whistled. "Boss whistled at us."

"Dawn, Cyfian, this is Teresa Wendsar. She's a doc on the Achilles and shorty here," as he clawed her tummy tickling her, "is Vicki."

"Semper Fi. Welcome home, soldiers. Thank you for bringing Jason back home, safe and sound. If there is anything you need let me know."

"Some sleep, and pain meds." Dawn chuckled, but quickly regretted it.

Teresa understood the sleep part. "I didn't hear that on a professional basis. However, I would recommend some warm milk, that can be a non-medicinal remedy, or some sleepy time tea. This way I'm not technically recommending anything as a doctor, but as a mother." Teresa offered with a smile. "As for the pain, well... How about take two aspirin and call me in the morning. That way I don't have to order you to sickbay."

Jason smirked a bit, they had all been banged up pretty, but Dawn and himself had gotten the worst of least in their group. Nodding to Dawn then tuning to Teresa, "We still need to check in the Achilles medical team before we, or at least most of us get turned loose on the crews leave. But for now we need to find some ice cream for this one. Isn't that right?"

Vicki nodded vigorously. "Yep, I starving."

Teresa laughed. "And to think I just fed you. Where do you put it all, in your leg? Seriously though, Jason, when we're done we can make a trip to sickbay. I want to get this bugger checked out, too. I want to make certain she's fine, and not just a mother being over reactive."

Jason smiled and looked to his team members, "I will catch you both later."

"Yes sir. See you around." Dawn replied, before leaving to walk to her quarters.


COM Da`nal

Captain Rebecca Post
Marine Detachment Commanding Officer

1stLt Corisk Malluk
Marine Detachment Executive Officer

Sgt. Dawn Brianna

Ltjg Teresa Wendsar
Medical Officer

SSgt Jason Frey
SgtMaj Arcenio Velez
played by Da`nal


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