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PT with the boss

Posted on 29 Oct 2012 @ 6:08pm by 1st Lieutenant Corisk Malluk & Captain Rebecca Post & Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,922 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: SB 80 - Gym
Timeline: MD 3

Beginning his workout to stretch his legs. Malluk starts of slowly. Waiting for the Captain to arrive.

Rebecca had finally got finished with the new-command paperwork had found time to make her way down to the Marine barracks for the first time, she had wanted to give her Marines space after all. Besides, her 1st Lieutenant ahd said something about wanting to speak with her regardless.

"Ma'am. please stretch with me." Saying as politely as he can. As he watches her enter the barracks. Noticing the others in the room suddenly 'disappear' knowing they were not welcome or disappearing before they were 'encouraged' to join.

"Sure, I could use some PT," Rebecca said cautiously, seemingly she was going to get to the bottom of whatever was going on, or at least start to.

She unzipped her uniform jacket and tossed it to the side, followed promptly after by the marine green turtleneck, leaving her in just the blue-grey tee and her uniform trousers, much more appropriate for doing any physical activity than the full uniform, and flicked off her shoes.

Starts to do some squats and strengthen his lengths while focusing on his form. "Well the decisions i made concerning Cyfian and Jason....werent the hardest i could have. But i might have been harsh on them...." Saying mostly to himself but looks over and catches a marines eye who steps into the Gym and freezes...knowing shes caught.

"Clear the Deck, Marine, and stand post outside" Rebecca ordered with a slight smile to convey no hard feelings as she turned back to Malluk. "I've read the after action report, but I want to know in your words and from your point of view exactly what happened."

"Well, when she was taken i was unconcious. Then i came into it by making a 'inspection' of the shuttles. Seeing it was gone i went and spoke with Velez. We spoke and i was informed that he was "off grounds". if i recall, then cyfian wasnt in the picture however, i figured he wasnt alone. My opinion if he would have waited a heartbeat longer, dawn wouldnt be here and we wouldnt have the prisoner...even though i dont know what happened to that pile of trash. So given the fact that 'he violated a direct order from Velez' and i literally hade to drag it out of him, Velez that is, that they were gone...i was put in a impossible position. Punishment for the violation and commendation for the successful rescue. I feel they both should be commended and the sentence reduced...but they were facing getting themselves shot right there by me. In wartime, to desert a post or disobey a order is punishable by death." Saying this and breathing as he returns from a push-up position and stretches his back while sitting down.

"Sometimes doing the right thing mean's disobeying orders, but as you say, it is a serious offense" Rebecca commented grimly. "I'll want to talk to the Sergeant Major as well, but this put's me in a difficult situation, they can either go for a General Court-Martial and throw themselves on the mercy of the court, or I and the skipper can come up with some sort of NJP, but if they don't go to court martial the punishment will be severe, we cannot have Marines ignoring orders in war time."

"Yes..sometimes. This is one of those times...however the difficulty still remains for us. We could leave it as it is now...and deal with it as a internal marine discipline matter. Incorporating the Commodore as a last measure. The GCM is a bad road in my opinion. I would have gone that route if Dawn came back in a body bag or Jason was severely hurt." While starting to do some jumping jacks. "Velez was protecting his people from this so i say we honor that and reduce it some to 'what he may recommend' and if anyone of them step out of drop the hammer." Recommending as he does pop downs and jump ups.

"It's a damn difficult situation, as a Department Head I'm only allowed to give out certain punishments, none of with are appropriate for even a toned down reaction to this incident," Rebecca sighed. "Alright, unless the Sergeant Major has another idea, I'll personally issue extra duties for forty-five days and basic rations for seven, I'll also recommend to the Commodore that they be confined to limits for two weeks and receive a formal reprimand."

The other Marines trying to get their workout in were starting to pile up out in the in the corridor as the the two officers discussed what sounded like a pile shit for whoever they were talking about. About that time another officer should up.

"What all this..."

"A couple of officer's wanted the gym sir. From the sounds of it they are deciding the fate of a few Marines."

Arching a brow, "You eavesdropping there Devildog?"

Shaking his head with a smirk, "No Sir...Can I help it if their voices carry?"

Stepping past his with a humorous snort he entered the gym. Not recognizing either of them he simply moved to the ring and picked up the rope there to begin his warm up. "I hope you two are done with your meeting. There is a log jam of other Marines waiting to use the facilities."

Turning to the marine entering and smirks slightly. Knowing this isnt gunna be good. Malluk turns to him and stands up. "Were done. sir." Saying this with a slight ire in his voice.

With the rope behind him, about ready to start. "That's Colonel to you..." adding an edge of authoriy to his voice. "...and keep your disciplinary planning out of public spaces. Now if you don't mind the are others waiting." With that he began his warm up while he watched the two with his periferal vision, waiting to see who would be the one to call the others in.

"It is inappropriate to undermine two other officers in front of enlisted Marines... Colonel, and if you hadn't noticed our own ship has taken substantial damage, and what I presume to be your Marines have prevented me from working in my temporary office because they decided to do hand-to-hand training on the parade deck," Rebecca scowled in reply. "For that matter, if you would care to identify yourself..."

Dropping the jump rope mid swing he stepped up to the ropes. "You are?"

"Captain Rebecca Post, MCO, USS Achilles"

He glanced to the entry, "Computer seal the doors."

Outside the doors the other Marines reacted..."Ahhh its over now"

The Colonel looked at the pair now that they had a measure of privacy. "Well Captain...My names Mathis, I'm a Colonel here on this station were you and your Marines are guests;. You and your Lieutenant were not being 'undermined' you were being Advised. What was 'inappropriate' was your discussion of disciplinary action in an open area. You should know better to discuss personnel issues in public, Captain. Discussing discipinary actions against your, or any, Marine in a public setting is disrespectuful of that Marine and reflects poorly on you as a leader. You keep the dirty laundry in don't air it for all to see. Now I won't take this matter outside this room IF you drop this right now. Take the advice and learn from it. Push the matter and I will take this up the chain not only to the Stations command but your own. Oh and if My Marines cause you problems you bring it to me and I will deal with them. We good?"

If the Colonel was hoping that Rebecca would be intimidated by his rank and his threats then he was sadly mistaken, Rebecca have never been one to back down, even before her own ordeal, and the things that she had seen and her own experiances had only exacerbated that tendancy.

"I'd like to point out that a secluded exercise enclave off the main gym, which we requested be temporially vacated, for no more than five to ten minutes, is fairly removed from a public environemtn, especially when you consider that the only way to hear anything through a Starship's bulkhead is to be activily listening, the fact that you knew that we were discussing a disciplinary matter implies that someone was eavesdropping, as neither myself nor the Lieutenant here raised our voices," Rebecca said advancing on the Colonel, her eyes dangerous and her voice dagger-sharp. "There is very little elsewhere on this station that could be considered suitably private, considering the amount of personnel here from the various ships that took part on the Kzinti campaign, to the extent that I am sharing my billet with another Captain from one of the Regiments, therefore requisitioning a room for ten minutes is hardly out of line."

Rebecca took a breath but didn't let up.

"I have no beef with you, Colonel, but if you try to bust my chops in public again, and yes it was in public as you only closed the doors after I challenged you, allowing the Marines outside to hear in, you'll have me up on charges much more serious than borderline insubordination," Rebecca growled. "Now, me and my Lieutenant have indeed completed our conversation, now if you want to report me to the Station commander and Commodore Da'nal, then that is your perogative but I tell you now I will fight it tooth and nail, and so help me god I will have that eavesdropping jarhead up on charges so damn-quickly his head will spin, I point out that listening in on an Officer's private conversation, regardless of situation, is a much more serious offense than what I've done."

She turned on her heel, if the Colonel wanted her ass she was going to have to call her back, she wasn't about to prolong this stand-off otherwise she would say something that she would REALLY regret.

"Lieutenant, we're leaving."

"Yes Ma'am." Turning and leaving with her following closely and glaring at the marines outside the cooridor as they emerge.

In the corridor the Marines parted quickly hugging the walls as the doors opened and the two obviously irritated officers emerged.

Colonel Mathis let her go, thinking to himself ~she's got guts thats for sure...,~ but the issue was far from over. He resumed his warm up as he contemplated what action he was going to take. The rythem of the rope hitting the mat picked up pace, with repeated sharp whacks, a grin spread over his face as he remembered himself as a young captain and how he would settle the issue.

Once they were out of sight of the station's Marines Rebecca stopped and lent against a wall as she took a deep calming breath. The Colonel had let her go, but that didn't mean he was finished with her. As she tried to steady her breathing she said thoughtfully to her 2iC.

"That went well."

"Well enough ma'am." Saying and stopping briefly. "Do you like martial arts ma'am?" Saying thinking of something that he saw on Earth once. Before leaving for the Academy.

"I do indeed, both the more traditional eastern styles and good-old fashioned western boxing," Rebecca grinned.


Captain Rebecca Post
Marine Detachment Commanding Officer
USS Achilles

1stLt. Corisk Malluk
Marine Detachment Commanding Officer
USS Achilles

Col. Mathis and other Marines played by Da`nal


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