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Homecoming - Part 1

Posted on 27 Oct 2012 @ 12:01am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Captain Rebecca Post & Lieutenant JG Teresa Wendsar & 1st Lieutenant Corisk Malluk & Sergeant Dawn Brianna & Lance Corporal Cyfian Harper

1,323 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: USS Soyuz & Docking Bay 12 - SB 80
Timeline: MD 2 - 1045

During the trip home...

[USS Soyuz]

Everyone was in good spirits…that was an understatement. They had gathered to mourn their fallen comrades then the celebrations began. The survivors of the Mercer incursion were on their way back. Many of them however didn’t have a home to return to after the destruction of SB 517. Those Marines would either be absorbed into the SB 80, the ships docked there, or be reassigned as needed.

For Jason and his team the Achilles was waiting for them. Jason’s thoughts turned to Teresa and the daughter as he made his way across the Marine’s lounge looking for the rest of his team.

Finishing his drink and moving along slapping shoulders and shaking hands. Sure to keep his left side away from everyone’s direct gaze. "Harper. You still alive after that drink last night?"

Cyfian rubbed his eyes. "Urgh Sir, permission to go to the armory and shoot myself in the head." His head was pounding. Even the pains from the wounds on his chest were mild compared to his head.

"Negative. Embrace the pain...learn to enjoy it." Saying as he thumps him on the shoulder laughing as the rest of the personnel around hand Cyfian a mug of Rak'tajino and other liquids to help. Moving to Sgt. Brianna; "Sgt. You seem well enough to be here. Are the nurses allowing you room to breathe?"

Dawn is in a corner, more or less away from everyone, she was rubbing her hands, still remembering all the blood that was on them. She was startled a little when Malluk asked her a question. "Hardly." She sighed, "They won't let me drink anything but water. Oh well. It is what it is. Just adapt and move on sir." She gave him a half smile.

"Right. I know how that is....but if i left a drink here. Untouched and forgotten..." He smirks slightly and shuffles off to distract the nurses with his Klingon Charm.

[SB 80 - 13 Hours Later]

Teresa and Victoria were on the promenade of the Space Station enjoying some quality time together. Ever since learning she had survived the attack on the station she couldn’t leave her little girl out of her sight for very long. Victoria looks up at her mom, "Do we get to spend time together, before you have to return to work?"

Teresa looked down at Victoria and smiled. "Honey, mommy’s is on shore leave while they fix the ship, so we will have lots of time together.

"Yippee!" Victoria started bouncing up and down.

Teresa laughed. "You know another ship went to go pick up Jason and his friends and they should be docking soon. Do you want to go meet them when they arrive?

“Yes Yes Yes! Jason’s Fun! Will he have time off too?â€

“I would think so…â€

The exuberant reaction of the little girl was cut off by a announcement over the station’s public address system. “USS Soyuz, now arriving at docking bay 12. USS Soyuz arriving, docking bay 12.â€

Teresa looked down at Victoria. "Well then, let's go meet him. That's Jason's ship, there.
I'm certain he'd like to see a couple of friendly faces that are not Marines. Although, I hear that you cannot keep a Marine from the Marines for long. So we'd better hurry."

Victoria let out a shout of joy and grabbed her mother's hand. Practically dragged Teresa, Victoria exclaimed, "Then let's go, mommy. What are we waiting for?"

[Office Level]

As the announcement faded Da`nal looked up from the monitor to Captain Post. “Looks like our Marines are home. Care to join me?â€

"Definitely, Captain," Rebecca nodded. "No time like the present."

Together they made their way to the lounge for Bay 12. Bay 12 was a large slip reserved for Starfleet’s larger vessels, such as the Normandy and Vikrant classes the bay had multiple levels with multiple umbilical ports, but after a quick check he knew where his people would be disembarking from.

A crowd had gathered to welcome home the surviving Marines. Families were there; girl friends, boyfriends, the press, and general well wisher were all there. Instead of head to the lower level Da`nal motioned to Post to join him at the balcony. Even as a Klingon he knew that being greeted by your Commanding officer maybe appreciated and considered an honor, but to be greeted by family was a greater honor still.

Victoria couldn't stand or sit still. Teresa couldn't blame her. She was excited, too.

Victoria interrupted her thought “Mommy, how much longer? Are they here yet?"

"They're here, honey. They just have to dock first, just like we did."

"Mommy, they're taking too long!" Teresa laughed. "I know, honey. I wish they'd hurry, too." She glanced out the Out the space port, anxiously.

[USS Soyuz]

Jason heard the umbilical seals take hold and he shouldered his gear. He looked to his team members and though they had lost their CO the team had survived. Each of them had shed blood, each had protected the other in more than one way.

He squeezed through his fellow Marine to Top Velez and Lt. Malluk. “Sir…Top. When we get secured I wanted to speak with you about Harper if that’s ok?â€

Velez thought he knew what the Staff Sergeant was thinking but nodded and looked to the lieutenant. “I’ll schedule something sir.â€

"No. Give him along with yourself, 30 days maintenance duty with 10 days of weapons drills." Saying and giving them the *If you want a fight look*. "They left base without authorization. Although, saving the Sergeant and capturing that pile of trash turned out good for us, something has to be done."

Velez stared Jason in the eye and shook his head ever so slightly. He would take things up with the LT later.

Moments later the air lock seals hissed and the doors parted and the Marine gathered there poured though the umbilical.

"Move out you Ferengi slugs. Go and STAY OUT OF TROUBLE." Saying as he turns away from the group and heads towards the Captains.

[Star Base 80 – Bay 12]

The Marines poured out of the hatch and down the umbilical towards the station. Jason was still fuming at the LT's outburst but that all vanished as he stepped onto the station and saw two familiar faces looking out from the crowd.

Tossing his deployment bag to the side he scooped Vicki up as she broke loose from Teresa and ran over. Returning to Teresa his hand went to her cheek. They had only been on one and a half dates but he looked into her eyes.

Teresa was relieved to see for herself that Jason was Okay. She knew that a lot of the fighting men and women were not, heck, she'd seen that herself. She covered his hand with her own and smiled. "Welcome home soldier. It’s good to have you back okay. Are you free?

Victoria chimed in, "Stop this mushy stuff. Mommy you promised me ice cream and I want to share mine with you Jase."

Teresa laughed.

Giving the little girls a toss while he still held her up and he gave Teresa a wink. "Ice cream it is! We'll get the biggest banana split sundae the replicator can make."

Vicki giggled as Jason tossed her. "Yippee! Can we go now, Mommy?"

Teresa just shook her head. "Of course, and Jason, I won't tell no one that you are a big kid, and a teddy bear." She reached around him and gave him a hug. "Now I have everyone back." She said with a grin.

He wrapped her up in his free arm, pulling her in tight and lifting her up. Grabbing his deployment bag the three headed out. As they did he scanned the crowd looking for his team. "Before we leave there are some folks I want you to meet."



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