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Checking In

Posted on 02 Nov 2012 @ 10:13pm by

600 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: Starbase 80: Airlock
Timeline: Mission Day 3

"It'll nice to have some downtime." a blonde woman said to Cammy as they stepped off of the Eclipse. "What would you like to do?"

Cammy shrugged. "Want to go planet side?"

"Do they have beaches? I'd love to spent time at the beach."

A Starfleet officer approached them, with a PADD. "Excuse me ladies, could I get your names?"

"Ensign Valentine and Security Officer Shepard." Cammy answered.

"Let's see...Valentine...Camilla A. Valentine?"

"It's actually Cammy." She corrected. "But yes, that's me."

"I'm sorry." he said. "But Camilla is what I have on record. I'll make a note of preferred names. What else do you go by?"

"My name is Cammy." She said with a calm pleasance, yet her tone had an ever so slight edge to it."Not Camilla, not Millie, not anything else. Just Cammy."

"I see. Okay...Cammy...welcome to Starbase 80." He turned towards the blonde. "And you must be Lisa."

"That's correct."

"I see you're both assigned to the Achilles." he said, reading off of his PADD. "Unfortunately, the ship is not ready to take on personnel." He produced two isolinear chips. "Here are your temporary quarters. Your personal items will be transported there shortly. In addition, those chips contain information on the ship's repair schedule, personnel, and senior staff. Once the ship is ready, you'll be able to move in to your actual quarters, sign out your equipment from the quartermaster's office, and take advantage of the ship's accommodations. Lastly, your Commanding Officer and department head will be notified of your arrival. You might want to hang around here for a little while in case either wants to meet with you. We hope you enjoy your stay at Starbase 80 and the many shore leave activities available planet side."

"Thank you." Lisa said giving him a pleasant smile. "I'm sure we will."

After they had walked away from the man, Lisa turned towards Cammy. "What was that about?"

"What?" she replied, giving Lisa a puzzled look.

"That thing about your name."

"That? That was nothing."

"Didn't seem like nothing."

"Don't worry about it." Cammy said. "Are you hungry?

"I wouldn't mind a drink of something."

"Well, let's see what's here."

[Promenade Deck]

They walked in to a cafe and sat down near a viewport. There was a brief silence after they ordered their drinks.

"Cammy, you did get that new tank for Jack right?"

"The one that's supposed to be escape proof? Yeah." she replied as the waiter brought her a glass of iced coffee. "I guarantee you he'll find a way out before the week's over."

"I hope not." Lisa replied, sipping her chai tea. "If he got loose on this station, it could take forever to find him. Not to mention the trouble a stray royal python could cause."

"Jack doesn't cause trouble." Cammy said, bringing her glass to her lips. "It's the people who overreact when they see him that's the problem."

"Right." Lisa said, finishing her drink. "Anyway, I'm going to check out my room. Hopefully my stuff arrived already. Are you coming?"

"I think I'll stay here and finish my coffee and take a look around the Promenade." Cammy said. "I'll meet up with you later."

After Lisa walked off, Cammy pulled out a PADD containing release Starfleet's most recent report on Bajoran computer systems. She wasn't in the mood to be bothered, and made a point to communicate this with her demeanor. For now, she just wanted to get a feel for her new surroundings and learn a thing or two about Bajoran computers.


Cammy Valentine
Infiltration Specialist


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