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New Marine on Deck

Posted on 26 Oct 2012 @ 11:41pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Captain Rebecca Post

1,430 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: SB 80
Timeline: MD 2 - 0900

Given the level of repairs needed to the Achilles Da`nal had requested and gotten an office on the station until repair work had progressed enough to allow him access to his ready room with either him interfering with or being interfered by the repair crews. Ayren and his children had gone on ahead to the planet’s surface. The planet was very Earth like though it had a slightly higher gravity and average temperature…which was just fine with him.

The planet had a lot to offer and he was actually looking forward to the time with his family. Even though his time was going to be split with him going back and forth from the surface to the station and back again.

Right now his primary concern was the new crew coming in. As a matter a fact his new Marine CO was due to arrive shortly then together they would meet the Soyuz with his the Marines that had deployed to Mercer.

While he waited his tossed a few thing into his bag. Leaving her profile open on the terminal.


Rebecca Post shook off the transporter effect as she was beamed from the shuttle that had brought her from her previous posting. It had taken the best part of three days between her reassignment to get from the Ticonderoga to the Achilles, but it was more than worth it to be getting the kind of position that she had been assigned to aboard. Ensuring that her hold-all was secure Rebecca stepped down from the transporter pod and nodded her thanks to the transporter operator and asked him to beam her bag to her accommodation, taking only a small PADD with her. Stepping out into the main corridor she looked up and down the corridor before checking the PADD for directions and began to make her way towards the temporary office of the Achilles CO aboard the station.

As she walked she considered her new commanding officer, she had met Klingons before but she knew that very few of them were in Starfleet this was going to be an interesting meeting. Soon arriving she made her way through to the appropriate door and rang the chime

Looking up at the chime. "Enter."

After being permitted inside she stopped a few steps away from the desk, stood to attention and saluted sharply.

"Captain Rebecca Post, reporting for duty, Sir."

Standing, Da`nal had a nearly a full foot on the woman in front of him, even after reading her bio she seemed...shorter. Starfleet had discontinues the 'salute' long ago but tradition dies hard in the Marine Corps, and tradition was something his people knew well. He returned the salute and extended his hand towards the empty seat. "Have a seat Captain, I would say welcome aboard but the Achilles is in for repair and a minor refit."

"So I understand, sir," Rebecca nodded and settled into the seat, she sat relatively comfortably without getting too comfortable, it was a habit picked up over the years of being on alert for hours on end and had permeated into her general habits. "I understand that the Achilles has seen a lot of combat?"

"That we have. From the reports I've gotten from our Marines returning from Mercer they had there hands full as well. Captain Longwinter was killed in action and you will be taking his place. You don't have an easy task ahead of you. War and combat create a unique bound with those that have served together. It will probably take some time for them to truly accept an..." He paused slightly, " outsider."

"I am well aware of that reality, Sir," Rebecca replied, trying (and failing) to remain totally calm and respectful, but she heard a sharp edge to her tone and mentally slammed it down. "As long as they follow my orders they can think what they like of me until I 'prove myself' in their eyes, but I'll tell you know, Captain, I have no intention of tolerating any insubordination from anyone under my command. They are not the only ones who can claim the mantle of having been in combat."

A satisfied grin curled the corner of his mouth; he had tested her and she had passed. "EXCELLENT! Spoken like a warrior, and I would expect nothing less. Tell me Captain, with the crew on leave and the station providing security how do you plan to incorporate yourself and any of you new Marines with those returning from the deployment?"

"I was thinking about setting up a hike into the hill lands tomorrow, volunteers of course, it would give a chance for me and my other 'newbie’s' to get to know the unit and perhaps blow off some steam for those just coming back from combat," Rebecca replied. "I won't order them to of course, they've just got back from combat, if they can spare a few hours from their post-fight routine then great if not, well as much as I don't intend to take any crap from them, I see no need to start alienating them from the get go."

He nodded approvingly, though he had one twist. "The Marines that were deployed to Mercer should be arriving in just over an hour. Give them some time with family, friends beforehand. You could also 'invite' them to bring any loved ones with you on your outing."

"That's not a bad idea," Rebecca nodded. "If I delay it by a day or two, I imagine Achilles is gonna be laid up for a while, then they get the time to themselves, their family or hell just enjoy themselves, it should also give me a chance to see whether there are going to be any... problems before the hike."

Da`nal didn't see any major problems and even if there where he was confident that she could manage. "Very well, as my XO is off seeing to other matters, introduction will have to wait, so until the Soyuz arrives would you like to review the your TO&E?

"That sounds like a fantastic idea, Sir," Rebecca nodded. "I understand we have a recon section as part of the detachment?"

"That's correct, but in addition to Captain Longwinter, you are looking at significant losses. I have already requested additional replacements for both regular Marines and Recon personnel.

"We'll have to make do until then," Rebecca sighed. "I would be tempted to collate the Recon marines into the rest of the detachment to give me something resembling full squads, I'm not particularly thrilled with that potential eventuality, I can't see the Recon guys liking it very much."

Rebecca sighed.

"How long are we looking at until we get all of our replacements, and which of our senior Marines have we lost?" Rebecca asked respectfully.

"As you know any replacements will depend on available forces. However given the destruction of SB 517 and the dislocation the Marines stationed there we shouldn't have to wait too long."

Calling up the current TO on his monitor he turned it so both could see. "Here is the current structure."

"Doesn't look too bad, although by my count we are over establishment by one marine on by that structure, of course if that's not an issue then fair enough, I would be tempted to reduce those line squads from eight marines and a squad leader to the more typical eight-man squad which includes the squad leader as one of the two fire team leaders," Rebecca commented. "That'll take the extra man we have off if Command decides to be stringent on us, and leaves us a spare man to serve as detachment medic attached to my command team with my XO and SNCO, if we have that extra marine we could have him serve as a Sniper perhaps."

She glanced down at her own Padd where she had been furiously making quick alterations and handed it over.

"How about this, sir?"

Da`nal looked over the alterations. I will review this with the XO and though everything looks appropriate there may be some minor alterations. I..."

His statement was interrupted and the station's comms announced the arrival off the USS Soyuz and his...their surviving Marines.

"Looks like the Devil Dogs are back," Rebecca commented with a wry smile.

As the announcement faded Da`nal looked up from the monitor to Captain Post. “Looks like our Marines are home. Care to join me?â€

"Definitely, Captain," Rebecca nodded. "No time like the present."

Commodore Da`nal

Captain Rebecca Post


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