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Posted on 26 Oct 2012 @ 11:03pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Lucas Mason

960 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: USS Achilles & SB 80
Timeline: MD 2 - 0730


Art stood in the center of Main Operations watching the view screen. The Achilles was scheduled to arrive soon from their role in the Kzinti conflict. Art wanted to be on hand for their arrival. The stories he had heard from the conflict were intense to say the least. Art glanced around the room when the faint sound of the warp barrier being broken returned his attention to the view screen.

[USS Achilles]

"Take us out of warp."

"Aye, aye sir," Lucas replied as he entered the command to take the warp engines off line and collapsed the subspace field around the ship.

The Achilles...or at least most of it dropped from warp near the edge of the Starbase’s control zone. During his hearing and following the meeting where he had been promoted, the lower stardrive section of the Achilles had been towed here to begin repairs. The Achilles was in bad shape after almost non-stop combat with the Kzinti. But now that was all over and his crew could get a well deserved rest.

Now Commodore Da`nal sat in his command seat as the view screen shifted from the streaking star field to the view of the massive station and the planet it orbited. He was sure Cmdr Brannagh had already made arrangements for the ships repair needs...or at the very least turned Oakheart loose on the station.

"Helm, take us into the Station's control zone. Three quarter impulse."

"Three quarter impulse, aye," Lucas responded, falling into the simplified responses often used in combat for efficiency.

"Hail the station."

Logan glanced back smiling. "Aye...Commodore."

Art gave the command to open the channel and after waiting long enough to make sure the channel was open he responded to the hail. "USS Achilles, Starbase 80 welcomes you to the Arrer system." Art noticed the signs of battle that were spread across the hull of Achilles. Whatever they had been through was exceptionally apparent even without seeing what had happened to the lower stardrive section.

"Thank you, Commander. I understand you have the lower section of my ship. I hope it's in good hands, because I have two more sections in need of repair. I hope your dock master is ready for us?"

Art smiled as he responded. =^= She's in the best hands you could hope for, sir. The stardrive is in docking bay 7 mooring B. We have both moorings in docking bay 3 open for your two remaining sections. =^= Once inside the docking bay it would become difficult to detach and reattach sections to repair damage normally covered by another section of the ship. This made the Prometheus class somewhat of a complication when it came to conducting major repairs or overhauls as it required three moorings to do so efficiently.

"Excellent. We should be entering your control zone momentarily. Stand by while we separate."

Art glanced over at the Operations Officer on duty who passed on the heads up to the appropriate Flight Control Officers. =^= Confirmed, Achilles. We'll assume control once your helm controls are released.=^= Art replied, watching to see the separation. Seeing a Prometheus separate was a rare thing and Art had always been fascinated by the complexity of the design.

Da`nal didn't have to issue the order as Logan was already prepared. She sent out the alert message for all to standby for automated separation. With an automated separation the crew simply cleared the effected corridors as bulkheads began to seal and the saucer separated from the ship's upper drive section and entered a parallel course.

"Commander we are all yours."

Art replied immediately after getting a confirming nod from the Operations Officer letting him know that Flight Control had assumed control of the Achilles. =^= Confirmed, sit back and enjoy the ride in, Achilles. I'll have refreshments waiting in my ready room for you, Commodore.=^= Art added as he watched the upper drive section and saucer sections move in under remote control.

"Acknowledged, Commander. Please see that temporary quarters are established for my crew. With the repairs and refit I'm sure things will go faster without the crew in the way."

Art replied, =^= Consider it done, sir. I'll have officers at each airlock to point your crew in the right direction. You'll receive a confirmation signal from Flight Control when the docking procedure is complete. Enjoy your stay, out.=^= Art pressed a button on the console in front of him closing the channel. The Achilles had arrived and with plenty of work for the Starbase Engineers.

Da`nal rose from his seat even as the Achilles entered and was guided through the cavernous starbase and addressed the crew. "You all have honored me and yourselves with your service and sacrifice. All of you have earned a rest from battle and you shall all be getting that rest as the ship will be under repair for sometime shore leave is granted to all. Secure your stations and your departments. See that all departmental needs are sent to the XO along with any requests to take leave outside the system."

"Mr. Mason, once your duties are complete please find me on the station there are things we need to discuss."

Lucas glanced up at Da'nal, at bit surprised at the request. He had only just come aboard the Achilles, so he wondered what the Captain wished to discuss with him. "Yes, sir," he replied keeping his surprise and concern in check.

With the ship being tractored in there was no need to leave the bridge to anyone and he moved off to his ready room...or what was left of it.


Commodore Da'nal
Commanding Officer
USS Achilles

Commander Arthur Young
Commanding Officer
Starbase 80

Lieutenant JG Lucas Mason
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Achilles


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