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Saying Goodbye

Posted on 09 Oct 2012 @ 4:44pm by Captain Rebecca Post

913 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: Federation Shipyard, Location of USS Gladiator
Timeline: Following the Kzinti withdrawl


Harmon Post frowned as he heard someone call out his name, or at least the shortened version of his name. He turned around in search of the person in question and his sharp eyes scanned the busy crowd of Starfleet uniforms and civilian attire on the Promenade of the (Starbase/main station in the shipyards) and he quickly caught sight of the person in question.

Rebecca Post smiled as her brother's eyes finally found him and began to walk towards him. The fact that he was a full seven inches taller than him did nothing to stop her from looking him in the eyes as she made her way through the crowd and into the welcoming arms of her beloved big brother. She smiled as he lifted her off her feet and twirled her around as he had when she was only a kid, being ten years his junior he had always played the protective big brother role with a gusto, his innate urge to protect people was probably one of the reasons he had joined the Marines in the first place, and it had been his joining of the Marines that had provoked her to join the Marines herself, much to his delight and their parents dismay that they had lost two children to the 'evils' of the Marne corps rather than Starfleet, much to the 'wayward' kids amusement. Harm had never forgiven himself for what had happened at Korvalis however.

Presently however Harm released his sister to arms length and looked critically at her.

"It's good to see you back in uniform" Harm commented with a smile "I haven't seen you since, well, since Korvalis, five years, I would have got back sooner but the Intrepid was sent after the invaders and by the time we got back you had already shipped..."

"I know Harm" Rebecca replied, squeezing his hand tightly "I know you would have been there if you could, but at least you destroyed the bastards responsible"

She managed a smile as she tried to turn her attention back to happier things and eyed his collar.

"You got Major?" She questioned with a grin, she knew full well that he had been bucking for the rank of Major for a very long time, it was well deserved "Congratulations"

"Thank's kid" Harm winked "And yourself of course, Congratulations, Captain"

"You'd have been so pissed if I got Captain before you got Major" Rebecca commented with a laugh "But thanks Harm"

"You know I'd have been just as proud of you" Harm replied truthfully, squeezing her hand as they began to walk along "So, you shipping out?"

"Yea, USS Achilles, Detachment CO" Rebecca replied "Prometheus Class, Warship, what about you?"

"The Gladiator" Harm replied with a sigh "We are heading out to find out what the hell happened to the previous crew, I can't tell you exactly what because it's classified but, well, it won't be pleasant"

"You keep safe Harm" Rebecca said sharply "You promise me that"

"I promise" Harm replied with a smile "How long you got until you have to leave?"

"My shuttle to Ticonderoga leaves in an hour" Rebecca replies "Now I expect you to keep in contact this time, you aren't out on the rim anymore"

"Don't worry I will, the Gladiator is shipping out in an hour as well" Harm nodded "You got time to catch lunch?"


The two siblings continued along the Promenade until they found a nice enough looking restaurant, ordered food, and proceeded to sit down. They didn't talk about anything of particular importance they were simply catching up after a long time separated from each other by circumstances and work, as well as wondering about what the future would bring as they shipped off to their new duty assignments. It was not ideal but it was the reality of military service that you only got to see your friends and family in person every now and then, it was something that the vast bulk of civilians could simply not understand but something that you got used to as a military officer. The miracles of Subspace Communication had alieved the problems somewhat as visual communication was now easily accessible across most of the Federation and beyond with little or no time-lag, at further ranges away from comm bouys time lag began to creep in due to the sheer distances involved but even a small lag between speaking and being received was more than acceptable for the men and women of Starfleet to deal with.

All too soon however they had finished their lunch and would need to be heading back to their respective ships, or in Rebecca's case to a shuttle that would take her to her ship. Harm walked with her until they reached the shuttle bay in which it would be departing from and they shared one last, fierce, hug in farewell before Rebecca hefted her holdall bag and began to walk towards the shuttle and away from her Brother once again. She was stopped however as he called out her name.

"Becky" Harm called, using the shortened version of her name that only he in general was allowed to use "Semper Fi, Marine"

"Semper Fi, Sir" Rebecca replied, standing to attention and saluting and watched as Harm returned it, she smiled and continued on her way "Semper Fi"


Captain Rebecca Post
Marine Commanding Officer
USS Achilles

Major Harmon Post
Marine Commanding Officer
USS Gladiator


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