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Posted on 19 May 2009 @ 8:16pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,128 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Earth - Star Fleet Headquarters
Timeline: 22:00 (DS5 SD8)

“What is wrong with you!†Isha shrieked at the terminal in her quarters as she slammed her palms down on the desk, her own equipment was still in the consulate and still, she was informed out of bounds and she found herself stuck trying to communicate with the empire through Federation channels, only it seemed that jumped up intelligence-cum-security chief was being vindictive – every attempt she made to establish a channel was terminated. Surely the bastard should want her to make some communications so that he could fill his empty little morning with eavesdropping on things that were far too important for him to begin to understand.

Controlling her frustration Isha eased back gently in her chair for though Chelsea had made some wonderful repairs the swelling had yet to go down and she still moved like a woman twice her age.

Isha’s words to the doctor, her friend had almost become a long and final goodbye and the truth was Isha still did not know if she would return, she did not know if she would have that option. Accusations of high treason were being made and Isha knew that being tried in her absence was simply not an option, all she could do was return to ch’Rihan and win; the problem was that she could not reach anyone in the empire who could send her a vessel to take her home.

With reluctance Isha considered another option, one that would make the case she needed to present less believable in the eyes of her people, but it was so much more than an isolated attack on a Federation installation, more than an aborted kidnapping attempt, it was more than a squabble over a House and title … “Computer, put me in contact with Starfleet command, immediately. I have a request in the name of my government.â€

[Star Fleet Headquarters]

Admiral Rittenhouse was about to close out the day when his aide walked in. "Sir, I hate to bother you but the is a call from Romulan delegation on DS5."

The Admiral grimaced and huffed, news had already reached Earth about the attack but they had already had confirmation from the Romulan government that it wasn't a sanctioned action, but that of rogue elements that they insisted would be dealt with internally. "Can't this wait?"

"I tried to explain that it was late but she was very adamant sir."

"Very well, send her through."

After taking his seat he activated the comm. "Hello Ambassador. What is it I can do for you?"

"Admiral," Isha inclined her head as much as her damaged collarbone would allow, she did not waste time on pleasantries. "In the light of recent events it has become necessary for me to return to Romulus with some haste. I have information ... one might say evidence that will impact on the case against those responsible for the attack on this station. If I am unable to get there in time we risk an incident, that could upset the entire quadrant."

'Upset he entire quadrant....' talk about the arrogance, he thought. "This would be unprecedented Ambassador. As I recall the last Federation starship that was invited into Romulan space was severely damaged and cost the lives of some of the Federation best, and most unique officers." After a brief pause he continued. "Isn't there a Romulan vessel in the area, or could one be sent to pick you up?"

"If there had been I'm sure they woulod not have lingered in case of any attempt at retribution," Isha said. "And I will not entrust my person to any passing freighter. It would take several days for a ship to reach DS5 and several more for it to return to ch'Rihan. I would request that you select a fast ship that can take me - I will ensure safe passage ... this does, of course, have the additional benefit that your own represnentitives will be present to give the Federation's side of the case before the hearing - it is your station that was attacked after all ..." she paused to let him think on that for a moment or two.

"'Ensure safe passage'...familar words. However I agree that the presentation of the Federation', should be handled in person. I will need to see what ships are in the area and available for such a.... a 'request'."

Isha smiled softly to herself; one only had to identify the right arguement for the right man. "Admiral, I would greatly appreciate it if you could address my request with urgency," she said her fingers tracing a pattern on the desktop, unfortunately she knew that the Senate tribunal would not be so easy to manipulate.

"I'll do the best I can, Ambassador. I'm sure I'll be able to find you adequate transportation. I will contact you and the vessel's commanding officer as soon as I have something."

As she tapped in a little 'additional' information to back up her request Isha straightened in her chair; the repairs to her body were the best that any doctor could have done, she knew that, but that did nothing to lessen the twinges, or to remove the knowledge of everything else that was to come. "I appreciate your co-operation, Admiral," Isha said, "Which will be reflected in a small 'donation' from my own family that should contibute toward the comfort of families inadvertantly caught in our regrettable conflict."

He raised an eyebrow at that but held his tongue. ~Sound like a Ferengi trying to bribe...~ "Thank you, Ambassador I'm sure it will be appreciated. I'll be in touch." After closing the channel, he leaned back in his chair. So much for calling it a day.

Tapping his intercom. "Commander Saunders, get me a list of available vessel around or docked at Deep Space 5."

"Aye Sir."

A short time later the Admiral found himself looking through a very short list. Most of the ships in the area were on orders, under repair, coming of orders with requests for R & R. Other those available one caught his eye.

He began to think to himself. ~Hmmm, New ship....but a diplomatic vessel...involved in the defense of CO...same that commanded during the engagement...Klingon....hardly a race known for their history with the Romulans too....but a combat vet and proven officer...he definately won't take them at their word and would yield much ground on the our position....El-auruian/Betazoid Diplomatic officer...that could help.....~

It wasn't long before orders had been prepared and his reply the the Ambassador drafted.


Adm. Rittenhouse
Star Fleet HQ - Played by Da`nal

Cmdr. Saunders
The Admiral's Aide - Played by Da`nal

Ambassador Isha e-Khellian i-Ramnau t'Illialhlae


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