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The Chief's Best Friend

Posted on 18 May 2009 @ 7:33pm by

868 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Main Bridge - CoNN Station
Timeline: Current

Approaching DeHavilland with a stride that meant business, Mari cleared her throat as she drew near and demanded with barely controlled anger, "Señor, what is the meaning behind your treatment of the nacelles?"

CJ winced, staring down at his station and taking a deep breath before slowly turning around to face the Lieutenant. She had that look. Even just a few days into this command, he knew that look already, that one that so closely resembled a firecracker moments before explosion. He knew he was going to get it for pushing the ship so hard, but he wasn't expecting it so soon. It had saved their lives after all.

"Well... " he began, "As much as the Chief probably hates me right now, I was trying to save our skins." he replied, wincing inside. He knew that was not the answer she wanted to hear.

Mari contemplated his response for a moment before giving a shake of her head and folding her arms across her chest, "What other maneuvers did you consider prior to your playboy stunts? Or did you?"

CJ grinned inside, if only she could have seen how many maneuvers crossed his mind, she'd most certainly believe he didn't put undue stress on the nacelle's for no reason. He kept that inner smirk to himself, the last thing he needed was to be in more trouble.

"With respect, ma'am. I did execute a few by the book maneuvers. Our first run was a Beta-two attack, our second was a beta-three arc followed by several more finite maneuvers to work with the escorts. Only the last bit was creative, and that was because we were out of room and out of time. We had to stay out of their weapons fire or we were going to be toast. Most formatted maneuvers require either orchestration or the ability to survive a bit longer in the fight." he replied. "Ma'am." he added nervously.

Her face was unreadable at first but then, slowly, a broad grin spread across Mari's face and she shook her head, a gleam of respect in her eyes, "Bueno, Lieutenant. I appreciate a man who can stand up for himself and make his case. You have done well."

"Thank you." CJ grinned, his ego re-inflating - which wasn't always a good thing. "Hopefully we won't find ourselves in that situation again soon." he added.

"Hmm, hopefully not, but you are prepared if it does happen," Mari said pointedly before asking, "Verdad? That is true, isn't it?"

CJ nodded knowingly, "It is ma'am." he replied, "I have a better idea of what this ship can do now. I'm confident the next time we run into trouble will go much smoother." he said, turning back to his conole for a moment when it chirped the completion of his diagnostic. He adjusted the settings and turned back to the XO. "Any word on where we're headed next?" he asked.

"No, no word at this point. I'm just waiting to hear from the Captain," Mari responded.

"Do you know the Captain, ma'am?" CJ asked, curious if everyone else was as clueless as to their Skipper's history as he was.

Mari shook her head and said, "No, I had never met him before he took over the bridge from me."

CJ nodded, "Looks like we have a mysery on our hands then." he winked, "What about you Lieutenant? Where'd you come from?" he asked, feeling much more comfortable with the Lieutenant than when he first arrived. Her outward persona could be a bit... intimidating.

"Academy," Mari responded, "Straight from command training."

"I transferred in from the Sovereign." he replied, "It's a way smaller ship, but I couldn't pass up the chance at a Department Head so early on." he added, puffing his chest out a bit.

Laughing, Mari couldn't help but shake her head and comment to herself in Spanish, "Tan orgulloso. We will see if you are as deserving of your pride as you think you are. So far so good, but that doesn't mean you can slack off now!"

"Wouldn't dream of it, ma'am." he replied with a wink.

"Bueno," Mari nodded with approval and something a bit more playful in her gaze, "I suppose I'd better check up on the other stations and see how they are faring. Buenas tardes, Lieutenant."

"Ma'am." he replied, turning back to his station with a smile. She was a bit of a firecracker, but he liked that. It was definitely going to make things interesting on the Bridge, as they'd already seen.

Still smirking to himself, he finished the last of his diagnostics and left the CoNN in the hands of the Petty Officer lingering nearby to relieve him and made his way off the Bridge. He'd been on his feet long enough and needed to make a pit stop in the Sick Bay before having a bite to eat and crashing out hard in his quarters. He nodded politely to the Lieutenant as he stepped onto the turbolift, letting the doors swish closed before him.

"Deck Six." he ordered.

Lt Mariposa Hernandez Rodriguez
Executive Officer
USS Freedom

Lieutenant JG Curtiss "CJ" DeHavilland
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Freedom


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