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Interrogation - Aftermath

Posted on 22 May 2009 @ 12:12am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,087 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: The brig
Timeline: Approx 3 hrs after the Freedom's return to DS5


With utter disgust she stared at the slumped figure on the chair and the puddle that was forming as his sphincter relaxed and released the contents of his bladder on the floor.

Looking in the direction of the observation room to the XO, she tapped her comm badge. “T’Pal to Da’nal. I need to speak with you,†she said. "And you, Lieutenant," she added to Rodriguez.


There was no reply to T'Pal's hail, and after repeated it she tried to locate him.

"Commander Da`nal is not on board the Freedom," came the computer's reply.

Frustrated T'Pal clenched her jaws. They must have arrived back at DS5 in the mean time. "Computer, open a channel to Commander Da'nal." she ordered. Looking again at Nniol, she wondered if she could attempt wiping his memory quickly before a doctor came. There was still no one in the interrogation room but herself and of course, Roderiguez in teh observation room.

Stepping to his side, she placed her fingers on the face again and closed her eyes. Since he was unconscious now, there was no resistance. His mind was a mess however and digging into it now, would not be advisable. She focussed her mind on the events in the interrogation room and removed those memories. He might remember his resistance to her and his answers, but not the actual mind meld.

Saitisfied, for now, she stepped back as the security officers stepped into room and secured the prisoner.

[DS5 - between Sick bay and the docking bay]

Da`nal had his children with him and was heading back to the ship when his comm badge chirped. Releasing his son's hand he reached up to tap the communicator. "Commander Da`nal here..."

"Commander, I need to speak with you regarding the prisoner," T'Pal replied. "I am awaiting the CMO to treat him, but I would like to see you before she arrives."

"Very well, I'm on my way. Have a security detail meet me at the airlock."

"Acknowledged," T'Pal said and arranged for two officers to meet the CO. For a fleeting moment she wondered why e needed that, but that was not the important issue now. The Romulan however was.

When Da`nal arrived at the Freedom the security deatil was waiting. "I need you to escort my children to my quarters. An attempt on their lifes was made by Romulan agents during the attack, so be on your guard."

"Yes sir.." The security officers took charge of the children and led them off. All the while thinking, ~Great!! I Looove babysitting...."

After a short delay Da`nal finally made it to the brig. "You wanted to to see me Lieutenant."

T'Pal was waiting for him and lead him to Nniol's cell, where he was now lying down on the bunk, still unconscious. "Yes, it is regarding the interrogation. I have done a mind meld, but our *guest* had passed out before I could get everything, but I was able to wipe the memory of the meld."

Not exactly what he wanted to hear, but he would have to deal with it. "What were you able to get?"

"Most what I got was confirming the information he gave Lt Termin and that is the information he wanted us to have. That is what is significant. I had relative easy access to his memories. Too easily," T'Pal said. "He was well prepared. At this point I can say with surety that he cannot be trusted. He seems to want to divert blame to the ambasador," she informed him.

Nodding. "As expected. Go on."

"However, in the moments before he had lost consciousness, his barriers gave way. 'Arrhae i-Nn'Verih t’Rehu' is someone whom he desperately wanted to hide, as well as Senator Rhiu ir-Ainleth. I don't have context though. I will check the stations records to see what I can find out," she said, her eyes going back to the prisoner. "He had rather broken his arm than reveal those names," she remarked.

"Well we knew that someone higher up the food chain was either supporting his or pulling his strings. Find out what you can and let me know. Was there anything else?"

T'Pal nodded in acknowledgement of the order. "No. not right now. If anything else becomes clearer I will let you know."

"Very well. Get youself checkout to make sure you suffered no ill effects." Knowing she would insist that she was fine, "That's an order."

That was the last thing T'Pal wanted to do and her face showed her annoyance, but she accepted the order with a raised eyebrow.. "Of course, Commander" she said. "What shall we do with him?"

Looking into the detention cell at the unconscious Romulan with disgust. "Leave him for now, but have someone from sickbay, other than the CMO, check him out."

"Acknowledged," she said with distinct indifference. As far as she was concerned she would kill him in an instand, but they might need him later again. She turned to leave to make the arrangements.

Da'nal left the brig and headed to his quarters. When he arrived, he dissmissed the guard that was watching over his children. After putting them to bed he retuned to the living area. It had been a non-spot day, there was no doubt about that. And it wasn't over yet...well almost.

"Computer...1 MC"

After the shipwide attention hail had passed he spoke. "Attention crew of the USS Freedom. This is Commander Da'nal. As of 1930 this evening I have officially been assign as the Freedom's commanding office. Some of you may have also ecpected your assignment here to be temporary...just for the purposes of defending the station. As of this evening The Freedom is now your home. I couldn't ask for a better crew for my first command. We have shared battle together and emerged victorious....and we accomplished this as strangers. As we get to know you anothers abilities, strengths and we mess into a family. There will be nothing that can stand in our way.

"As the stations repair crews complete repairs and complete those system that were not installed prior to the battle. Take that time to transfer you personal efects to your new quarters. Take some time to familiarize yourself with the ship and your shipmates. Department heads I will want to see all of you in the Observation lounge at 1400 tomorrow afternoon.

"Da`nal Out."


Cmdr Da`nal
Commanding Officer



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