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Once more unto the breach

Posted on 16 Sep 2012 @ 10:02pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Lucas Mason & Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar

1,168 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Former location of SB 517

All that remained of the once impressive Starbase was sections of floating debris. Scattered around the outskirts of the debris field were those escape pods that had been at the edge of the shockwave. Some were functional but most were not and those pods that could maneuver were trying to aid those in trouble.

Out of the silence came the warning from the USS Achilles.

=^= To Admiral L'Berr, SB 517 and surrounding Starships. Attack by massive Kzinti forces imminent on SB 517, and the Yadalla System! =^=

The message had come too late and the laughter aboard the Kzinti vessels echoed through their ships as the last of the Armada departed for their next target.

[USS Tempest]

The Tempest had dropped from warp and rendezvoused with the USS Jefferson to take on the Admiral and picked up the warming while the Admiral was speaking with the Captain. “Yadalla?! I WANT TO SEE THOSE TWO KZINTI NOW!â€

[Qualor Fleet]

Dirk heading the Qualor Fleet responded to the message. "No sense in heading to the Starbase then. Helm, new heading. Take us to the Yadalla System. Pass the news along to the rest of the Fleet." He added to the operations officer.

[USS Achilles / IKC VaQbach / Captured Kzinti vessel KWS Bloodlust]

Not long after their warning was received the three ships reentered normal space. An open channel between the three ships was open to coordinate their activities.

At any other time the huge starbase would have been looming before them but now there was nothing. Even as a Klingon, bred for conflict, he was taken back at the level and completeness of the station’s destruction. Da’nal rose from his chair stepping forward slightly…his children had been on that station and he had no way of now they were actually safe.

The bridge was as silent as a grave. The Achilles had evacuated their civilian and family to the starbase his son…his daughter had been among them. In a flash of anger he drew the blade he kept in the waist of his uniform and with a roar at his loss and uttering a Klingon vow of vengeance Da`nal swore, by his own blood, the Kzinti would pay for what they had done to him, his House, his crew, and the Federation.

Ayren gasped with shock at the site, also immediately thinking of the twins, whom she loved as her own. "Maybe they got away...." she said softly.

Ciara also flew out of her seat in a mixture of astonishment, shock, anger and fear. The last feeling dried her mouth, cold sweat forming on her upper lip, which she wiped away quickly. "Scan for life signs..." she said to ops, even if she had no hope.

Ayren already knew the answer, but she said nothing, just stared into the black nothing where the mighty space station used to be....

Charg watched his friend from the bridge of the Bloodlust and recalled the loss of his own unborn child. He stood drawing his own blade. "Vond Shoo-vwee Dun Mahh-Qeqq huh-Qov-Vahm Jed Yin-Moj Mah-Muqh Sto-ve-qor Pah-dahkh-tin baht-leh El-eegh-cha yay-moj"

We dedicate this mission and our lives to the memory of a great warrior and through our victory they will enter the sacred halls of Sto-vo-qor

At full battle readiness and with tactical poised to lock targets, the VaQbach dropped into normal space, only to find nothing to shoot at. "What the hell.....!?" Kre said as he rose from his seat. Rage filled his eyes as his hands opened and closed. No words could describe his shock at the scene in front of him. A growl rose from the pit of his stomach and became a powerful roar for the dead.

KoS looked at the devastation. He did not join the call for the dead, since he knew nothing of those that had died. He knew that crew had family on the station, and that they would now be seeking the Right of Vengeance. That would make them volatile and unpredictable. A ship full of berserkers was a formidable one, but a nightmare for Security.

Sam watched in horror from her station as events unfolded right before her eyes as she looked at her monitor. Of course, she couldn't really do a thing about it. Pushing the event out of her mind, her hands, manuvered about the keys at the terminal. She was shaking, like a leaf on a branch. With a deep intake of air, then blowing it out, she steady herself so she can continue her task on the VaQbach.

"Scan for Kzinti warp trails!" he ordered. Through the open com link, he heard what Da'nal and Charg had said. "Yes... they will pay.... in HELL!!!" he growled.

On the Bloodlust Charg drew his blade across his palm; “YuWee-modge. Baht-leh-modge. Yah Dodge. Lohn-Ict-lihj push-Mochh-ludge Stov-ve-qor.â€

Blood. Honor. Glory. Open your gates, Sto-vo-qor.

Da`nal stood straight and tall he was honored by the voices reciting the Klingon rite coming over the come from the other ships. He to spke the words…“YuWee-modge. Baht-leh-modge. Yah Dodge. Lohn-Ict-lihj push-Mochh-ludge Stov-ve-qor.â€

Logan turned to the XO. “Ma’am I’m not reading any distress calls but there are sporadic life signs. There’s not many, but there are survivors.â€

Ciara was not surprised, but gripped her fingers around the arm rests of her chair. "Prepare shuttles to pick up the survivors," she said instinctively, but then looked to Da'na;l for confirmation. He might want to follow the Kzinti and come back later.

Da`nal could feel the eyes of his crew on him as they waited for his orders to either help the survivors or go after the Kzinti fleet.

“Launch our remaining shuttles to help until a ship arrives, and open hail frequencies…all channels.â€

Logan replied “Frequencies open.â€

=^= To all receiving this message. This is Captain Da`nal of the USS Achilles. SB 517 has been obliterated by Kzinti forces. We are launching shuttles to aid the handful of survivors while we pursue the enemy fleet. Addition assistance for these shuttles is requested. Intel now has the Kzinti fleet en route to the Yadalla system. All civilian craft are ordered to clear the area. All Federation starhips in the vicinity are to divert to the Yadalla system. Da`nal Out. =^=

Da`nal knew he had no authority to give such an order, but as far as he knew Admiral L’Berr was dead, nor did he know of the Qualor fleet, so he took that actions he deemed necessary.

“Helm set course for Yadalla. Warp 9 and execute.â€

After all the piloting he had been doing recently, the latest order was simple, but behind was a commitment to something they might not return from. Lucas nodded and executed the command.

[IKC VaQbach bridge]

Over the open channel Kre heard that the Achilles was going to send shuttles to pick up the survivors, so he gave the order to join the Achilles to head for the Yadalla system.



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