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Operation Beachhead - When it hits the fan...

Posted on 16 Sep 2012 @ 10:47pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & 1st Lieutenant Corisk Malluk & Sergeant Dawn Brianna & Lance Corporal Cyfian Harper

847 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Planet Mercer - Marine Encampment
Timeline: 430

The camp was a swarm of activity as the shuttle carrying wayward Sgt. Brianna returned. Both her and SSgt Frey had been rushed to the medical section of the cavern as the Kzinti warrior was taken into custody.

A sentry burst in on the conversation Velez and Lt. Malluk were having. "Excuse me sir! We have an issue. Seems SSgt Frey and LCpl Harper took a shuttle and recovered Sgt. Brianna. Frey and Brianna were both taken to medical and Harper...along with a Kzinti was taken to Security."

Velez looked to the Lieutenant, but was already up and moving. "Sir we should put the camp on alert. There is no telling if the Kzinti have any kind of tracking devices on their troops....or if this was some kind of set up to find our location."

"Agreed. Double the guards on him. No one speaks to it before Intelligence gets there hands on him. Infact, take care of it yourself. Im going to check out Dawn and promote those idiots before they cause me more trouble." Growling walking to the exit and turns heading to the Medical Bay.

===Medical Bay===

"Well this sucks... You two are getting in trouble to getting me." Dawn sighed, frustrated about the situation.

Walking into and almost ripping the door off the hinges sort of speak to the Medical Bay. Malluk bellows..."Everyone WHO does NOT need to be here OUT. Unless you want a klingon to find a very....creative use for your talents in a targ pit." Walk glaring at both Cyfian and turning to Jason. "You outside."

Cyfian nodded and quickly left the Medical Bay before all hell broke lose.

Glaring with a pent up and controlled ire about him. "Jason when you’re able to join us. DO it." While turning to Dawn and looking at her. "So tell me of this Kzinti u brought back with you?" While he waits for the Medical Bay to empty except for the nurse and a doctor to be nearby.

"What about him sir?" Dawn replied, still not fully having her head in the right spot at the moment, she looked at him. Her eyes had a distant look to them, her skin still pale, and her body still a little on the cold side.

"When you get better. Rest now....but Intel will want everything u got on him plus a report when your ready." Turning to Jason...."Now for you. What in the Andorian Winters of Tallus brought you to go off and get her?" Asking the rhetorical question and growling..."You know this means your gunna be promoted...AGAIN."

Storming off to yell at Cyfian now...."Where did that Corporal go...." Exiting the Medical Bay without listening to Jason's ramblings.

"Cpl. Cyfian. Since you’re the only coherent one here. I’ll ask you this....Do you have any idea how much trouble you’re in?" Glaring and growling while only inches from his face...

Cyfian stood at attention just looking forward. His body standing perfectly still but his stomach leap and jumped around. A Klingon is an imposing sight for anyone, even more so when they are standing directly in your face. Cyfian wasn't sure what was going to happen first, him throwing up or his legs buckling underneath him due to exhaustion or just fear.

"Sir yes sir." Cyfian replied.

"Do me a favor. Get your ass out on the patrol and protect this base. At least do it right this time." Saying as he leaves to check on the shuttles.

[Back inside Medical]

Jason hadn't even had time to react before the Lieutenant had stormed out after Cyfian....the poor kid. Looking over at Dawn while he laid on is stomach as the Doc worked on his back, "What the hell?" Jason didn't know if they were in trouble or if they were going to get rewarded.

"You know they're going to chew you out for getting me right?" Dawn asked, sometimes she struggled with herself and her depression. Mentally she beat herself up for what happened, blaming herself for the hell Jason and Cyfian would go through. 'If I had just stayed in that tent.' she thought to herself, 'Jason wouldn't look like this.' a small tear streamed down her cheek. She quickly wiped it off, putting up with the physical pain she was in and the nurse's look that he had given her when he saw her tear.

"You would have done the same..." Jason was cut off by a series of explosions and the sound of the alerts.

Despite the fact the medics were still working on his he jumped to his feet to their protest. "We haven't finished with you!"

"It will have to be good enough! Arm yourselves!"

Jason took a hypo from a kit near his bed and after checking the contents, he pressed it to his neck. The pain killers took almost immediate effect and he grabbed his gear. Pulling on his vest on his shirtless body he looked to Dawn. "Defend the fort!"



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