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Captain's Log

Posted on 10 Sep 2012 @ 12:18am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

243 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Captain's Ready Room - At High Warp

Stardate: 67297.9

"The Achilles is at hight warp towards Federation space. During our time behind the lines we have gathered large amounts of intel to include a Kzinti vessel. Captain Kretorg has honored me by accompanying us on our journey back to the Federation space. Right now we are at high warp and we have violated radio silence and transmitted a warning of the impending attack. I can only hope Kahless finds favor in our efforts and our warning reaches the Federation in time.

"In addition, the Kzinti have been collecting humaniod females for....experimentation and research. From the data recovered and from recovered survivors they considered the human female one of the main reasons the Kzinti lost the last time they fought the humans. As Kzinti females are sub-sentient they under-estimated the human women and were unprepared. The research they are doing is to understand their enemy."

Da`nal closed the log and filed it...adding it to the emergency drone that would be launched in the event of they impending destruction.

He sat there a moment, his mind racing. His thoughts tried to focus on his duty, but the faces of his childern kept that from happening. His son and daughter, along with all famiily members from the Achilles had been evacuated to the Star Base 517 per protocol. But now, now he questioned the wisdom of that directive.

Eve if they didn't make it in time there message had to.


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