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A stop along the way - Part 3

Posted on 29 Aug 2012 @ 9:47pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar

1,205 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Multiple

[Kzinti Armada]

A young un-named warrior turned from his console. "All ships secured from d-drive and accounted for!"

High Admiral Grel-Tagr clenched his clawed hand. "FIRE AT WILL!! And bring the Talon's into position!"

The space outside the station light up like a star from the sheer volume of the weapons fire.

The station's defense perimeter hadn't stood a chance and one ship after another exploded as their shields buckled almost immediately and debris flew in all directions as warp cores breeched

[SB 517]

Even with the stations massive bulk its position shifted slightly from the force of the energy being thrown at it. Every nonessential system had been shutdown and power diverted to the shields. Despite this the shields were draining quickly. It was only a matter of time.

Soran know they had little time; he also knew that any shuttle or escape pod would be destroyed without mercy. Opening a channel again to the USS Jefferson; =^=Beam the Admiral away now! =^=

Even while trying to keep her balance while the station was rock, she angrily shot the Vulcan a glare. "Don't you...", but her sentence was cut short as she dematerialized.

"Prepare to blow the space doors!"

"Systems, inoperable...we can't"

Outside every phaser and torpedo bay was firing at the Kzinti forces. Even as the stations defense platforms attempted to shoot down the incoming Kzinti torpedoes and missiles.

[IKW HeH'etlh]

Lord Ral'nath had dispatched them to retrieve his grandchildren; and hey had done so, but now they were trapped inside the Federation Starbase while it was being destroyed around them.

"Their attempt to blow the door has failed Commander!"

The fate of the future of the House of Varal, though only half Klingon, was in his hands and he would not fail! "Helm, re-orient the ship, mark 270 degree." Slowly the Klingon warship bow dropped, pointing the ship at the 'floor' of the massing docking bay. "Tactical, target all weapons 0 mark 0."

The XO stepped up to her commanding officer, "You intend to blast our way out?"

"The belly of the beast is always the most vulnerable Lieutenant. FIRE!"

[Station Ops]

"Sir the Klingons are trying to blast their way out!"

"Seal the area surrounding their planned course."

[Elsewhere on the Station]

A security officer ran to the last evac transport carrying a toddler, he shoved him into the arms of a crying woman on the shuttle, “I've got to go!â€, he told the woman, “Then I'm staying†she replied, “Our son needs you, I love you both..†Another security officer helped force her one board as he turned and ran back to his post. The ships were leaving full to the gills with civilians; there was definitely not room for the station personnel. A group of Bajoran Vediks were administering to those who could not get on to the transports, one case a Vulcan youth was meditating quietly off to one side. A human with a violin was playing softly in one corner of the nearly empty promenade, a former Starfleet Officer she gave his seat to someone else.

[Kzinti Armada]

Their losses had been minor thus far, but considering they had expected a powerless station any losses were unexpected and unacceptable.

"Admiral, the Talons are at full power and in position."

His lip curled revealing his fang. "Have them co-ordinate their strike and proceed."

The Talon class weapon ships were in position and the emitters unlocked and began their trek forward and when complete the powerful beams leapt out.

The stations remaining shields lasted only a fraction of a second under the onslaught and as they failed operations was obliterated and al the stations weapons fell silent. The beams were then redirected as they began to slice the station into pieces.

[USS Jefferson - Inside SB 517]

Admiral L'Berr was livid to say the least; she stormed off the transporter pad and made her way to the bridge. As she stepped out of the lift her mouth dropped as the Kzinti cutting beam sliced through the stations dome.

The Commander stood in shock at the level of destruction taking place before their eyes; it was Amber that brought them back to reality. "RED ALERT!!. Auxillery power to the shields!"

Heads darted in her direction at the unfamiliar voice, but the Commander repeated the order and was anger at herself for not taking the action. "Admiral the space doors are sealed and..."

Debris was shooting in every direction from one secondary explosion after another, but Amber raised a hand to cut off the report. "I know! Take us out through the station!"

The helmsman and the Commander looked at the Admiral like she was crazy. "WHAT!"

If there had been time she would have rolled her eyes, but she moved quickly to the helm and physically pulled the young officer out of his seat. "You are relieved!" She took the seat and whipped the craft up towards the gash in the dome left by the Kzinti beam and flew into it. The small craft weaved its way through the dome of the devastated starbase finally bursting into clear space and jumping to warp.

"Contact the USS Tempest and set a rendezvous!...," after a slight pause, " have the bridge Commander."

[IKW HeH'etlh]

The Klingon Battleship burst from the belly of the dome and came about to face the armada surrounding the station. At any other time he and his crew would have faced their enemy and died a glorious death. But today was that day. Lord Ralnath's son could be dead and they carried the heirs to their House. "Our honor is in protecting our House...not in defending a dying station! Take us out of the system and send a transmission to both the High Council and the Federation!"

[Kzinti Armada]

"Lord Admiral, multiple ship and shuttlecraft have jumped to warp. We are also detecting hundreds of escape pods."

"They are nothing...their reports fo this day will only serve to spread fear before us. Have Talons 1 & 3 cease fire and had 2 take final position over the station. Have the fleet assume formation."

"Yes Sir!"

[Outside SB 517]

Two of the Talon weapon-ships pulled back and joined the fleet, taking their place in the massive formation away from the station. Only the command ship remained where it was. The remaining weapon-ship took position over, what was left of the top of the station. Section of the dome drifted freely slowly floating away from the core of the station. Sub-space channels were abuzz with distress signals and calls for help or mercy.

Without hesitation the Talon fired its main weapon, the beam traveling through the spine of the station; the secondary explosions rippled down the down its length. Finally the station erupted in a massive fireball; the shockwave reaching out like a star going nova.

[Kzinti Command ship]

The subspace channels in the area where now silent as the pods calling for help were now destroyed. The ship had rocked violently from the shockwave but the shields had protected them. Looking at the growing sphere of debris that had once been a starbase, High Admiral Grel-Tagr was anxious to see what these ships could do to a planet.

"Bring us about, set course for the Yadalla system!"


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