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A stop along the way - Part 2

Posted on 29 Aug 2012 @ 9:47pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar

1,503 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Multiple


"Medical staff in EVA suits, I'd rather not," Kre smiled. "Of course you can ask for a transfer to engineering, but I might have to appoint K'tala in medical.... that would be rather disastrous..." he said.


The doctor laughed at her friend's reply. Inspite of what has happen to her up to this date, both at the hands of the Kzinti and the honorable death of her beloved, she hadn't lost her sense of humor, but she also, felt the tension of the bridge as the Va'Qbach traveled head long into battle. Which, of course, Bel, as the crew's personal doctor, it was her duty, to make sure that they were mentally prepare for battle, let alone physical. Bel'a'Tar stepped back away from the captain's chair and stood beside HoS'a' as she began to loudly pat at the metallic table and began to sing.

"Qoy qeylIs puqloD
Qoy puqbe'pu'
yoHbogh malthbogh je' SuvwI'
Sey'moHchu' may' 'Iw
maSuv manong 'ej maHoHchu'
nI'be'yInmaj 'ach wovqu'!"

HoS'a', again, could not help but add his heavy base to the chorus.

"batlh maH ghbej'jyoqIjDaq
vavpu'ma' DImuvpa'reH maSuvtaH
Qu' DamevQo' maSuvtaH, ma'ov"

(Hear! Sons of Kahless
Hear! Daughters too.
The blood of battle washes clean.
The Warrior brave and true.
We fight, we love, and then we kill.
Our lives burn short and bright.
Then we die with honor and join our
fathers in the Black Fleet where we
battle forever, battling on through
the Eternal fight.)

Bel'a'Tar knew that the coming battle might be there last, but she was glad see that most, if not all, the bridge crew always began to sing along. Her eye looked to HoS'a' as she sang a smile formed upon her lips.

"May you die well, HoS'a'" she informed

"And you, Daughter of Har'tar," HoS'a' inclined his head ever so slightly towards her. With that, all issues were resolved and forgotten. They would shed blood again together as if nothing had passed between them on their first meetings. HoS'a' returned to monitoring internal security from his station. The amount of information available on these newer ships was staggering, and he intended to make full use of all of it. He glanced over at the Andorian Science officer but looked away again before she caught his gaze.

Sam was typing and adding certain data into the ship computer. She was reviewing the sensor data that was scrolling in, as the VaQbach, transverse through the void at high warp. As the captain and K'tala were talking to one another, the resident Andorian, was keeping an eye on the ship and the space surrounding her. As she toiled with the concern of the ship, she heard a chat that she never heard before. She paused as she looked over her shoulder to see, Bel and HoS'a', singing, which she join in in singing as she went back to her tasking of monitoring the sensor.

Tu’rocK stepped on to bridge, bat’leth on his back and duel disruptor pistols at his sides, As he looked around the bridge of the new ship, there a fire in his eyes like the crew had not seen before he himself felt a surging of honor and pride he hadn’t felt before, He looked at the read out on the main tactical station before turning to Koll “I Trust fighters are well prepared.†he said with closest thing to smile on lips that crew had ever seen, the thought of coming battle was exhilarating to him.

Koll nodded as he made some minor adjustments. "My cousin leads them and they made a good account of themselves in their first battle since leaving Balduk. Then any warrior of Balduk is worth six from anywhere else." Koll spoke with pride in his cousin. He was not really sure if he should speak for his cousin as he had never set foot on their home world. His grin grew as he faced his console, his father had him beaten nearly every day between the age of eight and sixteen just to toughen him up. To make up for the fact he was not on Balduk. It had ended at sixteen when he had won his first fight with an adult.

[USS Tempest - Holodeck 2]

Fleet Admiral Hezrk-Jal and the rightful Kzinti Patriarch, though technically prisoners were being treat as heads of state, respect and honor. Their Federation "guards" had participated in the hunt they had just completed and Hezrk observed his longtime pupil as he interacted with the human assigned to him. He listened to them discuss the various animals and places they had both hunted and when the human had revealed that he had spent a week in the Halee system on a hunt...and survived; the look of shock on his pupil's face was priceless. As they emerged from the woods into the clearing surrounding the Kzinti style lodge, Hezrk felt that this trip to Earth was just the thing the Heir needed. But he would never be able to reclaim power with the help of the Federation. His thoughts moved to how he could return the Heir to his rightful place without appearing to be a Federation pawn....

[SB 517]

As the lift stopped Commodore Soran immediately moved to his communications officer, “Send a priority signal to Admiral Alphonse at Qualor II; Attack imminent, request immediate reinforcement.â€

“Yes sir!â€

Moving to the CIC Soran joined Admiral L’Berr. “Station status?â€

Commander Garcia, the stations Strategic Operations Officer responded. “All space doors open, and all starships should be deployed in the next 10 minutes, then space doors will be sealed. Civilian evacuations still underway, approximately 30% complete. All weapons systems are online. Point-of-defense platforms are standing by. Shield emitters are charged and ready to be raised following the evacuation or at your command.â€

As he completed the report the Commander turned to the Admiral. “Ma’am, the USS Jefferson is standing by to evacuate you…â€

Amber’s face flashed red, but she reined in her anger as she cut of the commander. “I’m not going anywhere.â€

[Qualor Fleet Command Ship - USS Imperator]

Dirk received the message from the Starbase. He turned to his crew on the bridge. "Well, I think that is as plain as it can get." =^="Alphonse to Fleet, set course to base 517, Emergency Warp."=^=

"Helm, do the same please. I want to be the first there. Red Alert."Dirk added. The ship went red as the stars on the display lengthened and let Dirk know they were at warp.

"Shields are online" Rose said, standing at her station, "Tactical systems are active and standing by. We're having a problem with the aft torpedo launchers, but I've got people on it"

[Qualor Fleet - USS Orion]

Mikeal sat on the bridge of the Orion, no orders to go, no idea what his role was, his orders were wait, to wait for what?

[Qualor Fleet- USS Edison]

Lunir was reading over a final readiness report when the order came through. Rising, he straightened his uniform, grabbed his overcoat, and hit his comm badge as he walked to the bridge, "Red Alert!! All hands to battle stations. Lemieux and Tricameron, report to Transporter Room 1!" As he made his way to his chair, the first of his bridge staff began to arrive. "Comm, put me through to the wing." As an ensign frantically pushed the buttons, Lunir looked around. No one smiled, no one looked optimistic, only fear and determination sat on their faces. "This is Commander Lunir to Theta Wing: All ships to battle alert, all hands to battle stations. Prepare for Warp formation and we'll engage on my command."

[Kzinti Armada]

High Admiral Grel-Tagr lifted his chin from his fist as he turned to the tactical display. It was time. Standing from his massive command chair, “Disengage D-Drive.â€

The Armada dropped into normal space and the flank turned in toward the station. Over 200 Kzinti Warships, Battle cruisers, Carriers, Dreadnoughts, Battleships, and Frigates nearly encircled three quarters of the station. The three massive Kzinti Weapon ships were equally dispersed throughout and protected within the armada.

As the dimensional distortion cleared the Federation station shined before them, its systems still intact. Around the station was a line of nineteen starships, forming a defensive perimeter. “SO it appears they found our collaborator. No matter they will die with the lights on rather in the dark.â€

[SB 517]

Everyone in Ops watched the display as ship after ship appeared; the silence was only broken by the gasps from varying stations. Soran knew they had little time, “Raise shields and seal the space doors.†As ships continued to appear he opened a station wide channel. =^= All crew not on duty are ordered to evacuate...=^= “That includes you Admiral. “

“Like hell I will not leave.†The Admiral said stubbornly.

Enemy ships continued to arrive and Soran turned to the Admiral. “It is illogical for you to remain Admiral. This MY command and you will be needed to continue the fight on another front.â€



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