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Operation Beachhead - Recovery Ops - Part 2

Posted on 16 Aug 2012 @ 8:16pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & 1st Lieutenant Corisk Malluk & Sergeant Dawn Brianna & Lance Corporal Cyfian Harper

1,677 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Planet Mercer - Former Federation Colony
Timeline: 345

The Kzinti dropped and fell back from the impact of the Federation weapon. Rolling over slowly he looked to the female he had spent the night with and lift his face to her. She was the last thing he saw as everything went black and he collapsed...unconscious.

Dawn looked at the Kzinti, somewhat feeling bad for him, although he was the enemy, he also protected her as well. She faintly smiled as she saw Cyfian and Jason, she was in bad shape, verge of hypothermia, blood loss, and no food or water in her system didn't help matters. "It's good to see you."

Cyfian turned to Dawn and smiles. "It’s good to see you too Sergeant." He replied while getting out a water pack and handing it to her. "Take it easy, we're going to get you out of here. Was there just this one?"

"Yes, just this one." Dawn's teeth chattered.

After speaking to Dawn, Cyfian lifted himself up and headed over to Jason. It looked like he took a nasty hit. Bending down he gently shook him.

Jason came to after Cyfian shook him a bit. His head was still ringing, his back was on fire, and he was having trouble breathing. Slowly he reached around behind and felt what was wrong. Protruding from his back was the stub of a branch...when he hit the tree he must have been impaled in it. In accordance with his training he rolled onto his injured side. "Get everyone loaded...", taking a slow deep breath, "I'll follow along."

"I didn't come out here to get one person just to lose another sir." Cyfian said firmly.

"That's..." swallowing hard, " order."

"But sir, we go together. Once on the shuttle I can look at your wound." Dawn said weakly, seeing the branch.

Jason coughed and winced at the pain it caused. "You don't look to be in that good of shape yourself. Now go you to get your friend here back to the shuttle and then come back for me." He slowly got to his feet. "I'll be get going."

Cyfian was conflicted. On one side he didn't want to leave Jason in his condition. But on the other Dawn was in bad shape and she needed to get back to the shuttle as soon as possible. As much as he hated to admit it, Jason was right.

Nodding, he picked up Jason's weapon and placed it into his hand and closed his fist around his. "You see anything coming out of the trees that don’t look human; you shoot first and ask questions later." Taking out a medical kit and placing it near him. Starring Jason in the face he could clearly see the pain it caused Cyfian to leave him. "I'll be back as soon as possible."

Nodded Jason took the rifle and kept an eye on the Kzinti, now bound and unconscious

Turning he walked over to Dawn and helped her to his feet.

Dawn let out a groan as she was helped to her feet. "If anything happens, kill him. I don’t want to lose you too."

Jason called after them. "Have the shuttles computer auto pilot back to this location..." Spitting blood and swallowing he continued. "...then use the transporter to bring us up."


After a short staggered jog with his arm around Dawn, helping her keep pace they finally arrived at the shuttle. Cyfian gently placed the sergeant into a chair and started up the shuttle. His lungs burned with pain as they tried to full with every breath. It had been a while since he'd actually piloted one of these things. He hoped that he could still remember.

Cyfian turned to Dawn. "Strap in. Its going to be a bumpy ride."

[Marine Encampment]

Lt. Malluk walked up to Velez and returned his salute. He winced slightly, "I’m ready for duty....the medical team cleared me...after i broke a few noses...." Saying under his breath. "Were can i be of..."assistance"...?" While looking around lightly.

It was still very early and the next watch hadn't come on yet. “Well, sir. Last night the Major ordered a flight to locate the Romulans that had helped us in the compound. Once located the plan is to drop in a team to lead them in....he didn't what to risk exposing our shuttles in to recover all the refugees. They won't be leaving for hours and things are kind of quiet right now, you should probably try and get some rest sir, you took a hell of a hit during the fight."

"Have you ever seen a Klingon tear off a fellow officer’s arm for suggesting he rest during a mission?" Growls and stepping forward "I want to speak to Jason....and THIS is a order. Where the hell is he?"

Tensing his fists curl upward and the anger boils at being disrespected by Velez.

Velez had had more than a few dealing with Klingons. This one was no different accept he was actually assigned to the Achilles and had come aboard just before they left SB if they survived he would have to deal with him on a daily basis. ~Joy...~

"No disrespect intended...Sir." Checking the time Velez looked back at the LT, "Given the time; Staff Sergeant Frey should be in his rack sir. Shall I send a runner for him?"

"Why don’t you go there yourself? Why wake up someone else who may.....'get involved' in the wrong way." Motioning to the doorway and stepping out to walk toward the Shuttle Hanger. Watching Velez to either follow me or stop me. Pushing him to protect his team or protect himself.

Velez looked at the Lieutenant shrewdly for a long second. Did he also see the shuttle leave and wait until now to give him time? Had someone informed him that Dawn was MIA? It was obvious that he knew something but how he knew was the question. "Wait a moment Lieutenant. The Staff Sgt isn't in camp."

Smiling shrewdly..."Have you ever heard of Kava'ilka?" Saying this as he sits in the chair opposite of him.."It is a where a Klingon warriors body is damaged but his mind is separated for a brief time from it. His spirit roams and goes where he is needed...this is how i know you were stalling for them."

Turning his hand over a few times to stretch it..."Dawn is a marine. And what do we do with our marines?" Knowing Jason was stubborn enough to go after her. "We get them back. Inform the next watch about the authorized launch of the shuttle. I did a brief...check on them before coming here."

Sighing...."My honor demands that something be done to help. but it also demands that someone take the blame for waiting till that blame falls on me. I was out of action and i let Dawn down and wasn’t there to keep her and everyone else safe. Who else isn’t in camp right now?" Asking and watching Velez's reaction to this news....

Answering honestly he didn't know if Jason had taken anyone with him. "Well Lance Corporal Cyfian Harper should be on watch right now. However, as you know, he is also one of Frey's team member's. It's possible that he went with the Staff Sgt."

"Very well...when the shuttle returns have all member report to me. One way or another...someone will pay." Grumbles something as his before statement stated he was the one who was gunna pay regardless. "Now...don’t u have any Raktajino here?"

Waiting for the Shuttle to return Malluk looked to make small talk with Velez.

[Kzinti/Dawn's Campsite] - 0430

Jason st there leaning up against a tree, his rifle propped on his knee as he kept an eye on the Kzinti before him. Clicking of the safety as the huge feliniod began to stir.

Testing the binding that held his he knew immediately that he had been bound properly s to not give him any room to work. Hearing the click behind him he slowly rolled away and faced his capture. The human before him was pale and he could smell the blood. "Where are the others?"

Jason was getting tired. He knew he was losing a lot of blood but he had to hold on; at least long enough for the shuttle to get her and take the Kzinti back to camp for interrogation. "That's...none of your concern. I'd be more worried about what we're going to do to you."

The Kzinti laughed calling the human's bluff. "You are Starfleet you wouldn't harm a prisoner of war even if you wanted to!"

The phaser rifle whined as Jason increase the setting with his thumb. "Who said we were taking you prisoner."

The Kzinti eyes narrowed on the human and was about to speak when his ear twitched...hearing the shuttles approach.

Lighting up the landing site Cyfian hovered the shuttle over the small clearing. Slowly he began to land. He could use the transporter but last time he saw Jason, half a tree was in him. He didn't want to risk him more injury. After a few tense moments the shuttle touched down with an uncomfortable thud.

He turned to Dawn. "Sorry." Leaving the chair he opened the rear door grabbing his rifle. Quickly jogging out of the shuttle he proceed to Jason.

The injured Kziniti laughed. "Ahh so you did come back, I expec..."

Cyfian swung the butt of his rifle into the jaw of the Kziniti before he could finish his sentence, rendering him unconscious. Then he proceeded straight to Jason.

Kneeling down beside him he gently applied a hypospray. "I hope I didn't take to long sir."

Glancing over at the Lance Corporal as he helped him to his feet. "Couldn't have done better...myself. Remind me to put you in for promotion once we get out of the brig."


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