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Decision time

Posted on 18 May 2009 @ 2:45pm by

244 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Intel office
Timeline: During docking at DS5

Silonez sat at his desk; he had to let the CO know about his future on the ship soon. He was leaning toward taking the ship, had even gone so far as too pack the few possessions he brought along with him. He thoughts turned too staying after he'd gotten a message from Rita, the idea of going back to Earth suddenly didn't feel right, so like all good soldiers her wrote a letter.

Silonez informed Captain Kellenger that he would not be accepting the assignment at this time. After he sent the reply he went back too work on the reports he had to file. He wasn't going to look back anymore, Rita had wanted him back, and the lure of going home didn't feel right. As the pile of reports dwindled down too three he looked up at the time on a nearby display, it was well after 1900 and he had an early staff meeting tomorrow and he didn't want to be to dull for it.

As he walked the corridor too his quarters he debated the merit of staying on this ship, he wasn't exactly welcome by two of the senior officers, and he was certainly going to get an ear full about supplying Dr. Hemmingway with a side arm that she technically wasn't entitled to. Silonez didn't really care both he was going to do things on his terms now, and that included doing his job.


Lt. Silonez Ericson


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