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Goodbye For Now

Posted on 18 May 2009 @ 2:03pm by Colonel Stadi Andrus

440 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: New Zealand, Earth
Timeline: 2385

Melanie was back at the house that she and Talar had shared for so many years. She didn't want to walk away from this, but knew that he was right, that not serving in Starfleet would eat away at her. She had had her own private practice but it wasn't the same. She had combat training and combat experience. She was a war doctor..not one for a small village.

She walked into their bedroom and began packing her things. Melanie didn't want her life to end with Talar but it was like he didn't understand, or He had been hiding a lot of his thoughts from her lately but she couldn't understand why. She looked out the window and saw him still standing there where she had left him.

~Can you still sense my thoughts?...or have you shut me out completely?~ She projected to him.

"I'm not shutting you out." He said the words aloud, though it was not really necessary to do so, "You have made your decsision, it will take me a little longer to make mine. I never wanted anything more than a home - something that I was unable to make on ch'Rihan - but you require more."

~I have not answered Dr. Brashares message Talar. What I require more than anything else is to be with have a home with you. Will you not let me stay...or was my first decision final?~

"Answer it. You have to go and there will be one of three outcomes, you will go and realise you have made a mistake or you will go and realise you were correct to leave ... the third outcome depends on me."

Melanie left the room and went out to Talar. "I will miss you deeply....I love you so much." She wrapped her arms around Talar. She would miss everything about him, about their lives together, it was killing her to do so...even though she had told him that she would stay he told her to go.

"I will miss you too, and as soon as I know what I need to do I will let you know."

Melanie hugged him and kissed his cheek. Looking into his eyes she projected the love she felt for him. ~I hope that we are not parted long.~

"I won't be long, and even if I am not there my thoughts will be with you."

"And mine will be with you always." She smiled sadly and turned back into the house to contact Starfleet.

Talar NPCd by Louise

Lt. Melanie Hemmingway
USS Freedom

Cross posted to DS5


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