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Learning to deal with Grief

Posted on 18 May 2009 @ 3:53pm by Colonel Stadi Andrus

734 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Main lounge
Timeline: Backpost - before the interrogation

The Romulan prisoner was in the brig and T'Pal had some time to finish her report to the Captain regarding the incident with the Intelligece Chief on the bridge,, but she was distracted. Her fingers tapped a name and a face appreared. She stared at the black eyed hybrid Klingon woman, as if she wanted to warn her. 'Lt X'aedell Kelan"... did she really deserve to die? Engrossed in her thoughts, she was only vaguely aware of any movement in the lounge.

Melanie distraught and distracted she didn't let her emotions show. Not in front of the rest of the crew. The last thing the crew needed was a blubbering, sobbing mess for a doctor. She looked around the lounge there was an empty seat across from T'Pal. Melanie grabbed a tea and walked towards the other woman. "Can I join you?" She asked quietly.

Barely looking up, T'Pal motioned with her hand. "You can sit where you want doctor, but I have no interest in human small talk," she said flatly.

"No need to have 'small talk'...I don't want it either." She was without emotions, bottling them all up was not the healthy Betzoid thing to do, she would deal with her emotions later, in the privacy of her quarters. She just didn't want to feel alone.

"Your attempt to control you emotions are lacking," T'Pal said, not without a hint of disdain. The Betazoid's face told the story of her distress. "I could assist you with meditation techniques," she offered, her voice typically Vulcan.

"If that will help me from feeling like I will burst into tears in front of what seems to be half the crew..."

"Perhaps, that will be up to you though. It is a process though, not a 'quick fix'.t

"I understand that T'Pal."

T'Pal raised an eyebrow. "Have you used Vulcan mediation techniques before?"

Her mind unwilling went to Talar. He had showed her Vulcan mediation techniques before but she had just brushed them off. She should have listened to him more closely. "I had started..."

T'Pal nodded. "It is not unusual for someone of another race to start and then stop. It requires great mental discipline. As a young person I had also brushed it off, but leaned the value of it later."

"I hadn't meant to stop. I was called back to Starfleet and I was forced to leave...him."

T'Pal watched her carefully. She had the distinct impression that the distress involved this man. "Where is he now?" she asked curiously.


Understanding flashed in her eyes. So, that was indeed the reason for the young woman's sad expression. "How did he die?"

"In battle." She replied, not revealing anymore than needed. Melanie still had a secret to keep.

"Then he died in honour, hopefully" she stated. "You should honour him, living your life to the fullest, not be incapasitaed by grief. Not that I say you are, but I have seeen it happen. There is nothing wrong with grieving as long as you don't pity yourself," T'Pal said.

"I only found out a few hours ago. I am dealing with this...the best I can." Talar was the only family she had left and now that he was gone she was completely and utterly alone.

"I believe human and betazoids and a few races do go through a process, but we can try to use meditaion to assist you so your work performance is not impaired.

Melanie simply nodded.

T'Pal stared at the woman and then continued with the report. The woman would let her know when she needed help.

"I thought you were going to help me." She reponded quietly.

Slowly T'Pal raised her eyes form her padd. "This is neither the appropriate place nor time for that, Lieutenant. I can help you latr today," she said, her voice void of any particular emotion.

"I realise that and thank you."

T"Pal nodded and continued with her work.

"Yes...void of emotions. I will see you later T'Pal."

"I am not void of emotion, Lieutenant, I simply control or supress them most of the time," she stated matter of factly

"I was taught to be free with my emotions, controling them is not a strength with me, I will come by your quarters later." Melanie stood up and turned to leave.


Lt T'Pal

Lt. Melanie Hemmingway


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