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Trouble on route

Posted on 16 May 2009 @ 8:01pm by

1,994 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: USS Valkyrie - on route to DS5
Timeline: Back post to prior to the battle


Tim sat in room, bored as usual, ~perhaps talking it out might help, ~ he thought to himself. Picking up a PADD. “Begin recording,†he instructed.

“Personal log…We are making good time to DS5, everything is normal. I have been spending most of my time in my quarters going over my biographical files, trying to remember something, anything from the years I lost. Not much going on, it’s been the same old routine day after day and my eyes are tired of looking at this computer screen. I wish I could remember them. They looked so happy, I....looked so happy.

“The Doctors tell me it should take some time, but I should remember. Do I want to remember? Do I want to know what I did or may have done as a borg? . Maybe if I go to the holodeck or gym something will come up. Pause.â€

Several Days Later

“Resume…..The ship is answering a distress call from a science vessel called the Onyx. They reported being attacked by 2 Klingon birds of prey, but the Captain thinks they are probably pirates…..

[USS Valkyrie]

Tim was in engineering monitoring the situation. After days of boredom he longed for even a little excitement. He listened intently as the reports came in.

(Bridge conversation being monitored in Engineering)

“The attacking vessels are moving off sir. The Onyx has taken severe damage. There is major damage to Engineering and Life support is failing, sirâ€

“Very well. Begin evacuation of the wounded. I want two away teams over there now, one to secure the Onyx, the other to stabilize the there systems.â€

“Aye sir.â€

As the call for the repair team came in Tim stepped forward to volunteer to help out with repairs. Before he realized what he was saying, “Mind if I tag along? I have some knowledge of systems repair.†Even though he didn’t remember getting this training.

The Engineer looked at him for a moment. “You’re on the team.â€

Once they had beamed over Tim was paired off with the team leader, an engineer named Maria Cruz. Tim watched her every move. She was a young and spirited dark haired Latin beauty.

Together they headed into one of the Jefferies tube to work on some failed conduits and replace some blown out relays, in order to keep life support online. As they worked he quickly discovered that she loves to talk. She can talk about anything, even the most boring subject. Tim could have cared less, the sound her voice is like music to his ears. It didn’t matter what she said, he could listen to her all day.

Normally he would have said something like…â€Man, these Jefferies tubes are a small and confinedâ€â€¦but as they worked back to back, he found himself turning every once in a while to look at her beautiful face as they worked and she talked.

It was during one of his glances that she was pulling hard on a fused relay that just didn’t want to budge. Just as he turn to look, the relay gave and her elbow darted back towards his eye. The momentum threw Tim into the far wall of the Jefferies tube and everything went dark.

Maria gasped in shock and moved to his side trying to revive him. A short time later Tim woke up to see a beautiful angels face hovering over him. The angel was saying something but, he didn’t hear a thing. Then he realized that his angel was Maria. As he sat back up there was a loud bang, though it only sounded like a small thud in Tim’s ears. Mari looked down the tube. She looked scared and she leaned toward him whispering. “I don’t think they are members of the away team…â€

Tim knelt groggily, shaking his head, he tapped his comm badge, “Webb to away team two?â€

As a voice came over the comm, “Rice here, go ahead Webb,â€

“Rice, is anyone from your team down near engineering in the Jefferies tubes?â€

“Negative,†Rice replied.

(USS Valkyrie)

“Captain Thompson to Lieutenant Cruz, we are picking up life signs all over the ship. They appear to be a mix of human, catarian, andorian, and klingon. I recommend all of you get to engineering and prepare for beam out!â€

“Understood Captain.

"Cruz to away teams. Regroup in engineering, we have intruders. Avoid contact, do not engage, unless you have no other choice, Cruz out.â€

(Bridge chatter aboard USS Valkyrie)

Tactical Officer: “Captain, three Birds of Prey decloaking off the port and starboard bow. They are powering up their forward disrupters.â€

“Red alert, Shields up! Stand by, all weapons!â€

“Aye, Captain, Phasers to maximum, photons ready, fire at your command†the tactical officer replied.

(Engineering Section, USS Onyx)

The noise in front of Webb was getting louder, Webb unholstered his phaser and whispered to Maria, “go go go.†The two crawled toward engineering.

=^=Away team, we are taking a beating up here. We can not lower our shields and beam you out. We can not last up here either. We need options. Leaving you here is not one of them.=^=

=^=Understood captain, give me a minute to come up with one.=^= Cruz replied.

Tim whispered in her ear, “I have an idea.â€

=^=A minute is ALL you have,=^= the captain said.

The away teams returned to engineering, “cover that door.†Cruz commanded. Webb and Cruz began to work on the consoles. I have bypassed the damaged circuits for fire control and routed them to your console,†Maria said and tapped her comm. Badge, =^=Captain, we are ready here.=^=

=^=Very well Lieutenant, target and fire on the weakest ship.=^=

Webb’s fingers dance on the console, sending the deadly phaser fire to its intended target followed by three photon torpedoes. The Bird of Prey erupted in a blinding flash.

=^=Good work Lieutenant, the other two ships are turning your way, you got there attention. Prepare for beam out.=^= Turning to tactical, "Lower our shields and beam them out of there.â€

"I can’t get a lock on the away teams. Their warp core is giving out too much interference.†Captain, we need to go the klingon ships are targeting us again. Shields Up! Shields down to twenty percent, captain, Damage to secondary hull. Casualty reports coming in. Captain, we can't stay here!â€


Disruptor fire erupted from the remaining ships. Explosions erupted all over engineering. Plasma coolant began to billow from the warp core. The computer sounded, “Warning, three minutes to warp core breach.â€

=^=Cruz to the Valkyrie, captain, get out of here! We will go to plan B……=^=

=^=Plan B? What the hell is that,=^= the captain yelled.

=^=Rendezvous with us at these coordinates, captain, trust me.=^= Lieutenant Cruz fed in some coordinates to the Valkyrie helm officer and received a confirmation. The Valkyrie turned to a different heading, fired several volleys of torpedoes with some phaser fire. A build up of energy around the warp nacelles and in an instant the Valkyrie was gone.

“Ok, it’s up to us now.†Cruz began, “we have less than two minutes to a warp core breech. I am going to need the best tactical officer to man the weapons so we can have good cover fire.†Webb stepped forward and Cruz stopped him with a wave, “that would be me, ensign. I need you to fly the shuttle. If you are as good as I think you are, I am going to need you to do some of your best flying.†Everyone was running for the shuttle bay except for Cruz, she remained in engineering to squeeze every last drop of energy that the Onyx had and divert it to the weapons.

Ensign Timothy Webb was huffing at full steam, when a human appeared from around a corner. Webb ran into him at full speed, both humans flying. One of the officers helped Webb to his feet. No one saw the pool of blood on the floor or on Webb’s shirt. “Damn Webb, play some football in your academy days?†One of the officers said.

“I don’t know?†Webb replied honestly. He heard some laughter from the group as he began to take the lead once more.

(Shuttle Bay, USS Onyx)

The tired group huffing from their run, piled into the largest shuttle they could find. Webb began to fire up the shuttle. Lieutenant Rice opened the bay doors. “As soon as we are clear, I will try to get a transporter lock.â€

=^=Webb to Cruz, prepare to fire, we only get one chance.=^=

=^=Gee thanks Ensign, I really needed to hear that,=^= Cruz replied with sarcasm. =^=Now Lieutenant!=^= Cruz began firing all weapons at the lead ship as Webb moved the shuttle out of the bay to the underbelly of the Onyx. He spun the shuttle one hundred and eighty degrees and slid to the left side of the ship out of view of the pirates. Then up to the port nacelle, scraping against the Onyx.

“Watch the paint,†Rice said jokingly.

(Engineering, USS Onyx)

“Warning, ten seconds to warp core breech.â€

=^=Shuttle, now would be a good time!=^= In shimmering light, Lieutenant Maria Cruz escaped certain death. She was transported to the shuttle craft.

“We have her, warp speed now!†yelled Lieutenant Rice, barely able to keep his composure. Energy flashed at the shuttles nacelles and the shuttle was gone. The pirate ships backing off as the warp core from the Onyx went critical. The Onyx disappeared in a brilliant flash of light.

(On board the shuttle)

Webb altered course to rendezvous with the Valkyrie, while Cruz made her way to the front of the shuttle to hug Webb, “Good job men, Thank you for saving my life. Next time don’t wait till the last minute, you scared the crap out of me.â€

Laughter erupted from everyone but Webb. Cruz went to put her arms around Webb and he slumped over the consol.

Slightly garbled and staticky, “Away team to Valkyrie, we will rendezvous with you in ten minutes, we have a medical emergency. As soon as we are in transporter range, beam Ensign Webb to sick bay.â€

(Sick Bay, USS Valkyrie)

Webb sat up weakly on the biobead, his head began to spin, and then he fell back against the pillow with a soft thud. He winced from the pain on his left side. The medical officer ran over the Webb’s side,

“Easy Ensign, you lost a lot of blood. You will be here for a spell. Don’t try that again or I may have to help you up from the floor.â€

Webb began blinking his eyes, “you won’t get any argument from of me. Has Lieutenant Cruz been by to see me?â€

The Medical Office laughed, “Are you kidding, she has been hovering over you for the last twenty four hours. She made camp here in this chair. It is the most uncomfortable bed that I have ever seen. I told her that she should sleep in her quarters, but she insisted on staying here. I think she went to take a shower and get a bite to eat, but I'm sure she will not be gone long. If you will excuse me, I have some work I need to finish. I will check on you in a bit.â€

Webb turned his head to the sound of the sick bay door opening. A familiar face entered the room. With a big smile Maria Cruz approached Webb cautiously, “Your awake, how are you feeling? Thats twice you scared me to death.†She said in one breath with out pause. She began to give him a big hug but, made it gentle after seeing him stiffen in anticipation.
She gently caressed his hair then began to kiss him gently but affectionately.


Ensign Timothy Webb

All NPCs Played by Webb


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