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Comfort from an unexpected place

Posted on 18 May 2009 @ 11:36am by Colonel Stadi Andrus & Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

2,518 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: M1: Prepare for Battle
Location: Vacant crew quarters


Claire had just left Melanie. Melanie was in shock and numb. She had reassured Claire that she was ok, but in reality she wasn't. Talar was gone, dead and she instinctively knew it was murder. Melanie wanted to scream, she stood up quickly from the table in the lounge and stalked out. She wasn't prepared to let the crewmembers in the lounge.

~Oh Fates! How could you take him away from me?!~ Talar and Melanie had been together secretly since the war started and now he was gone. She stopped in a secluded quarters and slid down against the wall sobbing.

Da`nal walked the corridors of what was now his was still hard to believe...he had a command of his own. Turning a corner his sharp ears picked up the sound of weeping. He stopped, tilting his head slightly to locate the source. Stepping closer to an unassigned set of quarters he found the door opening the door. As the doors parted he stepped into the darkness. Looking down at the woman, his eyes quickly adjusting to the dark he recognized who she was. Kneeling next to her. "Doctor are you alright?"

She looked up and saw the captain standing in front of her. "Oh! I'm...yes...I'm..." But she couldn't finish the sentence. "No." She tried drying the tears away from her face but they kept falling.

Having seen the look of greif on a persons face before he knew that there was indeed something wrong. "I assume that something bad has happened? Did you loose someone?"

"Is it that obvious?" She asked looking at him, "yes...we were together for 10 years..."

Da`nal kept his face a mask as he nodded to his confirmed assumption. His mind on the other hand was ablaze with images and memories of Anita and their time together. ~At least you had 10 years,~ he thought to himself.

Melanie shuddered with the unexpected thought from the Captain. " I am sorry for your loss..."

Raising an eyebrow slightly. "For what?"

"I am sorry...that thought was so strong with you...forgive me."

"Oh, that's right you are Betazoid. There is no need to apologize. I am a Klingon, we look at death differently. My mate maybe gone but she died honorably, bringing my children into the galaxy. Although I thank you for your concern. Now is there anything I can do.?"

"I am alone now...he is gone and there is no one left." The tears starting again. She was usually in such good control of her emotions but now with Talar gone...

Taking he chin in his hand he lifted her face, looking into her eyes as he shook his head and let go. "No...the ones we loose are never gone. As long as they are remembered. Do not cry for him. Celebrate his life. I don't know who this man was or how he died....was he in Star Fleet?"

Melanie held his gaze, opening her senses to him to gauge his intentions. Finding them to be pure and without a hidden agenda, she responded simply, "He was not."

It seemed that she was not one to elaberate on personal issues, which was understandable. "Well one doesn't have to serve to have honor. Do you feel you need to speak with the Counselor?"

"I will not." Melanie said firmly. ~I cannot talk about this truly with anyone....I could lose everything...~ She thought to herself.

"That was not an order Doctor. Though it has been my experience that most find it beneficial to talk to someone. I'm no therepist by any means but my door is always open to those under my command."

"I would rather talk to you than someone else Captain...but I am not sure I can." ~I will be branded a spy!~ She said to herself.

The look of surprise was obvious. "I am honored to have your trust, especially this soon into my command." he said with a smile. "But you hesitate, why?"

"Because of who this man was." She said simply.

Hmmm he thought. What could be so bad that she would be so hesitant. He was dead, wht more could be done to him...or was she concerned for herself for some reason. "Computer raise lighting to standard. Perhaps we should sit down and you let me know whats going on."

Melanie took her seat and waited for the Captain to do the same. "He saved my life once and this time I wasnt able to save him. The Chief Counsellor from DS5 came to tell me of his death. He...died in her arms." She shook her head not waiting to believe what Claire Mackenzie had told her and was the truth. "He was...Romulan." She looked away, tensing for the Captain's anger.

Leaning back in the arm chair he was in he let out a breath before replying. What was it with Romulans around here, he thought. Then again this had been a ten year reelationship. "How did you meet him?"

Surprised by his reaction she stared at him for a long moment before she now willingly told him the story between her and Talar. "He volunteered as a medic in the sickbay I was assigned. Our ship was attacked...I was still trying to help save those around me, he pulled me into an escape pod...we survived there for days...our oxygen nearly gone by the time we were rescued..."

"I see, and how did you manage to keep in touch over the years?"

Melanie stood up quickly from where she sat and went to the porthole, she stared out at the stars...the Captain's intentions were still pure and without a hidden agenda. She spoke again. "With the utmost secrecy...He was made to look Vulcan. It was only out of the most selfish need that I did it to him...I performed the surgery myself. He was never a part of the Empire....He was just...Talar." She began to weep again, she brought her hands to her face to hide it, from the Captain. She hated to seem weak in front of him.

Da`nal turned as she moved to the window, what was it with Romulans around here. They had maintain a relationship for 10 years....thats a long time to keep such a secret. Before he could decide on a course of action...if any he needed more information. Questions came to mind, Had he been a member of the Romulan military, How had he ended up on a Federation shtarship, but he remained silent as she composed herself. As she wiped her check again he called her back. "Doctor take a seat please."

"He was not ever part of the military. He was a doctor, and volunteered for the ship I was on. " She said as she made her way to her seat. Melanie looked up at him. "You do not hide your thoughts very well."

"Well that is something I'm going to have to learn no isn't it, especially with several Betazoids in my senior staff. Now with that answered the issue is what do I do with this information, the station was sabotaged after all. How can you be certain he didn't have a hand in those actions?"

"I knew this would happen! I knew if I told you you would say something like that. I know he didn't have anything to do with that because that day we were found in the escape pod he ceased being a Romulan and was then a Vulcan. He does not agree with the Empire..." Tears stinging her eyes, she had trusted the captain and now he was thinking that Talar was a saboteur.

"I am not making accusations Doctor. However facts are facts, and the fact is that Romulans sabotaged and attacked the station and lives were lost. As far as I am aware, those responsible either left the station after their work was done or have been caputered. Another fact is that this man turned his back on his people...for you."

"He loved me, protected me." ~Killed for me.~ She shuddered at her thought. She knew that Talar would have tracked down the Romulan that had violated her, he had promised her that he would but she made him promise that he would not tell her what he had done. She wanted to stay in denial about that. She was happy to. "He was a doctor aboard DS5. Why would he intentionally hurt a person? He saves lives...doesn't ruin them."

"All I'm saying is that it wouldn't be the firstime that a relationship was used to cover other activities." She opened her mouth to voice her objections, prepared to come to his defence but Da`nal raised a hand to stop her. "However, you have confided in me and I will not violate that trust...unless it becomes necessary. I will monitor the investigations into the activites on the station. As long as he doesn't become a suspect; I will remain silent. But if this matter comes to light, your career will be in jeopordy. You do realize this."

"Really? I hadn't thought of that!" She said acidly. "Of course it is was the moment that he had decided to be Vulcan and I performed the surgery...but realise this captain! I would give up my career and be 'tainted' as a Romulan supporter for the rest of my life if I could see him again! Do not tell me the risks because I already know them!" Her words gave way to anger.

Da`nal's face tightened as his own anger rose. He had agreed to keep her secret, and she had the guts to bark at him! Normally someone this insubordinate would find themselves againsts a bulkhead by the throat. However this was different and it was taking a great deal of restraint to hold himself back. Standing he took step towards her. "Be Very Careful Lieutenant! I could turn you over to Lt. Gabriel on DS5 right now! If you've ever heard of him and his attitude I would put it past him to fabricate what he needed to pin part of the sabotage to your Talar! I have agreed to keep your secret...Don't make me reconsider that decision!" Seeing her expression he stepped back, turning to approach and gaze out the window as he took a deep breath to help calm himself. "I will consider your outburst a result of your personal loss". As he stared out the window he could hear Anita's voice calling to him guiding him.

His head nodded ever so slightly and he turned back to her. "My have suffered a loss and regardless of his origins you loss is no less than what mine was."

Melanie sat and watched the Captain, she had reacted too harshly and she felt the anger roll off him. "I..." She was at a lose of words. She sat silently, her eyes and mind still trained on him.
Amanda Eirich: tag Retaking his seat. "Tell me about him."
Amanda Eirich: "I used to hate all Romulans and I projected my anger on him every time he tried to speak to me. I told you before that he pulled me into the escape pod and saved my life. We learned a lot about each other over those ten days that we waited for rescue. He had decided to defect from the Empire...he was never really accepted by his family because he chose to be a doctor and not an Admiral. He protected me and saved me in ways I didn't think possible. I could always count on him even when he was light years away. He had just been reassigned to DS5 as one of the doctor's. We were going to come out of hiding in the next few I guess it doesn't career is probably over now anyways since I have hung my dirty laundry for you to see. He was everything to me." New tears stung her eyes, she quickly brushed them away.

Da`nal sat listening to everyword. They had intended to come forward... That was enough for him. He had no reason to doubt her so he took her at her word. "I said I would remain silent...and I will honor that oath. You said he didn't agree with his governments policies. Waas he apart of the underground?"

She shook her head. "He ceased being a Romulan the moment we were rescued...he has had no part whatsoever with any part of the Empire or Underground." Looking at him she whispered; "thank you..."

"I see. So he completely cut himself off with his past. Not an easy thing to do." As he thought about what he was being told thought occurred to him. But this time he kept it to himself... "Did his family make any inquries, that you know of, after his 'disappearance'?"

"He was presumed dead in the Battle of Chin'toka...Captain...tell me what it is you want to say. I know you are holding something back."

"In a moment...You say he was presumed dead at Chintoka. Is that when he 'defected'?"

"Yes...when we were rescued he said that he was Vulcan...I did not contradict him."

Da`nal contemplated the information. It might be possible to solve all their problems or curiousities in one step. 'Obvously no one said anything when you two were chrcked medically after your recovery...or did some mention it?"

"Not that I recall..."

"Well we can talk about that later. Have any arrangements been made for him?"

"I..." Melanie shook her head. "I only found out moments before you found me here. Captain...what were you going to say earlier?"

"It can wait, but I promise to tell you. In the mean time take the rest of the day. Do what you need to make whatever arrangement you need to make."

"Tell me...please..."~I told you my secret...don't you trust me with yours?~ She thought to herself...she was trying to avoid the task of making arrangements for Talar...something that she couldn't bare to think of.

"Its not a secret....but first things first. If you need some assistance I can make myself available."

"I...hadn't meant to project that thought...I will handle the arrangements...Claire said she would assist."

"very well. Don't hesitate to call me if you need anything. There is something I need to look into but I will come see you soon about what I was thinking. Fair enough?"

Melanie nodded but refused to probe his mind...she considered rude and felt like she would be spying.

'Good now if you'll excuse me, I have more things to see to before we depart." He rose and headed for the door. "My door is always open so don'e hesitate."


Cmdr Da`nal
Commanding Officer
USS Freedom

Lt. Melanie Hemmingway
Chief Medical Officer
USS Freedom


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