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The death of Talar...According to Claire

Posted on 16 May 2009 @ 6:08pm by Colonel Stadi Andrus

561 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: CMO's Office
Timeline: Before the docking at DS5

The Freedom had not docked back at DS5. They were on their way back and even if this news was better delivered in person, it would be better to find out from a colleague of sorts rather than on a PADD with the list of casualties.

Claire positioned herself in front of the console and created a secure channel between herself and Melanie Hemmingway.

Melanie returned to her quarters to find the console flashing, showing an incoming transmission. She hit the switch hoping that it would be Talar with some news of what happened at the station...letting her know that he was safe. But it wasn't him, there was a woman staring at her.

"Yes, can I help you?" Melanie asked taking her seat in front of the console.

"Are you Dr. Melanie Hemmingway?" Claire asked.

"I am, who are you?"

"My name is Claire Mackenzie. I am the Acting Chief Counselor aboard DS5."

"What can I do for you today counselor?" Melanie asked, suddenly nervous.

"I wanted to do this in person but instead of you reading it on a PADD but I am afraid that isn't possible. Do you know a Vulcan by the name of Talar?" She asked.

"Yes." Her heart sinking immediately.

"I'm afraid he died during the attack on DS5." She said sadly.

Melanie nodded, tears welling up in her eyes but she pushed them back. "Is it not protocol for the CMO of the vessel or starbase to inform family of a death...or even the captain?" She asked bitterly.

"It is, but I was the one who found him after the explosion and asked me to rely a message to you." Claire responded sympathically.

Now Melanie was in shock. How could that be? He was not going to tell anyone that they were together...not until he was sure that the Federation would believe him to be Vulcan. She stared at Claire. "A message...but how if you found him dead?..."

Claire shook her head. "I found him alive but badly injured. I couldn't get a site to site transport to sickbay and he refused treatment. His last breath was your name Melanie."

~Stupid selfish man! Refusing help that could of saved him!~ Melanie slammed her hands down on her desk. She was angry, she wanted to scream.

"He told me that he loved you and that you are now free." Claire said quietly trying to gadge Melanie's reaction.

~Free?~ She thought to herself and laughed out loud.


"Free is not the word I would have used Lieutenant...even if my Izmadi is gone...I will never be free." She was not in denial of the truth...she knew that Talar was gone but her heart would never let go.

"I...I'm sorry Counselor. I due in sickbay. Thank you for telling me about Talar." Melanie closed the channel and the screen went black.

Claire sat there looking at the blank screen, she wanted to open the channel again with Melanie but knew enough from experience that would not want to be hounded by a counselor after she had found out about the death of Jarred. She would try and see Melanie when the ship docked at the station.


Lt. (JG) Claire Mackenzie
Chief Counselor

Lt. Melanie Hemmingway
Chief Medical Officer
USS Freedom

Both played by Mandy

Cross posted to DS5


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