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Reporting for duty.....finally

Posted on 16 May 2009 @ 4:38am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,961 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Captain's ready room
Timeline: Current (Day 2) 0800


Da'nal picked up the next PADD in the pile, another set of transfer orders. The name on the file was unfamiliar, but then again so was most of the crew at this point. Taking a drink from his blood wine as he read, he saw that the ensign was to have reported prior to the Freedom's deployment during the battle. Looking at the current roster, Da'al huffed. "This ensign was significantly late."

Tapping his comm badge. =^= Lt. T'Pal report to the ready room. =^=

"On my way" she said, thinking that a conversation with the Captain was long overdue. She swiftly made her way to his ready room and pressed the chime. Apart from reporting in formally, she had a thing or two she wanted to discuss with him.

"Come in." As the door open Da'nal indicated the empty chair opposite him. "Lieutenant I was going through some paperwork and I noticed that a member of you staff is over due in reporting for duty. What have you done about this?"

"I have to admit, nothing yet," she said plainly. "I had regarded the interrogation with our prisoner as higher priority, Captain. I can be in only one place at a time." She didn't mean that sarcastically, it was the truth. "In fact, I have not reported in for duty to you either formally," she said dryly.

Da'nal shrugged inwardly. He was just getting to his own stack of PADDs and other paperwork himself so he could hardly fault her for that. "Very well. Computer locate Ensign Timothy Webb."

"Ensign Timothy Webb is currently in his quarters, level 47, section 5, room 8430"

"Computer, open a channel to that location."

"Channel open."

[Ensign Webb's Quarters - DS5]

Stepping out of the shower Webb looked in the mirror at his black eye" I wonder what the Captain will say about this." Walking over to the replicator "computer, I need make-up to cover a black eye light skin tone."

Computer "please specify." " I don't know, a very light color of human skin. Just surprise me." A make-up pad materialized at the bottom of the replicator. Webb retrieved it and began to apply the make-up.

=^= Ensign Webb, this in Commander Da'nal. Report to my ready room...immediately! Out. =^=

Looking at the ceiling, Webb hastily threw on in his uniform and departed his quarters. Walking briskly to the Freedom, thoughts racing through his mind. " The captain sound mad. I hope it is not because of me." Many other thoughts raced through Webb's mind, Human and Borg. Thoughts he really didn't understand or want to.

[Ready Room]

Da'nal closed the channel and tossed the PADD on the desk. Looking at T'Pal as he refilled his glass. "Would you like one?"

"I can't think of a more appropriate suggestion right now. Thank you." That was exactly what she needed right now. "Captain there is something I would like to discuss with you before Webb gets here," she said taking the glass from him. She sniffed it appreciatively and sipped it.

"Go on."

"Firstly, why is it not added to the crew roster that Lt Silonez is the ship's second officer?"

"That' because he's not, I have yet to appoint a Second Officer. Why do you ask?"

T'Pal furrowed her brow. "Because that is what he told me," she replied confused.

"Well he was acting in that capacity while the ship was being readied for launch. During that time there were many things that needed to be done and he stepped up and saw to it that those jobs were done. Did he say that I had appointed him?"

"No he did not. He said that he it was his mission specific duty and that he was acting in that capacity. It was not noted anywhere, causing confusion on my part.," T'Pal said. If she had known that he was acting 2 XO, his behavior would have made more sense.

"Well I'm sure now that things are much less hectic, there will be equally a less amount of confusion."

She nodded. Trying to put everything in perspective, she held off on the counter productivity she had experienced on her station during the battle. "Yes I sincerely hope so, Commander. Is Silonez then still acting as 2XO or not?"

Da`nal though for a moment. "No, for now there will be no 2nd. If the need should arise the position will be opened and an officer appointed to those duties."

Webb approached the Captains ready room, pulled down on his uniform shirt to make sure it was straight and pushed on the door chime. "Here we go," Webb muttered under his breath.

Da`nal looked up at the sound of the chime. "Enter."

A tall clean cut young man approached the Captains table, and stopped at the position of attention. With a firm report "Ensign Webb reporting for duty, Sir." With a noticeable emphasis on "sir".

T'Pal took another sip from the welcome blood wine and looked up as the security officer entered. She studied him closely, running through the information she had perused on his personnel file earlier.

"Ensign Webb. Your orders scheduled you to report to the Freedom before we deployed while we were anticipating a Romulan attack on the station. I know it was hectic on the station, and you are not the only officer that didn't make it before we were forced to launch. However you should have reported the moment we returned. Would you please explain to me why you were not at your post?"

T'Pal turned in her seat to face him, very interested to hear his answer.

Webb's stern gaze met the formidable gaze of his new captain . "Captain, I was the one being transported by the Valkyrie. The Valkyrie was delayed for several days due to the attack on the Onyx. I arrived today. I was going to report to you as soon as I arrived, but I was told that you were not to be disturbed with all the reports that you were going through. I was also told by the First Officer of the Valkyrie that you were informed of our delay." Webb hands his new captain a padd. "I took the liberty to submit a report for you in case there were any questions." Webb's glanced at pile of padds on the captain's table. " To read at your convenience, sir." Webb stated with respect.

"And in your day you couldn't find the time to report to me either?" T'Pal asked curiously. It was impossible to tell whether she was sarcastic or not.

Webb's gaze shifted to the Lieutenant. " My apologies Lieutenant. I was told that you were in the middle of a very important interrogation and could not be disturbed. I was also told that there was no second officer to report to. I did stop by sickbay and report to the doctor. The doctor gave me a full physical and said my recent wounds are healed and that I am fit for duty. I am sorry for the lack of communication." He said honestly.

"T'Pal listened, but thought everything didn't quite make sense. Her gaze turned to Da'nal as he reached out to hand her the padd.

Da`nal sat there listening to his multiple explanations, he had taken the PADD and handed it to T'Pal. "Well Ensign you seem to have an excuse for everything. However, I find some of your story unacceptable. You say you only just arrived at the station. Yet you had time to see the Stations quartermaster and get quarters assigned as well as check checked over in sick bay. Who did you speak to that said I was busy? Who did the Valkyries XO speak with? If a transmission was sent to either this ship or the Station regarding your status I would have been informed. As soon as you stepped foot on the station you should have made contact with someone…that was your first and only duty. According to you, you did, but other that your check up I see know evidence that you made any such effort at all.â€

“Lieutenant, check out his ….story. If everything can be confirmed I want to know who dropped the ball. Dismissed.

"You can be certain that I will," T'Pal said, looking over the contents. She would have to watch this young Ensign carefully.

With the sound of "Dismissed", Webb Spun and briskly marched toward the exit.

“Oh and Ensign, I would…suggest you keep your expressions neutral. Glaring at a superior officer is not wise, especially when that officer is Klingon.“

~And there are one and a half in this office,~ she thought to herself, smirking inwardly.

Webb, stopped in his tracks and spun once more to face the captain. " Captain, permission to speak freely?"

Da`nal watch the ensign turn, and to be honest his request surprised him. Thinking to himself...~This kid has toDuj (courage).~ "Very well Ensign. Permission granted."

~You are taking a chance kid,~ T'Pal thought silently, but her face was unreadable.

Webb began, trying not to stare at the captain, "Captain, I am sure that you have read my file and you know that I was assimilated by the Borg. I have no memory of the last seven years. I have no memory of the academy, my first assignment, not even my wife or daughter. I spent two months in a Star fleet Medical Center being "debriefed" by Star fleet intelligence, having Borg implants removed and getting a crash course in protocol, rules and regulations.

"I have lots of skills and knowledge in many areas of the ship, I just don't know them yet. Every day I find out that I have a new skill or knowledge. It must be information that I received from being assimilated. Star fleet medical says that I am ready for duty and that my memories will come back with time, but I'm not so sure.

"My statements are not intended to be excuses, they are fact. I see that my trust must be earned here and that I have a long road ahead. I am not so sure that being in security with the lack of trust is a good place for me to be right now.

"I apologize if the way that I looked at you was offensive, I meant no disrespect. I will, of course take full responsibility for my tardiness an lack of protocol. I will gladly accept any punishment you see fit. I will also re-familiarize myself with the rules and regulations. Good day Captain, Lieutenant?" Webb made a quick about face and headed for the door.

Da`nal's only reaction was to raise and eyebrow and to nod. The ensign's remarks was not at all what he expected. Looking towards T'pal as the door hissed closed. "Well he's certainly long winded...I'll give him that."

T'Pal rolled her eyes, taking another sip f bloodwine, savouring the taste. "He certainly provides a good opportunity for me to test my emotional control," she said drily. "So does Silonez," she added with a little smirk.

Once in the turbo lift Webb let out a sigh. "Computer, where is the damn holodeck?"

At the holodeck, Webb gave the computer some specifications and parameters as to how he wanted this program to run. "Enter when ready" said the computer voice, then Webb stepped inside to a whole new world.

It was foggy and absent of bright light. Almost like the evening before sundown. Strange alien sounds came from the jungle type terrain. He picked up a Katana from a near by platform, wielding it smoothly like someone who had a lot of practice at swordsmanship, he said "Let the carnage begin".............


Commander Da`nal

Lt. T'Pal

Ens. Timothy Webb


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