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Operation Beachhead - It's outta the bag now - Part 4

Posted on 28 Apr 2012 @ 1:02am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & 1st Lieutenant Corisk Malluk & Lance Corporal Cyfian Harper & Sergeant Dawn Brianna

1,531 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Planet Mercer - Romulan Refugee Camp

With the aid of the Romulans and the escort and open invitation to the bunker Jason looked to the LT with a raised brow. "Sir?"

Before the Klingon could reply a Kzinti disruptor took him in the chest blasting him off his feet.

They didn't have a choice and he nodded sharply at the Romulan. Grabbing his LT by his battle gear Jason shout to the others. "LETS MOVE!"

Once inside the bunker Jason stood while a corpsman saw to the wounded. "Who is in charge here?"

[Evac Site]

The wounded loaded the pilot sealed the hatch. "Alright we're out of here!"

He lifted off as the hatch closed and moved to gain altitude quickly to escape the fighting. =^= Eagle Eye, med flight heavy and heading for home.=^=

Despite the cover fire a Kzinti craft managed to target and hit the med-evac shuttle with a series of blasts before being brought down. The shuttle stalled and began a spinning freefall, headed for the foot hills, while the pilot tried to regain control. Inertial dampers were gone, helm control was out and the shuttle was accelerating out of control. "EVERYONE HANG ON!"

Dawn grabbed onto a handle, holding it tight, her knuckles turned white from it, she looked around, hoping, praying that they would survive this.

Stone's fist came down on his thigh. "DAMN!" He opened a channel to his 1SGT.

=^= "This is Eagle Eye, Med-evac is down, I say again, Med-evac is down. All forces currently committed. Get things wrapped up down there, I'm taking the command squad to look for them. =^=

With that, Stone turned to the pilot. "Lt., come to heading 325 mark 2 and keep us low and cloaked. We are looking for a shuttle crash site."

[Crash Site]

Dawn found herself laying over someone, she pushed herself off, looking at the man, it was the pilot, "Everything's going to be okay." she smiled, opening a med kit to see what she could do for him.

The bloodied pilot forced a smile at the woman; he knew she was lying.

Suddenly the shuttle was pried open and a Kzinti burst in. Scanning the interior he grabbed the wound female and dragged her out. Snapping an order to one of his team the warrior tossed in an incendiary grenade and the shuttle burst into flame...burning those still alive to death.

"Noo!" Dawn screamed, fighting the Kzinti, wanting to go back to try to rescue anyone she could, but she was hit in her stomach... right where the wound was, causing her excruciating pain. She quickly stopped, knowing there was nothing she could do now.

[Tal Shiar Bunker - Romulan Refugee Camp]

Malluk regains his senses from the disruptor blast to the chest. "Jason? what the hell hit me?" Groans and falls back into unconsciousness.

Jason's mouth opened to reply but stopped as the LT slumped against the wall even as a Romulan saw to his wound. Glancing to Cyfian. "Keep an eye on him."

Jason stood rotating his single point sling to allow his weapon to hang under his arm, seeing a Romulan woman whispering instructions to an aid. "What the hell is going on here?"

Time to weave her little web of lies. "I am Sub-Commander Renal, I believe the man you are looking for is this way."

Jason followed wondering what condition Captain Longwinter was going to be in. "Mind explaining what you all are doing here?"

"I was sent here to find a Tal Shiar agent when it was discovered that the Tal Shiar was aiding the Kzinti. However he was killed when their orbital yard exploded and debris hit the camp."

Jason had a gut feeling he was being lied to, but until there was proof otherwise he accepted her explanation. As they stopped she showed him into a room where Captain Longwinter was. He was lying on a bed, obviously having been worked over...considerably. It was equally obvious that he had been given medical attention. Using his wrist mounted tricorder he scanned his CO and though unconscious he was stable enough to be moved, and he called for extraction.

[Outer perimeter]

Velez grinned as he looked around him. They had held off wave after wave of Kzinti assault and with the addition of the armed Romulan refugees the Kzinti had begun to pull back. He followed the Staff Sgt's communication.

=^= Ground one to Eagle one; We have what we came for. Recommend we bug out and have the Romulans head for the hills before the Kitties return with re-enforcements. =^=

Stone's shuttle came cruising over the crash site, which was burning and Stone saw the activity on the ground.

=^=Roger that Ground one, I'm pushing you a location now, it's the crash site. This is the new dust off site, we have hostiles on the ground and looks like they are moving taking survivors. Have all personal move to this location. The missile teams will be the last to pull off in order to cover our withdrawal from incoming. =^=

Stone got pushed his console away from him and grabbed his phaser rifle from the rack, he looked at the other two marines in the back of the command and coordination center, his Commo man and Sgt. who was rumored to be charged with keeping him out of trouble. The Sgt. looked at him for a moment and shook his head. "I'm not going to win, even if I tried." Stone grinned. "See...and the Fleeters say Marines aren't that bright." With that he hit the door control and with a hiss it opened, the soft instrument noise of the interior being replaces with the howl of the air screaming by the doorway. "BRING US LOW AND SLOW!"

The shuttle circled around and swooped in low, slowing as three armored figured jumped out of the doorway and rolled hit the ground in a roll. Stone came up breathing heavy and with a little limp moved towards cover, followed by his two men. As the shuttle turned away, Kzinti small arms fire lanced up after it. Shoulder his rifle, Stone took aim and slowly tightened his finger on the trigger. A pulse of coherent light nurse from the rifle and careened towards one of the firing Kzin, who crumpled to the ground. A howl issued forth from the throats of the remaining Kzinti as they turned towards the new prey. Stone quickly pulled his bayonet and fixed it to his rifle as Kzinti fire started to pepper the area around him and his men's position. He turned to them, they had already fixed their blades and both looked at him and nodded. Stone stood and in a controlled crouch, begin to advance towards the Kzinti with his two men, using the occasional cover to shield themselves as they engaged the cats with well aimed phaser fire, felling 2 with firs volley.

On the far side of the downed shuttle a lone Kzinti warrior ran into the woods carrying his human captive as his brothers dealt with the Federation shock troops. The Kzinti were greatly outnumbered so once their comrade was away they began to draw back until reinforcements arrived.

[MLR -Main Line of Resistance]

Velez acknowledged the order and ordered the the ground troops to pull out of the camp and rally at the new LZ. As the moved they kept a close watch for a counter attack.

[Refugee Camp - Romulan Bunker]

Jason acknowledged the order and looked to Sub-Commander Relan. "I'm going to need some help to get both the Captain and the Lieutenant to the extraction point."

She smirked slightly then snapped an order. "Centurion. Get two others and aid the Staff Sgt. I will organize the camps evacuation."

As the centurions readied stretchers for the two officers Jason looked back to the Sub-Commander. "I suggest you get your people into the mountains, they won't be able to use their sensors to find you." He then pulled a tracker from his gear and tossed it to the Romulan. Activate that when you and your people are clear. We'll come and get you."

Sub-Commander Relan looked at the device then up at the back of the Marine as he and the others left.

[Crash site / LZ]

Velez was count head as the last of the strike force was loading; living, wounded, and dead.

Jason arrived at the LZ with Cyfian and the two wounded officers. While they were being loaded he reported in. "Major, Captain Longwinter is stable, though he took one hell of a beating, good thing he's Angosian so he should recover faster than any of us would. Lieutenant Malluk took a hit as we got to the bunker and is still out," he felt sorry for whatever medic was around when he came to. The Klingon would probably break him in half. "Other than that I made contact with a Romulan, one Sub-Commander Relan. I advised her to get her people into the mountains to avoid retaliation. I also gave her a scrambled transponder so that we can locate them once they are secure."

Velez interrupted. "Sir we have heavy contacts inbound. We need to lift off, cloak, and RTB (return to base)."


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