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Back in the saddle again

Posted on 07 Apr 2012 @ 6:58pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

2,186 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Location: Captains ready room
Timeline: Current

The ship was at Red Alert and the both the crew and the D'ama were at battle stations. Lance had let him know that they had manage to salvage some weaponry from the D`ama but not enough to equip every warrior. Instead of creating any issues he had authorized the replication of whatever weapons the Klingon wish to use.

The ship was now searching for their prey and Da`nal was enjoying a late meal with Ayren as the second day of the search drew to a close. He had several padds spread out looking over the Achilles senior staff trying to select a new XO and was getting frustrated. If he appointed any of those under consideration they would have to manage both the ship as well as the department they would be leaving....but what option did he have.

Ayren came back from the replicator with ra'taj (Klingon coffee) the way he liked it. As she put the mug down next to him, she stood behind him and rubbed his shoulders. She could sense his frustration and more.... tiredness. She was wise enough not to remind him of that. He wouldn't go to sleep until he was sure he had solved this. "Anything I can help you with?" she asked, while massaging his shoulders.

The scent of the hot beverage and her rubbing his should gave him pause, and he closed his eyes taking a deep breath as he allowed himself to enjoy both. His hand dropped and took her leg behind and just above her knee and gave it a squeeze then reached up to take her hands with his; stopping her. "I cannot relax..not yet."

It was then that Lance entered with the day’s reports that he set to the side as they were normally handled the next morning. He knew the Captain was pushing himself, but was about to call him on least not yet. "Any luck?"

Da`nal rolled his shoulders and neck. "No Chief."

Lance cast a glance to Ayren and smirked handing her the padd with someone not on his list for consideration.

She read it quickly and nodded her agreement. She had been thinking about her too, but she had been holding off, having sensed the woman's grief and her desire to be left alone. She would only be the very last option, but if Da'nal had exhausted his list, perhaps now was the time. "There is someone else to consider..." she said quietly.


"The executive Officer of the Star base," Ayren replied. "She is on board..." she said handing Da'nal the padd, glancing at Lance with a wink.

"Oh yes her..." A spare XO just walking about and he hadn't even thought to consider her. Had it been her hesitation during the briefing or the fact that he was going on his fourth...or was it fifth day without sleep. He read over her record;
-- Legal and Medical Background
-- Investigator
-- served on both Starships, Star bases, and Colonies
-- CMO of a recon ship
-- took the Commanders course and was assigned to SB 24
-- appointed XO after the XO and 2XO died in shuttle accident
-- Husband and children killed during Kzinti assault

Da`nal pulled at his chin. He needed his crew where they were, but he didn't like the idea of appointment by default. Still he needed a XO and she was the only viable option. He grabbed the mug that had been set before him and looked over his shoulder to his Yeoman. "Have her report."

Lance looked to Ayren then back to the Captain. "Now?...or uh in the morning? It is late, Captain."

"She is certainly asleep now, so it would still take a little while for her to get here, so get some sleep and then you will also be less grumpy," Ayren said, doing his shoulders again. "You don't want to scare her off..."

Da`nal turned in his chair. "Grumpy?! You think just..." He looked back and forth between them, as they began to share a conspiratorial grin. He knew she was right. Standing he conceded. "Very well. Tomorrow morning then."

As he stepped through the door he turned back to Lance. "0730."

"Aye aye"

::Next Morning::

[Captain's Quarters]

Putting the final touches on his uniform he looked back at his bed where Ayren still laid sleeping. She had been right, he had needed the rest. His mind clear, body rested he felt like a new man ready to face whatever came of the day and the events unfolding before him. He headed out of his bedroom and into the living area looking at his desk. Something wasn't right, but before he could narrow it down there was a sound from behind him.

Turning he smiled seeing Ayren wrapped in a sheet, her hair down at over her shoulders.

"Looking for something?" Ayren asked with a sweet smile, leaning against the side of the door to their bedroom. She hoped that once this damn war was over they would have some time together.

Adjusting his sash (forgot the term) he stepped back over to her taking her chin in his hand. He let a small growl escape....if they only had more time. "Always."

She gazed at him for a few long seconds before she kissed him softly on his lips. "I love you, always," she said softly. "Get going before I grab you and force you to surrender," she said matter of factly as if she was capable of doing just that. "And don’t forget whatever you were looking for at your desk..." she said grinning at him.

He grinned at her at gave her hip a slap. Whatever was out of place could wait till later and he headed to the bridge.

[Ready Room]

Da`nal arrived quickly enough, it had taken a little longer than normal but that was to be expected with amount of people currently aboard. it was nearly 0730 and he could see that Lance had already been hear and he began to look over the reports from the previous day while he waited on the Commander.

When Ciara got the message to go see the Captain first thing, she pursed her lips and got dressed, NOT in her uniform. She was not officially assigned anywhere and she was only assisting in the investigation. She knew very well that she was simply being rebellious, but she didn't care. The call had to do with her findings on the autopsy. Some results were disturbing enough to warrant a call to the Captain. Certainly he would want to know what his previous XO had been involved in, apart from Captain Da'nal's knife being the murder weapon. Surely it was only about that.... Her gut told her that it was more than that, but she didn't want to think in that direction.

With her long hair loose over her shoulders, dressed in a long skirt and loose blouse, comfortable for her assisting, she made her way to the ready room. Arriving there she pressed the chime and stepped in when the door opened.

Her eyes fell on the large Klingon, and for a few moments she felt rather intimidated, but then wiped that away. "Commander Ciara Brannagh reporting as requested, Captain," she said evenly, keeping the caution out of her voice. The nagging feeling in the pit of her stomach remained and she clasped her hands tightly behind her back, not showing anything for her apprehension.

The fact that she wasn't in uniform almost resulted in a a dressing down, but he stopped himself. She wasn't officially a member of the crew...not yet anyway. "Thank you for joining me so early. Have you had breakfast yet?"

His demeanor caught her off guard for a moment. A Klingon and relatively polite seemed to be a contradiction in terms. "No, Sir, I haven't had breakfast yet," she responded slightly confused by his question.

Da`nal nodded sharply and slapped the desk as he pushed himself up. "Good, because I'm ravenous."

Da`nal nodded sharply and slapped the desk as he pushed himself up. "Good because I'm ravenous." Stepping briskly to the replicator and glancing back, "what would you like?" He asked

Still a bit flabbergasted, Ciara pushed her hair back. "Some English breakfast tea with milk and one sugar, brown bread toast and an egg, sunny side up, medium," she said.

Repeating her request added his own. "Da`nal omlet 3 and large mug of ra'taj."

Taking the food from the replicator he pushed the various padds aside and placed the food on his desk. "When I was first given the Achilles I initiated a Captains Mess where I would sit down and meet with each member of the crew. With current events that was something that was pushed to the side."

Half way to her mouth, the cup of tea halted. Now what was this Captain up to? She didn't miss his reference to the crew, but she pushed that to the side. Klingons were not known for their ability to make small talk, maybe this one trying to, so she gave him the benefit of the doubt. "That is a very good idea, Captain. My previous CO used to do that as well," she said taking her sip. "The crew really appreciated it," she said, as if that should be the end of that story. "If I may ask, what is it that you are eating?" she stepped off that topic.

He looked down at his food. "Oh, it’s an owon egg omelet with shredded targh, Vulcan peppers, sharp cheddar cheese, covered with chatlh and this is a peb'ot; what you might call a fruit. Care to try?"

Ciara was now suspicious, with a polite smile. "Captain, I didn't know that Klingons generally don't engage in polite conversation and I appreciate the effort," she said, looking straight at him. "Unless of course, you do, then I apologize,†she added quickly. "Why did you want to see me?" she asked, her sharp blue eyes studying him, slightly guarded.

Dropping his fork he leaned back at looked at the woman. "If you think I'm un-Klingon let me assure you. When the time comes I can be VERY Klingon. I grew up in the Empire, but have served in Starfleet the majority of my career. Having been exposed to other races and rising through the ranks of Starfleet has taught me an etiquette beyond that my my own culture. matter how much I might want to, I can't just kill someone for challenging my authority. Especially in Starfleet, when the one is expected...even required to question and if need be refuse to follow those in authority. "To say that it had been a difficult adjustment is an understatement."

Just to be ornery he reached down picking up the omelet with his fingers and took a large bit. "Better? He said with a grin.

Ciara relaxed slightly although she was still a bit cautious. "You are doing fine as a Klingon, Captain, I am convinced," she said, chuckling lightly. She paused and took a few bites of her own meal. "I still would like to know the reason for your calling me here," Ciara reminded him that she did want an answer to the question. "I am not exactly crew...unless you want to discuss my findings?" she asked.

~Down to business. Very well.~ I did have a specific reason for asking you here, besides your findings, but before we discuss that what were the results of your examination?"

On more familiar ground, Ciara was more confident. "I am sure you know by now that it was your knife that was in his chest..." she asked and on his affirmation, she continued. "However, the wound caused by your weapon, was aimed to make Commander Killian suffer and they did," she said, with some sincere empathy for a man she did not know. "They would have caused death eventually, but the cause of death was a cut across his throat, done with a different knife altogether. It is a very rare and expensive hunting weapon, which leaves absolutely no molecular trace. Only professionals usually use them.... find the knife and find your killer," She said. "Other than that, he is right handed, have considerable physical strength... which is consistent with the DNA I found close to the one wound. It is not enough DNA to identify the killer, but I could establish the race," she said, watching him. "The DNA belonged to a male Ciatian..." she stated.

CAITIAN!" Everything fell together, the timing of the other engineer's death, the attempt on him.....probably revenge for his ordering the attack on the station. Don's murder was puzzling...why? Had the use of his blade been an attempt to discredit him and throw an investigation off track? That thought brought back memories of his time aboard the Tempest where he had been accused of murder. He bolted from his seat moving quickly to the batleth behind his desk.



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