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Heading her off at the Pass

Posted on 22 May 2009 @ 11:25am by Colonel Stadi Andrus & Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,415 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: While on his way to the Brig

Melanie left Silonez's office with a purpose, one that would destroy her
career but what did it matter now that Talar was gone? She held the
pistol firmly in her hand and made her way to the brig.

Da`nal was on his way to the Brig after receiving T'Pal's request. Stepping out of the Turbolift he almost ran into Melanie as she moved to get on. His hands came up to grab he to keep her from fallin g due to the impact, but as they collided a weapon fell from her hand skidding towards the lift.

Looking down and then to her, he knelt down and picked up the weapon.
"Where are you going with this Doctor?"

"To visit the one that took him away from me." She responded squaring
her shoulders and standing to her full height.

Looking down the corridor. "By him you mean...", completing the sentence
in his mind, knowing she would hear it, ~...Talar?~

~Yes, I know we are holding one of the Romulans that were involved in
the attack in the brig.~ She projected back.

Taking her by the arm into one of the other offices on the deck. "Give
us the room." He said and the occupant filed out one by one. Once the
room was theirs. He held up the weapon. "Who gave this to you?"

"I was issued it during the attack."

"Doctor don't lie....this is not a standard issue weapon. Where did you
get it."

"Check it yourself, you will see." She crossed her arms in front of her
chest. If Silonez had done it right then the weapon would show that it
was issued to her during the battle. Melanie would not back down from
this, this was revenge.

Shaking his head. "The only thing that would have been issued for the
battle would have been standard issue phasers." Hold the weapon up.
"This is a special ops weapon and I don't care what the computer might
say. I've been a weapons instructor and Chief of Security for the most
of my career. I know my weapons and how to identify forged records and
who forged them." Backing away from her slightly. "I know what you are
going through, and as much as I and my House want that....Romulans hide
nailed to the wall of my Houses great hall I have my orders.

"I understand the need for vengeance, it can be consuming..." Holding up
a clinched fist, and through gritted teeth " can taste it. Now I
where you were going, I want to know who gave you this."

Before she could answer he fixed her with stern expression that conveyed
his seriousness. "If you force me to investigate this weapons origin I
will have to document why I'm conducting the investigation. Which could
lead to your Talar's exposure."

"No!" She stepped back because if she moved closer she would take her
anger out on Da'nal and that was the last think that she wanted to do.

"I..." Melanie sank into the chair completely and utterly defeated. How
could she kill the Romulan when it went against everything that she was?
She doubted that Talar would approve of what she was doing.

Melanie looked up at the captain."Silonez gave it to me...after I
demanded access to that 'thing. He gave it to be for protection more
than anything else." She removed the hypospray that was in her other
pocket. "I was going to send him into cardiac arrest. Not what that
'thing' deserves...he deserves worse but that way it would look like an

Da`nal let out a long breath. He was disappointed in both offices, but
at least he could understand the doctors...motivations. Remembering
what his own father had told him, "I understand your feelings of anger
and desire for vengeance. However there is no need, he died an honorable
death and had he been Klingon he would have been received by Kahless in
Sto Vo Kor. And had this been a Klingon vessel I would have granted you
your vengeance, but you would have had to face him in honorable combat."
Looking down at the hypo in her hand. "Not that...vengeance without
honor is simply murder, and that is not how I intend to begin my

"Beside we will have more Romulan guests shortly, and I can't have any
'accidents' during our journey."

"I would not kill anyone besides that disgusting excuse of a Romulan. As
the guests no harm will come to them by my hands...Where are we going?"

Da`nal took a breath and answered her with a word, "Romulus."

"Romulus." She whispered, folding her hands in her lap. Talar's family
lived there. "Well I will be able to inform Talar's mother and father
that their son is dead." She laughed bitterly.

"Don't they already think he's dead?"

"Yes, I suppose they do, but it is no longer a lie is it? I am sorry to
have disappointed you captain. I lost...control."

"No need to apologize. You should have seen my quarters after I found
out about my brothers death."

"I should never have come back to Starfleet, Captain...I would be home
with my...."

"With your family?"

"Yes but that is impossible now...Talar was the only family I had left and I
lead him to his death."

Shaking his head. "I doubt that. He followed his own path, it just that for a time your paths ran as one."

Reaching down he lifted her to her feet. "He was responcible for his own destiny. As you are responcible for yours."

"Yes Captain...I asked him to come with me and he did...Thank you for looking overlooking my behaviour." She waited to be dismissed.

"Doctor, I haven't 'ovelooked' anything. This is attempted murder. Had you succeded you would have put me in a very difficult position." He couldn't very well blame her for feeling what was going through he mind. Silonez should have tried to talk her out of it, or at least have contacted someone. Knowing what she had been through only made what he had to do all the more distasteful. "Doctor, consider yourself...unofficially restricted to sickbay and your quarters. For the time being at least; and if our guest requires and medical attention you under orders to have someone else see to to him."

"Would I have really killed him?...probably not, but understand one thing Captain. It is because of 'men' like him I am the way that I am. It is because of Nniol and Almek..." She had said her attacker's name...she swore to herself that she would never say his name again. "Nevermind captain. I will go to my quarters after I have assigned someone to look after our guest."

Taking her wrist as she turned to leave. "That man, and his family, is why I, and my House, am the why I am as well. You have the Heart of a Klingon, but both of us are bound by our choices to serve Star Fleet. That mean holding our selves to certain ideals....regardless of the personal impact. Being able to do that brings Honor.... I want nothing more than to storm into that brig and rip him limb from limb. If I were to do that I would satisfy my family desire for vengence, but I dishonor myself by violating my oaths.

"Do I think you would have followed though...I honestly don't know. I'm not the telepath. However, I don't do this to protect him. I do this to protect you by seperating you from a difficult situation."

She wanted to show him what Almek had done to her, why she hated a good majority of Romulans, especially male Romulans, but this was not the time. "Maybe one day I will show what happened to me, unless of course you have read my psych file. This is not the time or place for it now. You have too much to do without worrying that I will do something reckless and stupid. I am sorry Captain...and thank you...for saving me from doing this. Perhaps it is time I see Termin..." As she spoke she didn't break eye contact with him but she kept her mind closed so not to disturb him with the memories that were now floating through her mind.


Cmdr Da`nal
Commanding Officer

Lt Hemmingway


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