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Two Captains, two Klingons and two goals part 2

Posted on 08 Mar 2012 @ 3:14pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,649 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Location: Observation lounge
Timeline: Current


Da`nal wasn't about to be barked at on his own ship, especially not by a man whose life he had just saved! "SIT DOWN CAPTAIN!"

Kre stopped in his tracks, his back rigid with rage. Slowly measuredly he turned to face Da`nal, glaring at him, his hand moving to his dk tagh instinctively. ""EXCUSE ME!"

Normally when Klingons or other combative races where aboard a Federation starship they were assigned a security detail and they would be present in the room with the Captain. The Klingons reaction would have resulted in drawn phasers but he knew these men.

Charg was on his feet to intercede if needed but he let Da`nal take the lead.

He had come to his feet with speed ready for anything, he could feel the blade at his back and in his boot, but he tugged at this jacket and calmed himself before he replied. “You reacted before you even knew what my orders are Captain…And would you tolerate someone speaking to you that way on YOUR ship?â€

"I certainly wouldn't say NO so quickly as you did!!" Kre snapped back. He knew that getting into a fight with the other Captain would not solve anything, but he was a Klingon on edge.

Charg interjected. “What are your orders Captain?â€

His eyes not leaving the Klingon Captain. His orders had been classified for secrecies sake while the ship had been prepared so there was no risk in letting them know. “We inserted over 200 Marines at Mercer and were to recon Kzinti help spaces including the starbase in order to find out how the station fell so quickly.†None of that would keep the Achilles from a rescue mission and he could see that in Kretorg’s expression.

“The other part of those orders was to not engage the enemy in order to keep our presence a secret.†Da`nal paused only slightly not allowing the Kretorg the chance to speak.

"So did we," Kre said in guarded tones, realizing that they had pretty much the same orders. "But that didn't really work. Go on..." Kre said, alert to the fact that Da'nal did attack the Kzinti vessels.

“I violated those orders in order to save your crew and I shall have to face the consequences of those actions. However I cannot bring further dishonor to me and my crew by violating them again.â€

Kre just thought they made some progress, but that statement sent his frayed temper flaring again. He jumped forward, fulling willing to fight for his people, and force Da'nal to change course to intercept the Koloth at least. "YOU USELESS PIECE OF BAKTAG!! YOU ARE WASTING MY TIME....!!"

Charg moved quickly to hold his Captain back. “SIR! THIS WILL NOT HELP OUR CREW…There is a another wayâ€

"Get out of my WAY!!" Kre growled furiously at Charg at first, straining against his grip, keeping an eye on Da'nal. Slowly he relaxed, he knew his XO well and he also knew Charg's wife was a captive, Charg would do all he could to save her. Breathing hard he put his hand up to indicate for Charg to continue. "Just know..... I will not leave this room until you agree to help us, his way, or mine...." Kre said between his teeth.

Releasing his Captain Charg moved to the side and addressed his friend. “Your logic is flawed.â€

Da`nal turned his head to the Dama’s XO hoping there was in fact a way to save both the crewmembers…and his honor. “Go on.â€

"Your orders are no longer valid. The Kzinti vessel carrying our crewmembers that fled the battle has no doubt reported the incident. Therefore your presence in their territory is already known and the need to protect the secrecy of your mission by avoiding conflict is no longer a factor."

Typical Klingon, Kre's emotions could go from one extreme to the other, as fast as one could flip a coin. Now he crossed his arms in front of his chest, now grinning. He didn't even take notice of the yeoman, who seemed a little flustered at all the brutal energy in the room. He looked expectantly at Da'nal. "Now counter that, Captain," he said not without pride in his executive officer. It was his choice after all to appoint him. At that moment the fact that Zaria and X'aedell just about forced the two men to make piece, was not foremost in his mind.

Da`nal looked at his friend and almost laughed. "This would have to the first time I have heard a 'logical' arguement FOR going to battle. That ship is probably sitting in the middle of a fleet by matter." He stepped forward and placed a hand on Kretorg's shoulder. "WE SHALL RECOVER YOU CREW, his other hand on Charg's shoulder, and your mate."

Kre's grin widened as he slapped Da'nal on his back. "And I was so looking forward to a good fight; your conference room is way to..... Sterile anyway...†he said laughing now too.

Turning to his yeoman, Da`nal saw Lance's hand moving as he had just put his phaser away. "Get me all tactical information and the last known heading for that ship. We have a rescue to plan."

"Aye, sir."

Kre only sat down now and took notice of the food and bloodwine. Then he thought of something. "Lieutenant Soran, I think she can supply us with valuable information, let me talk to her," Kre said.

::Some time later::

Charg looked to his Captain, who nodded. “When we arrived we began to search for supplies and components to repair the Dama. My search team found what looked like sabotage. I had what evidence we had transferred to the Achilles.â€


“Yes. It was a logical assumption based on observation alone. The evidence needs to be examined.â€

Da`nal turned sharply to Lance. “I want all evidence consolidated and placed under guard. No one is to have access without my authorization.â€

"What!? Sabotage?" Kre asked surprise. His mind had to go back at the sabotage on the D'ama, that nearly triggered a war, but the culprit was caught and eliminated.

Charg was puzzled at the restriction; surely he could trust his own crew.

“As you know Captain my XO was murdered. What you don’t know was that my Chief Engineer was also murdered and attempt was made on my life that injured my 2nd Officer. If the Kziniti had placed an agent on the starbase we could have one here as well.â€

"You think there is a connection?"

Charg too didn’t see the connection. “Agreed, how are you connecting these incidents?â€

“The first murder was the Chief…just after examining and attempting to decode and access a Kzinti computer core,†Da`nal explained. “According to one of my officers he had cracked the codes, but he died with before it could be tested. With your permission Captain I would like your First Officer to assist in both the sabotage and murder investigations."

"Of course, and you can use any other resource you need..."

The matter settled they took their seats and began to address the other matters at hand.

Quartering of the Dama’s crew would be barracks style in the cargo bays. VIP and vacant quarters were opened and those left were to be housed with Achilles crew members.

All three of the Achilles’ sickbays were brought online to deal with the more seriously injured and one of the holodecks would be used as a recovery ward.

Da`nal’s yeoman Lance was right there with reports, stats, or any information that was needed by the three senior officers. Da`nal was always impressed at how the man was able to stay top of things the way he did. Lance had also let the officer’s know about how one of the survivors had dealt with the ships EMH and taken control of the situation and the main sickbay.

Charg smirked at the story. “Sound like a good man to have.â€

"One day I will have a yeoman that can stay alive...." Kre snorted.

Da`nal was short in several key areas and looked at the pads spread out across the table. “Where did you putt that list of personnel recovered from the station?â€

“Here.†Charg said passing over.

Da`nal scanned it again briefly and looked to Kre. “Well you won’t need to worry about these any more. I will assign the Starfleet personnel to the Achilles until we return to a starbase.â€

"Thank you, but not all of them. Some are my people, and others might want to stay on, that is if they could stomach me.." Kre said straight faced.

Da`nal looked somewhat surprised, then remembered that the Dama had been an integrated crew. “So who do you want?†He asked simply.

Kre quickly marked the people who had served on the D'ama and a few others who had expressed interest in joining him. "Those you can transfer to the D'ama."

“Very well I will have orders prepared and officially transfer them to your command.†Da`nal had made annotations as to the personnel he wanted and handed the pads to Lance. He knew he would have everything ready for his endorsement in short order.

Da`nal looked down at the mess that had had become of the food and drink they had had while they had planned. "Let’s go back to my ready room and I will call for far an immediate mission briefing while the room is cleared."

Kre nodded and, got up and belched, as if in appreciation for the food and drink.


Captain Da`nal of the House of Varal
USS Achilles

Captain Kretorg of the House of Torath
CO IKS D'ama

Cmdr Charghwl’IH
IKS D’ama


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