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Cloak and Dagger

Posted on 01 Mar 2012 @ 8:27pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,027 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Location: Achilles's Ready Room
Timeline: backpost - prior to Kre, Danal, Charg

Da`nal was in his private rest room built into the small room to the side of his ready room. He looked haggard and worn. With everything this crew had been through most were running on empty. He hadn't eaten in at least 36 hours and hadn't slept in longer. He had a ship bursting at the seams, he had to decide what to do about the wrecked Klingon ship, his CMO was in stasis and not likely to survive, his medical staff was exhausted, his XO murdered, the Dama's CO & XO was wanting to meet with him, and now he was just informed that his missing Chief Counselor just showed up out of nowhere in an Orion shuttle.

He had managed to freshen up and retie his hair back retuned to the Bridge to continue to oversee the evacuation of the Dama, the comms buzzed with shuttle chatter and transport requests.

As the lift doors swooshed open, the Security officers place one hand on the doors, as the Orion stepped forward, with her shadows followed right behind her. Ba'al, looked left and right to the motley crew, before turning her eyes upon the center seat. When they feel upon a Klingon, her hand slapped her head, as she lowered her head.

'Great' she thought and answered the captain request, even if she didn't fully heard what he had to say.

A moment later, and her shadows remaining outside the captain's ready room, the former smuggler, looked about the nicely put together room. She did a quick number crush, pricing each item and what the possible amount it would bring her, as she looked to the captain, as she knew that either a ass chewing was heading her way, or several other possible outcomes were no doubt heading her way, like why she had a Orion shuttle, why she was way out here, and so forth.

Da`nal noticed her pause at the entrance, but he didn't move to his side of his desk. Instead he stood in the center of the room and turn to face the unique looking officer. His questions were direct.

"Ensign, as you can tell we are quite busy. So I don't have time to beat around the bush. Why were you unable to join the Achilles before we departed SB 517? How did you find us out here, inside Kzinti held territory? Our orders and the nature of our mission was classified to all but the most senior least until I let the crew know after we departed."

"To be honest with you, captain..." the Ensign stated in a somewhat friendly tone, and putting on the smuggler charm and dishing out the some truths... "a smuggler knows more about what's happening out among the stars, then any special operation team in Starfleet that gives secret information to the brass. So, when I got my orders I hopped onto my shuttle, switched on the comm array and headed to 517.

"Yet, along the way, I made a few calls, to a few of the bartenders there on the station, and heard the Achilles departed. So, with that, I contacted a few more people, and got what I needed, and made a bee line to this sector of space. Even if my old beat box of a shuttle, we've managed to get here." Niemi finished speaking but added "also, the Kzinti, have something in a way of saying hi to a cloak ship. I gather they heard my comm chatter, or was taking pop shots at the shimmering cloak effect of my shuttle"

Despite all that was going on his wheels began turning, such a...resourceful crewmember could prove very useful. Not to mention a non-Federation craft, especially now. "Smuggler...Your shuttle....hmmm. Whatever the case you took a great risk coming out here looking for us. However as I'm sure you are well aware; without risk there is no reward."

When the captain started and if she was a Vulcan, her right eye brow would have shot up, but her ears tingled and her eyes sparkled, knowing that there might be something worthwhile and perhaps profitable.

"Yes true, captain" Niemi returned with a smile, which she couldn't help do to her thinking and profit gaining "I think one of the rules the Ferengi have. Without risk, there is no profit or reward and I made sure to get here to help as best I can. But, I do have a question, sir, I heard rumors that Merkon was having issues with the local government and before you ask, I ran into a few traders and cargo haulers leaving that system and they passed the word along."

Ba'al paused briefly as she thought that perhaps, the Achilles had deployed Marines there, but the thought came as quickly as it left, as she moved on watching each moment the captain body gave off.

"But, that's not my business to dwell on those matters, is it, sir?" Ba'al ended.

"No...Not right now. we have bigger issues than disputes between traders and governments. We have taken on massive amounts of wounded Klingons and a contingent of survivors from what was Starbase 24. See to the survivors and non-Klingon crew members of the IKS Dama. No doubt you will find several patients among those individuals."

He paused slightly and added. "Also download your shuttles sensor logs on any Kzinti you came across on your trip here, and provide them and your report to Lt. Commander Eircson. The Achilles isn't a large vessel but for now I will allow you to keep your shuttle in our shuttle bay."

Ba'al made a mental note to do as she was order, let alone work with those of the starbase and the D'ama, as she nodded her head.

"Aye sir" Niemi stated

Da`nal nodded as he continued to thing how the Orion shuttle could be brought into serve in their current mission. "Then I won't keep you from your duties Lieutenant."

"Okay, sir" She stated once the captain dismiss her and she took off onto her tasks.


Captain Da`nal
CO USS Achilles

Lt.JG Niemi Ba'al
CCO USS Achilles


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