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Calling Home

Posted on 26 May 2009 @ 11:58am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

713 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Da`nal's quarters
Timeline: Morning of Day 2

Da`nal had woken early and had bagen to scroll though the various messages....his tranfer orders...congratulations from Starfleet Command...Report..Requests...Crew Orders...Requesitions...the list just went on and on. Luckily most of the paperwork hab been handled already and he was copied in. One thing was certain he would have to find himself a Yoeman.

Closing the database he tapped the panel on his desk. "Computer, open a channel to the Klingon Home World, House of Varal."

"Establishing connection with the Klingon Impirial Communications network."

As the link was established the familiar face of his father's aid filled the terminal. "Greetings, Lord Ralnath is not.....DA`NAL! One moment I will get your father."

He didn't have to wait long befor the House crest was replaced by the face of his father. Bowing his head slightly, "Father."

"Da` son. How are you?"

"I am well. As are your grandchildern."

"That is good to hear." Noticing the source of the transmission a puzzled look formed on the klingons face. "USS Freedom? I thought you had been transferred to Deep Space Five? That is where we sent Ahkil."

"She is on the station, and the Freedom is docked within."

"But that doesn't explain why you would be contacting me from the aboard the ship. Are you heading out on a mission?"

"Well I'm sure eventually yes. I'm just waiting on order. For now the ship is completeing system installation and repairs."

Why puzzled look remained, and this only made Da`nal smirk at his father's bewilderment. "A lot has happened since my arrival. Just after reporting for duty the station was attacked..."

Everyone knew the stations history and how it had been destroyed by a borg incursion. Klingons knew it because the IKV K'mpec was destroyed there as well. "Borg?"

Da`nal shook his head. "No....Romulan. Under the command of Nniol of tr'Illialhlae."

His father's confusion was replaced by fury. "tr'Illialhlae!!"

"Yes...and I believe he ordered an assassination attempt on the Garath and Ariella. But Akhil and the Diplomatic officer here at Deep Space 5 defended them. Akhil was wounded in the attack but she killed one of the assassins. As for Nniol his is my prisoner on my ship."

It took a moment for Da`nal's words to penetrate his fury, but when it did bewilderment replaced raage. "Wait! Your ship?"

Grinning. "Yes father. For my actions in the defence of the station I was promoted and given command of the ship I commanded during the battle."

Da`nal's father slammed his fist on the counter. "THIS IS A GLORIOUS DAY!!" Turning from the monitor he shouted. "BRING ME WARNOG!!" Turning back to his son. "We shall toast your victory, your promotion and command! And with the capture of our enemy...the only thing that could make this better would be his death."

His father paused. "Da`nal. I want him. For crimes against the our House."

As much as he agreed with his father. As much as he want to strangle the life from him himself. Now wasn't time. Suddenly his terminal beeped signaling the arrival of a new messege, Da`nal was thankful for the message. "Father I must go. I would forward your request but given my involvement...."

He had put his son in a difficult position. "Very well I will send it through the High Counsel."

"Father, I will need you to meet us at Star Base 47. I want Akhil, Garath, and Ariella taken home for the time being."

"Say no more...we will be there when you arrive."

Da`nal's tereminal beeped again from the arrival of the messege. "Thank you, I will contact you after we are under way."

"Qapla my son."

"Qapla.." With that Da`nal closed the channel with his father and opened the messesge from the Romulan Ambassador no less.

-- Further to receipt of your orders from Admiral Rittenhouse I would like to discuss the terms of your mission to Romulus. I invite you to join me for breakfast on the promenade - a neutral location where we can discuss the unique peculiarities of this endeavour.

Sitting back in his chair he thought of how he wanted, how he should reply.


Cmdr Da`nal
Commanding Officer


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