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Keep it simple

Posted on 28 May 2009 @ 2:47pm by

513 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Security office
Timeline: Following meeting in "A matter of trust"

Silonez had very little time to arrange things and even less time to deal with another confrontation, as he walked into security he decided to handle this in as professional a manner as could be done. ~Here we go again~ "Lieutenant, I'm going over to DS5 in a few minutes to collect the evidence, the majoity will be here, excluding two bodies which will be in sick bay and some bomb fragments that I'm arranging analysis for right now." He didn't want another confrontation and felt one coming.

T'Pal turned around at Silonez's voice and faced him. She was aware that he was tasked with collecting data and evidence, so she was undisturbed by his presence. "I have been expecting you Lieutenenat," she said plainly, her voice and expression neutral.

"since I know your busy with security arrangements for the ambassador, this may speed things up since time has suddenly become critical." silonez paused, "If I can borrow two security officers, we can get this over an done with and without any hassels"

"What do you need the officers for?" she asked him, while tapping her padd to see who she could assign to him if she agreed.

"Theres' two bodies, six boxes of fragments from the bomb blast and the salvage operation, and who knows what else DS5 security collected, Plus we may have another prisoner to transfer as well. Its alittle more than two people can handle." Silonez said.

Her one eyebrow raised ever so slightly. "Will DS5 provide officers at all?"

"The less innvolvement DS5 security has the better right now, I don't want any accidents, plus from what I saw station security is streached pretty thin." silonez was starting to feel rushed now.

Hearing the edge in his voice, T'Pal looked up from her padd. She was not disturbed by it. but she needed to know what the situation was to make the right decision whom to send with him. "If you need additional assistance, let me know, I can pull the gamma team if need be," she said while motioning two officers closer, one being the new one, Webb. ""Go with Lieutenant Silonez. he will inform you what he requires," she told them.

"I'll need someone to inventory this little collection of stuff when we get back, I've got a Technical specialist coming to do a reconstruction on the bombs, and I've got half the science department going over sensor data from the battle, the only thing missing is forensics on the two bodies and the guy who did all the sabutage on the station."

"You can use the same two officers to tag and bag," T'Pal said. She had experience with bombs, it was not to reconstruct them, butr to plant them. That was not on her record though and not relevant. "I hope you find answers soon," she said and meant it. They needed information before they got to Romulus.

"Thank you Lieutenant" Silonez turned and left at a quickened pace, he knew time was running out.


Lt. Silonez Ericson

Lt T'Pal


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