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I'll Take It From Here

Posted on 29 Feb 2012 @ 9:15pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

761 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Location: Sick Bay

People everywhere, all funneling through the same areas to get on board the Achilles. Finally, the med team made it to the transporter.

"Dammit, watch the gurney! That man is suffering 2 palpitations!" He paused and sat his briefcase next to himself on the transporter pad.

"Engineer's..." he said with an air of sarcasm.

=^= Jarva to Achilles, five to beam out=^=

They disappeared off the wrecked Klingon vessel.

[Sick bay]

The EMH look back as the Commander finally left. She had been a great help but to perform an autopsy in the CMO's office was...irritating. He was still in utter surprise that the Achilles had been sent on this assignment with barely a skeleton medical staff. With their current CMO in critical condition and the hundreds of evacuees the remaining staff was being pushed well beyond its limits. Of course he could continue without rest for as long as needed.

Every member of the crew that had medical training had been press into service as medics or nurses. The Dama's CMO had put herself straight to work and the Dama's EMH was moving from cargo bay to cargo bay that was serving as triage center or recovery areas.

Suddenly, a team came bursting through the Sickbay doors, "Dammit, if you knock him into the wall one more time..." Jarva yelled out.

The EMH whirled at the commotion. "What is the mean of..."

"Put him over there, and gently!" Jarva paused, and took a deep breath as he scanned the room. Sickbay was a nightmare. Klingons, Humans, Bolians, and even a Ferengi were present. He also noticed the disorder of the staff. It was as if no one was in charge, everyone was just running from one patient to another.

"That's it. ALRIGHT!" He yelled out. The whole room froze, everyone was looking toward him.

"Why is that man with broken ribs not being treated, however the man with minor cuts is. Why is that man with a concussion laying there with no treatment." ha paused again.

"You," he pointed to the head nurse, "Gather the patient intake list and begin assignments based on severity."

"Yes Doctor." Nurse Devoran responded.

"You, leave him be, he can wait, treat the rib cage patient. And you treat this man with the concussion." Jarva began ordering the medical staff faster than Nurse Devoran could put the intake list together.

The EMH continued about his duties as dictated by his programming. While he completed one patient he moved to the next as he retorted against the officer. "This is my sickbay Lieutenant, and my programming can certainly categorize patient severity. The two you referred to just arrived and were next to be treated. Now if you will excuse me I have a job to do."

Scanning the man the Lieutenant had brought in. "Moderate cardiac bruising, irregular heart beat due to increased pressure in the pulmonary cavity."

Not looking up from his tricorder he held out a hand "twenty milligrams of lectrazine and a vascular regenerator."

The young medic from security slapped a hypo in the EMH's hand and darted off to get the regenerator. ~This was no time for some kinda power struggle...doctors~

With her return he set the regenerator and placed it over his heart. Upon activation it began repairing the damage to the hearts own network of small arteries and veins. He adjusted his program 'mentally' to monitor the sickbay sensors to keep an eye on his readings.

Finished with that patient he bumped into the upstart. "Are you going to help of just stand there?"

"I hate these things." Jarva remarked about the EMH. "Computer, move the EMH to secondary cases and transfer all primary cases under me."

A noise came and the EMH was quickly moved to another patient with less severe injuries.

"I'll take it from here nurse." Dr. Jarva then began healing the patient the EMH was moving to.

"Severe neurological damage in the hippocampus; I'll have to operate."

[Cargo Bay 2]

The ships computer had acknowledged the doctor's orders. Even though not a member of the Achilles crew (yet…wink wink) he was in the medical database as a licensed Starfleet doctor, therefore he could override an EMH. When his program materialized Rebecca looked up from her latest patient and smiled. "What happened to you, I thought you were running things on high?"

Looking at the Dama's HIGHLY modified EMH he opened his medical tricorder, scanning the next casualty, "I was...demoted."


Lieutenant Xavian Jarva
Chief Medical Officer
USS Achilles

Both EMH characters played by


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