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I Aim to Misbehave

Posted on 24 Nov 2011 @ 9:55pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Sergeant Dawn Brianna & Lance Corporal Cyfian Harper

1,144 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Planet Mercer - Marine encampment

[Command hooch]

Stone was looking at the holographic display as Reiger's patrols pushed out from the base camp into the hills. Little blue dots and an alpha numeric reference moved slowly in cloverleaf patters gradually further away from the base camp. Two hoppers stood ready under their camo shelters, ready to provide close ground support or extract any one of Reiger's teams that bite off more than they can chew.

After about 10 minutes of watching and listening to the internal coms, Velez made his way back into the blind with the Marines that he pulled off the ridge line. Stone stood and looked them over as they looked around the modular Command Post (CP). Walking over, he extended his hand.

"Major Jason Stone, on detail to 9th Fleet. I'm drive'n this bus. Great work...all of you. The Kzin didn't realize that when they severed communications with us, that you had no choice but to stay alive and cause them a bit of heart burn."

Frey stepped forward. He and his team had been patched up, fed and debriefed by, now, 1stSgt Velez. He had welcomed the familiar faces that retrieved them as well as those that stopped by while they were getting checked out. It was obvious that they had missed some serious prep work on the Achilles to get ready to drop this many Marines here and from the stories they told they missed having ring side seats while some orbital ship yard got blown to hell. 'So that was what had rained down on us...' he had commented earlier.

"Sir, I'm SSgt Jason Frey" He turned and introduced the others "Sgt. Dawn Brianna & LCpl Cyfian Harper."

Dawn gave a slow nod, her face looking more pale then it should from the wound she had been hiding. She was barely able to stand up by now, but was forcing herself to. Dawn knew that she was in bad shape and only getting worse as time went on.

Cyfian nodded. It was good too see so many friendly faces again, not worrying that a Kzinti will jump out of the bush to cut himself in two.

Stone was all smiles. He couldn't have been happier to have linked up with some of the Marines on the planet so soon. "Is there anything I can get you? I'm sure we can get some hot food whipped up. We aren't running replicators, just rations and forage, too much power. Have you been by the Medics?" Stone walked back around and gestured at the holomap. "I've got a Recon element out looking for a spot where we can begin to needle the kitties a little bit. Do you have any information about Kzinti disposition? Do you know where they are holding Captain Longwinter?"

Jason nodded. "We hear from some of the Romulans we spoke with that there was an area of the refugee camp that was recently isolated no one was allowed around the central hub. Just before the area was restricted there was reports of a capture outside the compound."

Dawn slowly walked around the corner, then took a knee, more or less falling on her knees. She couldn't stand any longer, as she removed her hand, more blood oozed out from the shrapnel wound, she quickly put her hand back on. "Frak." she quickly said to herself, she knew that she was in trouble as she rested herself against a rock wall.

Velez came around the table quickly as he was her go down. He saw the blood on her hand as it came forward. They were supposed to have been checked out but some how she must not have been. "Get her to medical Now!"

"I'm sorry, I tried to stay up, I tried to stay in." Dawn apologized, not wanting to leave.

Cyfian rushed forward, tossed his weapon to the ground and wrapped his arm around Dawn, steadying her. "Come on Sergeant, lets get you to medical." Cyfian grunted has his tired muscles screamed out for rest. "Lean on me if you need too."

Stone came to Dawn's side and supported some of her weight. "Corporal Cyfian, I need you to stay here. Velez, see to Sgt. Brianna." He let Velez take the wounded Dawn out of the CP and then turned to Cyfian. "Corporal, I need you to show me on the map where this refugee camp is, freeing prisoners and disrupting the Kzinti on this planet is our primary objective. We need to get our people out. Are there any more federation forces operating on this planet? Did anyone else from your unit make it into the mountains?"

Jason looked to the Major. "I can answer that sir."

Major Stone walked back over to the holomap. "Ok....then let's put it together."

Ssgt Frey showed the Major the location of the camp and the area the Romulan teenagers had said had been locked down. "Sir the area near the camp took damage from the falling orbital debris. If the camp itself was hit this would be the perfect time to infiltrate....while they are still picking up the pieces. The Kzinti have watch towers and patrols in the area but all outside the camp."

[Heading to Medical]

Several corpsman met them and put her on an antigrav stretcher. Velez walked with them as the made their way to the medical hut.

"Don't go without me." Dawn said weakly, she still wanted to go. "I can still fight." she stated, trying to get up, but fell back again with a grunt. Her mind wanted to continue, but her body wasn't able to.

Velez put a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry Sergeant. It'll take some time to plan any op. You need to worry about getting back on your feet.

"I'll be back, you can count on it." she replied, "Just don't forget." Dawn reminded him about what he just said.

Velez grinned. The Woman was tenacious, but that was typical Recon. "Not to worry, they should have you back on your feet in no time."

[Command Hooch]

Before the Major could reply a Corporal approached with an update. "Sir, status from the OP. It reported several Romulan craft and one Kzinti transport in the vacinity of a refugee camp. They landed near the location that beacon had been transmitting from."

Major Stone nodded at the Corporal. They were a bit late, but why the Romulans? Surely they would have suffered as much as anyone in this invasion. "Corporal, reroute the closes recon shuttle that can cloak to that location. I would like to know what they are doing there. I'm not in a hurry to hit that compound with extra enemy assets right next door. Open a channel to Reiger."

=^= "Red Six, this is Reforger Six Actual, I need you to RTB and refit. We're going after our men." =^=


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