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Alone in the dark - Part 3

Posted on 27 Nov 2011 @ 7:26pm by Captain Reva Madhava & Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Lucas Mason

907 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Location: Away Team / Bridge


For Reva, the easy part of the away mission was already over: they'd beamed over from the Achilles. All three of those on her little team started scanning the area, first to make sure no dangers were missed by the Achilles (the gold-shirted security officer had dibs on that scan), then to determine just what needed to be done in order to retrieve the pattern in the buffer (Reva and the engineering minion she'd brought along were on opposite sides of the room doing those scans).

"Barely any power going to the transporter, Ma'am," the engineer reported.

Being called ma'am made her feel old. "Follow it back, find the power source; perhaps we'd be best off powering that up and finishing the transport."

"Aye, Ma'am."

Logan looked around her at the dead bodies that had been killed when the Kzinti had attacked the station. This ship must have been one of the many that had attempted to flee, only to be obliterated without mercy. The Orion's instruction nearly slipped past her but she unslung the portable power generator from her shoulder and began hooking it up.

Standing up she tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "That should give you all the power you need ma`am."

"Excellent, Logan," Madhava answered, slightly distracted as she looked over the console. "Here we go," she started the process of a transport, pulling the pattern in the buffer out and materializing the person. "Shoulda had a medic with us," she muttered.

[USS Achilles]

Da`nal returned to the bridge after the ordeal in the Ready Room. "REPORT!"

The Lieutenant nearly jumped out of his skin at the bellowed command. ~Whatever happened in there must not have been good.~ "No change sir, the away team has not reported in yet."

"Very well. Make a note in the Log that Dr. Frece has relieved the XO of duty."

The young officer arched his brow in total surprise...~RELIEVED! Was that before or after the crashing and banging around?~ "Aye sir."


The emergency lighting dimmed as more and more power was pulled for the materialization process. Things stabilized as the portable power generator kicked in and fed the transporters.

Lt. Lyra Jones had been critically wounded in the attack. Her ship had tried to eveacuate as many as possible from the station but had been set up by whoever had attacked the station. In a last ditch effort to survive she had set the transport into a looping diagnostic mode and prayed she would be found before power ran out.

There was no way to know how long she had been in the transport bufferr but as soon as the materialization process began began to see those in the transporter room. Once complete her wounds began to bleed once again. The loss of blood bothe before entering and after leaving the transporter caused the world around her to spin and she collapsed to the floor.

Logan rushed in as the woman collapsed on the padd. It was obvious she had serious injuries and there was no telling how long she had been in that buffer. At least not until they examined the unit.

Turning to the LT. "We need to get her to sickbay!"


The replacement officer at Ops turned to the Captain has the report came in. "Sir, we are getting data from Federation long range sensor relays that are sill intact."


"They are detecting weapons fire near the remains of SB 24. There is also a antimatter radiation shell around the station approximately 1/2 an AU*.

Da`nal grinned slightly. There was a chance that those within that shell would not know they were coming. "Understood. Helm; set a course for the SB 24 and engage as soon as the awayteam is aboard."

"Aye, aye sir. Course for Starbase 24 plotted and laid in. Velocity?"

=^= Captain Da`nal.=^= Reva Madhava's voice came over the comm, =^=We've completed the survey of the wreck and have located a survivor.=^=

Da`nal leaned forward in his chair as the status report came in....~a survivor?~ =^=Understood. Beam her to sickbay and get your team back aboard immediately. Long range sensors relays are detecting what may indicate weapons fire in proximity to SB 24.=^=

"Understood, sir. Returning in just a few minutes, then." The commlink closed and Reva gestured to her team to gather their equipment. A moment later, the survivor was transported to sickbay and then Reva's team was transported back to the ship.


"Sir, the away team is aboard."

"Excellent." Da`nal lowered himself into his chair. ~Why was there weapons fire at the SB? Survivors...unlikely, at least none that would be in a position to put up a fight. Scavengers?, possible.~ Either way he had violated his orders once already. Adm. L'Berr wasn't going to be happy if he violated them again. "Mr. Mason, bring us to Red Alert and engage at warp 8."

"Aye, aye sir. Red Alert." The bridge became awash in a crimson light as klaxon sounded out. "Underway at Warp Factor 8."

They where still a great distance away but he wanted the ship and crew ready...just in case. "The second we are close enough to get a typ on that weapons fire I want to know who we are dealing with."



Captain Da`nal

Ltjg Reva Madhava

Ltjg Lucas Mason

* AU = distance from sun to earth


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