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Into the fray

Posted on 13 Nov 2011 @ 9:01am by

384 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Location: Intelligence office, Uss Schillies
Timeline: ****


Silonez sat in the plush chair behind his desk, the near endless reports of the on going battles along what had become and rather ironically called the Kzinti Corridor, it was both bleak and promising at the same time, the Kzinti technical advantage had started to wain as the technical flaws in there ships were exploited.

His biggest excitement was the capture of a largely intact cruiser code named Leopard, engineers and other science types had been slowly picking through the ship they had made more than a few discoveries, one of which was enough to bring several high level Admirals and other types out to the facility where the ship was being dissected.

Silonez had returned from one of those high level meetings with some heavy information, as he prepared his notes he knew that it was only a matter of time before something like this would have been discovered, but this was to heavy to just simply wait for the normal briefing, so Silonez went back to the office, Corine was working away when she saw her department head.

"Sir." Corine said as she tried to jump to attention.

"Don't bother, come join me in the office." Silonez had become more and more informal with his protocols around his own staff, and even more lax in some of his other behaviors lately.

"Whats going on?" Corine tried to act more like a collegue than the events that took place during the intelligence meetings on Starbase 285.

"The genetic samples we collected from the Cornis battle have been verified, Tzenkethi and Catian commonalities, root commonalities." He said with emphasis.

"No kidding, so we were right, the Kzinti are one of these ancient races from early history." Corine said.

"Its interesting, an archaeologist who was at one of the meetings said that there path is clearly an attempt to re claim lost territories from some ancient realm." Silonez paused as he pured a drink "Even with the tide of battle turning slowly, we face a determined enemy who will not rest until the war comes to a grinding halt."

"So whats next on the agenda, back to the front or do we go back to Starbase 285?" Corine asked

"We wait for the Captain first then we go back to the front."


Intelligence Dept


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