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The Foothold - Part 3-A Piece of the Action

Posted on 21 Oct 2011 @ 10:32pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Sergeant Dawn Brianna & Lance Corporal Cyfian Harper

544 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Planet Mercer - Alpha Site

The feeling in the air intensified. It was as if a whole mess of bad was going to happen at transwarp velocities. It was an uneasiness Hyrum didn't like especially with the boys around.

Stone stood there a second and rubbed the stubble that was starting to grow in. "Well, how are his kids doing?"

He shrugged. "As well as can be expected. They've been through quite a lot. I had them taken over to be examined and to get something to eat. Eventually they have to be told what going on."

Stone took a seat next to the map display and looked at the map, then back to Valez. "I think you should prolly place Henderson in one of the enemy combatant holding cells until I can speak with him. I have a couple options here....none of which make me particularly happy and several are unpleasant."

Velez nodded. "Agreed sir. However we have limited manpower...and for the time being we are on our own. I'm not suggesting letting him off by any means. You could log the charges but perhaps delay formal proceeding until we are able to be reinforced or extracted. " He paused slightly, then added with a smirk. "Of course there are always less formal means of disciplinary action...we could replicate a couple a hundred pounds of potatoes."

Stone snickered. "Well there is that yes." Stone stood up and looked at Valez. "Go get your men First Sergeant. I'll worry about Kenderson. He won't be a distraction again."

"Understood." Velez then departed to get his people off the mountain.

After Valez leaves, Jason slaps a Lt. on the back and smiles. "You're driving till I get back." The Lt. nodded, "Rodger that sir."

Walking out of the Hide, stone makes a B line for the holding area. Coming up to the front he finds two Starfleet Security guards. "You two, contact the Sergeant of the guard and inform him to clear the area, and do not return to your posts for 10 minutes. Patrol the interior of the perimeter. Both guards nod and hurry off to grab their supervisor and start their patrol. Stone cracks his knuckles and makes his way into the holding area. Five minutes late, Stone emerges once again, wiping his hands on a rag and walking towards the Hide. On his way he stops one of the volunteers. "Crewman!, get a couple personnel into cell one of the detention area and clean it up will you. The prisoner have moved to other accommodations, but left it in quite a state.

Stone tossed the rag he was wiping his hands off with, into a refuse receptical on his way back into the Hide....the rag wasn't always that color. Sitting down he looked back at the holomap and scratched his cheek. "Now, how to kick this party off."

=^= "Reiger this is Stone, I need you to start pushing out your patrols. I want to know what is out there. Find me something to blow up.....I didn't haul all this demo down here do I have something warm to sit on."

Tossing his gear down on what would be his 'bed' for the time being he tapped his badge, grinning. =^=Roger that.=^= ~FINALLY something to do....~


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