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The Foothold - Part 2

Posted on 21 Oct 2011 @ 10:29pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Sergeant Dawn Brianna & Lance Corporal Cyfian Harper

747 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Planet Mercer - Alpha Site

Jason had lead the way most of the time since they had resumed there climb after the mornings events. They were nearing the second, higher ridge line Jason head the noise of activity. Instinctively he dropped low and signaled the others to stop.

Dawn was breathing pretty hard, the shrapnel in her stomach hurting her worse everytime she moved, but she sucked it up, continuing on with the rest. "What now sir?" she said quickly, as she breathed out.

Cyfian dropped low and clutched his rifle tightly. His eyes darting from side to side keeping aware of his surroundings and any dangers.

They were all hot, dirty, tired, hungry, and thirsty. They were in no condition for a fight and he knew it. Crawling forward he popped his head over the edge and looked down into the valley below.

At first he thought the dusk light was playing tricks on him. Using the scope on his weapon he looked down into the valley again. The magnified view showed a a massive amount of activity. Area's were being carved out of the rock, Marines were moving with a purpose both in and out of camouflaged positions.

His fatigue forgotten he looked back at his fellows with a wide grin. "Looks like the cavalry has arrived!" He waved them forward and stood as he did a Talon class runnabout decloaked as it came into the valley from the west and landed.

Sighing with relief Cyfian stood up and smiled. He had never heard a sweeter sound of the engines of the runnabout, echoing through the valley. Swinging his rifle on his shoulder he turned to Dawn. "How are you holding up Sergeant?"

"I'm doing alright." Dawn replied to him, "Just hurting." she said quickly, then took a few breaths. "Thanks for asking Corporal."

[Alpha Site]

The Zephyr landed and the aft hatch opened and Velez escorted Kenderson and his kids, flanked by two other Marines, to the waiting security detail. "Top, we've setup a secure area for the Masterguns. The Major is waiting for you in his hooch."

"Roger that. Have a Corpsman look over the kids and get them some chow. Where has the Major been setup at?"

The Corporal pointed off to his right to an area the looked like nothing but a section to the rock face. "Right there...on the other side of the holoscreen."

Velez nodded and headed off. Stepping though the blind and into the CP he saw the Major at a large monitor displaying the mountains and the surrounding areas. ~Planning already...he wasn't waiting at all was he.~ He stepped over to the area standing there letting the Major finish what he was doing.

As Stone stood there taking notes on a PADD, he noticed Valez, but before he could say anything, one of the SF Volunteers turned around in his seat. "Major, sensors indicated personnel on the ridge line due west. Eye in the sky confirms 3 individuals in Marine uniforms.

"First Sergeant Valez, welcome back. Glad you could be here for this part...cause it's what I've been waiting for since they dropped this operation in my lap." Stone was grinning widely.

Velez had heard the report and he was grinning in anticipation. Those Marines were his...but the was one missing.

"Crewman, open a coded channel."

=^= "This is Reforger Six to any SFMC elements within the range of this transmission, please respond."

Jason's ears filled with the incoming transmission and he lifted his forearm mounted tricorder and matched encoding frequencies. "Reforger Six...are you a sight for sore eyes. I'd like to make reservation for 3."

=^= "Roger, we'll have your table ready. I was under the impression that the reservations were for 4..."

"Roger that. There was, the Captain is MIA, but thanks to some Romulan children we have an idea to his location..." Jason looked to Brianna still holding he midsection, the climb down that was ahead of them was would still take them hour and there was no telling the if she would be able to make it. "...Refrorger we have wounded. Request extraction."

=^= "I think we can handle that. Proceed to these coordinates...should be about 100 meters or so from your current position. We'll have a hopper out to you shortly."

Stone transmitted the coordinates and turned to Valez. "Hey Top, you wanna go along on this one? The might appreciate a familiar face."

Nodding with a grin, "Yes Sir. What do you want done with Kenderson?"



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