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Ruffled Feathers

Posted on 21 Oct 2011 @ 9:37pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

984 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Ericson's Office
Timeline: Back Post


Lahtika entered the Intelligence office space at a quick pace. She wasn't used to the new Command reds she was wearing. It was very strange for her since she'd always been the girl in gold. She feared that Strategic Operations would be a bit too far out of her very small comfort bubble that included little more than operations, that she wouldn't be able to handle it. She forced those thoughts to the back of her mind.

If she was going to do her new job well, she would have to work alot closer with the Chief Intelligence Officer. Unfortunately, she still held a great deal of animosity toward him from the first time they'd met. She was not a person who forgave easily, and she didn't need a particularly good reason not to like someone either.

She approached the nearest desk, her hips swinging in their usual casual and sensual fashion, the skirt shifting from side to side with her motions. "Hello. Is Commander Ericson in?"

The man behind the desk nodded. "Yes ma'am." He mumbled as her pressed a command. =A= Commander, the Ops Chief is here to see you...and she's wearing red... =A=

Tika arched an eyebrow at the statement, allowing a grin to cross her beautiful face.

Silonez was in less than a jovial mood after a twenty minute conferance, and now to have the second officer in his domain made his rethinking the transfer offer that had come to his attention "What can I do for you?"

Tika walked in through the open door and made her way toward his desk. She stopped in front of it, placing her hands firmly on her curvaceous hips. "I've just been moved to Strategic Operations."

"That will take some of the work load off of me for the time being." Silonez commented.

"Well, it means we'll have to work together..and I was thinking it might be a good idea for me to at least establish that I'll try not to kill you when we're working together." She said with a bit of attitude. It was strange how immature she was at times.

Silonez looked over at a sniper rifle sitting on the work bench, "Just remember that I report to only two people, the captain and Admrial Morgan."

"You report to the person in Command, yes?" She replied. "And if that should be me?"

Silonez laughed, "The words 'need to know' apply to you, your beta two cleared and thats how it shal remain until you take command of your own ship, then about two days before you go to see that ship three people in intel greys' will sit you down in a little room and tell you about a few things that will make you realize why I'm such a jerk when it comes to the flow of information." he paused then resumed "Against my concerns, the captain gave you level three data access, so if you need something its in the daily intelligence updates, if its not, then you don't need to know."

"Against your concerns?" She asked, a bit more agitated.

"The little diplomatic incident a couple of years ago, while it looked good on your service record it made some people cringe at the idea of trusting you with sensitive materials again, or had that slipped your mind." Silonez paused "Your at a spot in your career where cowboy diplomacy will not earn you a command, proof that you can make good decisions and clear judgement will."

Her eyes narrowed. She remembered specifically being of higher seniority than him, having been promoted to their current rank first, so it was interesting that someone who was a little behind had so much advice. She leaned against the desk, not sure what he was even talking about. "Remind me when I've ever participated in...cowboy diplomacy.."

'The assassination attempt on Ambassador Collins during the third treaty Algerion negotiations, you were part of the security detail, when there was an attempt on the Ambassador you ignored proper procedure after the attempt and chased down the assassin instead of making sure that the dignitaries were secure, you chased him down." Silonez continued "your disregard for procedure doesn't sit well with both security and intelligence, the only thing that kept you from being tossed in the brig with the assassin is the fact you shot him."

"That's right, I got my man..." She said with a grin, tightening her hands on her hips. "As I always do. What better decision could there have been besides the one that ultimately results in success on all fronts?"

"And you were reprimanded for failing to insure the ambassador was safe, you ignored procedure, as always." Silonez stood his massive frame towering "you've proven you can not be trusted, and therefore you won't be cleared unless I hear from the captain directly not through you."

It was interesting how she'd come with the intention of defusing the rift in their relationship somehow, but ended up making it bigger. She moved so near to him that if they'd been any closer, they'd be kissing and she looked straight up into his eyes with a challenge and fisteyness she'd seemed to have lost in the last few months of tedious paperwork. She paused for a moment, almost as if she were waiting for him to hit her and then she spoke decisively. "I hate you..."

Silonez looked at the smaller woman, "If you don't like the regulations resign from starfleet."

She nodded, a bitterness on her face that couldn't be ignored. "I can be trusted. I can be trusted not to fail. I always get my job done. Anybody who cares more about procedure then they do results is an idiot." She then turned on her heal and left the room quickly, ensuring she got the last word, something that was very important to her.


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