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Posted on 10 Jan 2012 @ 4:59am by

1,357 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: bridge/deck 5/lounge


After the meeting with Da'nal, Don made his way out towards the door, at that moment hoping that he could get away as fast as possible to get to his stash.

Unfortunatly, the moment Don had walked through the door, he bumped into Sarah who was walking around reading some reports off of a PADD. As the two of them collided, she quickly took hold of Don's arm to steady both of them before turning to see who it was she had just ran into, "Oh, I'm so sorry about that Commander" she said, almost snapping to attention "i should have been watching where I was going"

Don smiled. ~Damn~ "No problem, Lieutenant," he said as he placed his hand over hers on his arm, giving it a slight squeeze. He needed to get a drink, not bumb into people. She was security, so he needed to play it nice. His hand lingered before he took it away. "You okay?" he asked politely.

Sarah shifted her eyes from Don's face to his hand on hers than back again, "Maybe i should be asking you that question. Are you feeling alright Sir?" she asked, standing back a little.

Don dropped his hand from her arm, with a *sorry* mumbled. He had never really paid any close attention to the security chief before, but their sudden proximity made him look twice. At the moment he spent most of his free time with Tika, but they were not in a commited relationship, so he was not tied to anyone. A small smile curled his lips. "I am ok," he lied. "But I could do with a coffee... do you have time?"

"sure, us give me a sec" she said as she quickly sliped into the CO's ready room, put a PADD on the desk than returned to where Don was standing "so where to Sir?" she asked, holding her hand out in the direction of the turbo-lift.

Of course he planned to slip some of his stash of cognac into the coffee. Jake, the bartender would do that for him. "The best coffee is in the lounge, Jake makes a mean coffee... " he suggested, as he walked towards the turbo lift.

Sarah nodded, following Don into the turbo-lift, "deck 5, upper stardrive section" she said as the turbo-lift doors closed. "so, Commander, if i may ask were you a spacer kid?" she asked, turning to face him.

~Pretty...~ he thought as he studied her features. He blinked to answer. "I was born in San Francisco," he shrugged. "My father was a marine, so wherever he was stationed , we tagged along," he said as the turbo lift halted and the doors opened. Spreading his hand to the door, he indicated for her to step out. "You?"

"A simmilar story. My farther was also a marine and my mother was Starfleet so we never stayed in one place for more that a few years" Sarah responded, as they walked along deck 5, "when i turned 18, i joined starfleet, much to the dismay of my farther"

"Did he want you to join the Corps?" he asked as they entered the lounge.

Sarah nodded, "he was dropping hints at every opportunity, like for example we were talking about the avalibiliy of food on some of the boarder planets in the Federation when dad came out and said you'll never have to worry about going hungry with the Marines

As they sat down near the counter, called Jake over, who wiped his hands and walked over to them.

"The usual for me...." Don said, with a glace confirming that Jake would add some of his stash into his coffee, which would not be hot enough to evaporate the alcohol. "And you what would you like?" he asked Sarah, before commenting on her previous statement.

"Kali-fal" Sarah said, looking up at Jake, then back to Don.

Jake smiled at the officer and then discretely retreated to make up their order, adding the XO's requested addition to his luke warm coffee. Even he could see there was a problem developing here. Fortunetely he was not Starfleet and therefore could not end up in trouble, but the man at the table could. However, that was not his problem and he liked Don. If it really started to get out of hand, he would talk to him. For now he simply took the drinks to the table and after placing them in front of the couple, moved back to behind the counter. Usually one of the servers served the tables, but he alway sserved Don himself.

Gratefully Don accepted the cup, which Jake placed near enough him, so that not even a whiff of the alcohol woudl be smelled. He smiled at Jake and then at Sarah in turn. Just the thought of the alcohol relaxed him. The pain would subside almost immediately. "Enjoy," he falshed a charming smile at her as he sipped the dark liquid.

Sarah nodded to Don than looked down at her drink. After a while, she took a deep breath, "Here's to the men and women of the USS Newcastle. I hope your souls found peace" she said takeing a small sip than placeing it back on the table infront of her "I will miss you"

The soothing beverage slid down Don's throat, bringing near immediate relief. He lifted his mug and smiled. "Did you know anyone on the ship?" he asked.

Sarah nodded, "I was good friends with most of the security crew. One in particular" she said, as a smile came to her face. "During a rescue mission, we had to evacuate an Andorian transport, carrying almost 1000 passengers. The crew had to bunk up for almost a week as we took the Andorians home. I was bunked with a flight Lieutenant from eastern Europe, Rose Hathaway. We became close over that week and we even requested to remain in the same quarters after everything went back to normal"

"Always hard to loose someone close to you..." Don said quietly. "A lot of good people died in this war, he added bitterly. "And on this ship.... how is the investigation on the murder going?"

Sarah sighed, "slowly, It's not in my skill set to act like an SCIS agent" she said, taking another sip of her drink.

"What have you got so far?" Don asked.

"Not much, other than the prelimianry i did at the scene which wasn't much help, I've still got to talk with the CMO" Sarah said.

"I wil go see him a bit later," Don said distractedly. He caught himself and smiled to hide the slip. He took a big gulp of his alcoholic beverage. "So tell me somethign interesting about yourself... " he said to change the subject.

"There's not much to tell, Military family and three younger sisters." she said, smiling "Dad used to say he felt more outnumbered at home than on manoeuvres.â€

"I can believe him..."Don said good heartedly. "What do you do when you don't work?" he asked. "You know.. for fun?"

"Umm.....well" Sarah started, brushing her hair behind her ear. "Reading I guess"

Don was a bit surprised at her answer. "Reading?" he repeated. " sports?" he asked.

Sarah shook her head, "not realy, never had much time for sports. I was either studying in the Library or working out in the Gym"

"Ah... ok," Don responded. That was strange for him. He had always tried to do everything. "I love rock climbing, but my passion is dressage," he said. He knew she would probaly not know what it was so he explained. "Is is an equestrian sport, focussing on the art of riding.." he said. Since the war he had not practiced and missed it, but it had to wait.

Sarah nodded, "well, if you're up for it in the morning, how about meeting me on the holodeck for a rock climbing session? I've found it's the best way to get your body moveing of a morning is to do some hard running"


Commander Donovan Killian
USS Achilles

Lieutenant Sarah Morigan-Mackenzie
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Achilles


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