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Family war

Posted on 20 Jan 2012 @ 7:40am by Sergeant Dawn Brianna

328 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!

"Chip get out!" Dawn screamed at her father, who was walking towards her.

"I've told you to call me dad." Chip growled, as he approached her.
Dawn backed up into a corner where she had found out there was a escape cover that lead to a jefferies tube.

Dawn kicked at him, landing it on his chest, "Please leave now!" she said firmly.

"NO!" Chip growled in pain, he returned fire with fire, kneeing Dawn in the stomach, then in the face. "How do you like that, this is what you get for leaving me." he smiled, "You know I'm doing this because I love you right Dawn?" he asked her.

"You don't love me." She growled back, her right leg kicking backwards over her body and into the side of her fathers head. "If you loved me, you would care about me, not beat me till I can't stand anymore."

Chip fought back, punching Dawn over and over, Dawn trying to block the hits, but was unable to, they were too fast and too hard. As her Father kept on hitting her, she fell to a knee, still trying to block everything that was being thrown at her, kicks, punches.

"D-dad please s-stop." Dawn begged, lying on the ground as he started to kick her.

"OH so now you call me dad." He shouted at her as he kicked her one last time, placing it square on her ribs, breaking a couple of them with a crack. Dawn screamed loudly from the pain as she rolled away from her father.

Chip picked her up, throwing her across the room, as she landed on glass jars, the glass shattering and impaling across her back and arms."Say your fraking sorry."

"I-I'm sorry dad." Dawn said weakly, her face, back and arms bleeding.

Chip turned and left her quarters, leaving the door wide open. He was satisfied with what he had just did.



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