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Alone in the dark - part 2

Posted on 29 Oct 2011 @ 11:43pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Lucas Mason

420 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Bridge
Timeline: 913

Da`nal came from his ready room follow by his officers, and he took is place as his sencond officer rose from his chair. "Report."

"Sir, we have detected wreckage just off our flight path, sensore indicate an isolated and fading energy signature."

~Could be nothing...~ "Any life signs?"

Logan rechecked her sensors just to make sure, she didn't want to leave anyone behind because she made a mistake. And her heart sank as her readings were confirmed. "No sir...No life readings of any kind."

"Well then we need not waste our time here. ID the ship an mark the coordinates for later retieval then return us back on our original course." He turned to leave and though he wasn't sure why he asked anyway... "What type of power signature?"

Tika looked down at the Ops station. "Ensign?"

Logan had bothered to isolate the the type and her heart race as she kicked he self for not thinking of that herself. "One moment sir."

To Logan it seemed like an eternity, but to the rest it was only seconds. "It's a...a transporter sir."

Da`nal's curiosity was now peaked and he looked to his XO. "A transporter? How much longer will the power last?

That answer Logan was ready for. "At it current rate of consumption, one hour 17 minutes."


"Limited Captain. 3 hours...maybe."

Da`nal folded his arms as he pulled at his beard, thinking.

"We can go check it out," Don offered, immediately wondering why the hell he had said that. Oh.... yes, of course, it was his job..

"Take a small away team and investigate. You, an engineer, and a security officer."

"Logan you are with me," he said and then tapped his badge. =^= Killian to MacKenzie, join me in transporter room two in three minutes."

Turning away from Don, he stepped down as he heard the lift close and put a hand on Logan's shoulder. "Once they are over their keep a lock on them. Mr. Mason, take us within transposrter range."

"Aye, sir, bringing us to within transporter range." Lucas gently brought the ship to less than 40,000 km of the coordinates. "We are within transporter range," he announced.

Da`nal sat in his command chair as he watched the remains of starships saucer section section drifted on the view screen. As he waited on word from the away team his thoughts drifted back to the murder.


Captain Da`nal

Cmdr Don Killian

Lt Sarah Mackenzie

Ltjg Lucas Mason


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