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Family Matters

Posted on 15 May 2009 @ 12:49am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,189 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: DS5
Timeline: Current - 20:00 Station time

Da`nal moved quickly from Ops to sickbay. When he arrived he saw no sign of the children by saw Akhil at the far end of the room. Moving towards he he stood at the foot of the biobed looking at her as she rested. As he watched a medical officer approached.

Turning at her approach. "How is she?"

"She was attacked. It appears several Romulan agents went after your family. She and Ms. Kelan put up a hell of a fight, or so I heard. They would have had to to take out one of the Romulan assassins. Anyway, she was beamed in with a disruptor wound to her shoulder an a stab wound to her abdomen."

"What was the weapon?" He asked curiously.

"I believe it's called a mevek?"

"Mevak." Da`nal corrected. "It is a weapon used to carryout Mauk-to'Vor, or Klingon ritual suicide."


"To send me a message; and I know who sent that message."

"Did security find and DNA on the weapon?"

"Only that it didn't belong to the dead assassin."

Both of them turned as the door opened and his children ran towards him. Kneeling, he caught them and seized them one in each arm. Still at the door stood Aryen and a security escort.

A small smile tugged at her lips. There was no sign of the wound Ayren had received during the explosion and she had had the children and herself cleaned up in the mean time. She wanted to check in with Akhil and bring the children to see her. They were very upset and seeing her, even if she was resting, would comfort them. Her eyes went from the little family reunion on the floor to the MO. "Doctor," she said greeting her with a friendly nod.

Ayren then looked back at Da'nal. "It is good to see you Commander," she said warmly. "I hadn't expected to see you here yet, but I am relieved," she said thinking that the children really needed his comfort right now....

"It is good to see you as well." It was the truth, she was an Honorable women and had spilt blood in the defense of his if they were her own. But now he had a ship to command and would be leaving the station. If only things had worked out differently. "I thank you...both myself and my House owes you a great debt. You have only to ask..."

As he spoke, Akhil stirred and sat up slightly. "My Lord..."

With the childern in his arms he turned towards her. "Rest, Akhil, rest. You've earned it." turning back to Aryen. "What happened?"

Ayren dismissed his reference to her part and quickly recounted what had happened during the attack. "There were three, one was a woman. She was interested in the children, but she was indeifferent to them.. hired I would say.. she just did a job. Ahkil fought bravely, throwing herself in front of the children... " she said.

"Nonsence, it was Ayren that stood between your children and our attackers after I had fallen." Ahkil, thoughs centered on Ayren herself. Even if she was not a Klingon she had proven herself a most honorable woman, a fit mate for any Klingon. Perhaps.....

Da`nal looked from Ahkil to Aryen as Ahkil finished speaking, his eyes full of thankful pride. "No matter what happened you have both honored me. Ayren," looking to the children in his arms, "I thank you."

Ayren smiled. "I did what anyone would have done..." she said. 'I am just greatful they ran away.." she said and wished she had not said anything. Few betazoids and even less hybrids were trained to create illusions in the minds of enemies. That used to be the planet's main defence system in times past when talented telpaths used that very ability to fool their enemies. It was a dangerous ability and used only in exptreme situations. "How are you doing though?" she asked Da'nal to draw the attention away from herself.

A grin spread over his face. "I've been promoted and given command of the Freedom."

Ayren's eyes widened slightly. 'What? Well congratulations! That is amazing.." She suddenly felt a slight pang, though she was happy for him. Quickly she pushed that to the back of her mind and smiled widely at him. "That will need to be celebrated..." Her face showed another concern though. 'The children... and Akhil... will they go with you," she asked softer. The twins had quickly made there way into her heart and so did Akhil.

Da`nal drew in a breath. He knew how much she enjoyed he time with matter how brief it had been. "Given the situation here I think it would be for the best. At least for now, until the station can be cleared of Romulan agents I need to ensure their safety. However DS5 is to be my home port, so I'm sure eventually they will return."

Ayren wasn't quite prepared for that blow and uninvited tears stung her eyes. She lowered her eyes, cursing hersself for being so stupid. "It is for the best ....I agree," she said bravely. "I will miss them... and Akhil..." she said softly. Even if she had only recently met her, she knew that she had found a friend.

Seeing her reaction and hearing the edgeing her voice, he looked to Ahkil and back to Aryen. "I'm sure it will only be a temporary absence. The sooner Gabriel clears the station the sooner they will return."

"Oh... don't mind me... I apologize... it had just been a rather .. interesting day. Their safety outweighs all other concerns." The headache of the strain of the the stunt she had pulled earlier threatened again, but she pushed it back. "I am certain that you will make an excellent leader. She specifically didn't use the word Captain. Anyone can make Captain in rank, not all can make good leaders.

"You keep honoring me. I'm begining to thing you are trying butter me up; I believe is the expression. "

Ayren chuckled. "I mean it, I can sense your strength and your life experience. Tragedy and challenges could prove to be buiding blocks for leadership and you had experienced both,' she said honestly.

Today was shaping up to be one Excellent day. First getting his command, the discovery that his family was fine (just one more thing he could rub in the Romulan dogs face), and now the constant flattery by an attractive woman. He stood all the taller because of her compliments. And he know just how to thank her, but first he had things to do. "Well I would love to remain and continue to extolled upon. However I have duties to see to. "

"Hey... I was not flattering you...." Ayren said mock surprised. That thought she did pick up on. "But yes of course, go ahead," she said chuckling. "I wouldn't want to inflate your ego too much now..."


Commander Da`nal
CO - USS Freedom

Aryen Kelan
Chief Diplomatic Officer - Deep Space 5


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