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helping the injured

Posted on 15 May 2009 @ 7:52am by

292 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: DS5' infrimary
Timeline: prior to the Freedom's arrival (Back post to the attack)

Cas had been on the station at the time of the attack by the Romulans... She was waiting for the USS Freedom to arrive as she was being posted there as a medical officer....

As soon the red alert was sounded she headed to the station's infirmary to help the medical staff... she was assigned to Med-tech role, which was bring in the injured that could needed to get to sickbay.

Cas was helping an injured engineer who had been pinned by some falling debris Cas being small and slim slipped though the debris and started to treat her wound all the time she was singing Wind Beneath my wings. She was keeping the Ensign calm and focused on living. She knew he needed surgery she contacted the infirmary and told them what she had to help the young Ensign.

She began the surgery to the young lady who was frighten she was not going to make it. Cas had been there through the war as an engineer... She was found in a worst condition but she pulled through so would he. She heard footsteps coming up the corridor she could see some when she notice a another injured Starfleet Officer she dealt with her burns and went back to the Ensign… who was glad she was there at that moment.

Cas looked at the Ensign “What your name and tell me about yourself?†Casiday asked…

“My name is Lauren McKenzie I am a Ensign attached to the engineering section I am fresh out the Academy so this first assignment.â€

After a hour and a half Cas help Ensign McKenzie out she was glad that he ensign was ok. She had heard the USS freedom as enroute back and was nearly… home.


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